- About Library
- Central Library at a Glance
- Salient Features
- Library Services
- Library Resources
- Details of Periodicals
- Advisory Committee
- Library Rules
- Book Review
About Library

The College Library was established in 1985. The mission of the library is “To satisfy all the stakeholders by providing physical and intellectual access to information”. It supports all the academic activities of the College. The library is spread over in 1271 Sq.m. area & is fully developed and completely modern having internet & e-library facility to cater all the requirements of all the undergraduate, postgraduate and research students. The Library area is segregated in various sections like Stack Room, Reference Section, Journals & Periodicals Section, Reading Hall, Internet & Digital Library. Unique collection of Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Textbooks, Journals, e-Journals, Periodicals, Audio visuals, CD'S, B.I. Standards, NPTEL database etc. have enriched the college library. Students are benefited with orientation programs for freshers, Book-Bank scheme for SC/ST students and “Earn & Learn” scheme for needy students. The administration of the library is automated with SLIM-21 Library Management software.
Central Library At A Glance:
Reading Hall capacity | 200 | |
Total Carpet Area in Sq.m. | 1271.58 Sq.Mtr. | |
a) | No. of Titles | 12179 |
b) | No. of Volumes | 36101 |
c) | No. of National Journals | 72 |
d) | No. of International Journals | 02 |
e) | Non-Technical Journals | 04 |
f) | E-Journals Packages | IEEE-ASPP, ASME, J-Gate, IEI, DELNET |
g) | E-Books | EBSCO Engg. & Mgt. |
h) | InstitutionalMemberships (DELNET, NDL, IEI, ARAI, FTA) | 05 |
i) | Yearly Subscription for Print Journals & Periodicals (2023-24) | 1.56 Lakhs |
Yearly Subscription for E-Journals & E-Books (2023-24) | 14.81 Lakhs | |
j) | Cost of Furniture | 54 Lakhs |
Salient Features of the Library

- Pleasant and welcoming atmosphere
- Library area 1271.58 sq. meters
- Reading hall for 100 students
- Total seating capacity 200
- Research carrels for serious study for the Faculty and Students
- Well qualified and enthusiastic staff
- Assets worth Rs.255.70 lakhs
- Orientation Programme for freshers
- Library services are computerized
- Bar code based circulation services Open Access
- User friendly search services through Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
- Special collection for Personality Development and Career Advancement
- Book Bank facility for SC/ST students
- Internet facility
- Digital library
- Multimedia facility
Library services

Library Services:
- Book lending
- Access To Print Journals & Periodicals
- Access to online journals, Periodicals & Database
- Newspaper section
- PDCA & IKS Section
- Reprography
- Internet facility
- Multimedia facility
- Reference Services
- Book-Bank Facility
- Library Orientation
- Reading Hall
- Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
Library Resources:
Library has unique collection of Reference Books, Textbooks, Journals, Periodicals, E-Journal Packages, Audio Visuals, CD’s, DVD’s, B. I. Standards etc.
Institutional Memberships:
- The Institution of Engineers India (IEI)
- Automotive Research Association of India Knowledge Centre (ARAI), Pune
- National Digital Library (NDL)
- National Digital Library Of India Club (NDLI Club)
- Flexographic Technical Association (FTA),USA
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) Link
A) Print Journals/Periodicals
i) Technical National Journals/Periodicals : 72
ii) Technical International Journals/Periodicals : 02
iii) Non-Technical Journals/Periodicals : 04
B) E-Journal Packages
Sr. No. | Name of Database | URL/ Login Details |
1 | J-Gate | https://jgateplus.com |
2 | IEEE-ASPP | http://ieeexplore.ieee.org |
3 | ASME | http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org |
4 | EBSCO Engg & Mgt E-Books Collection | http://search.ebscohost.com |
5 | Institution of Engineers (India) | Login ID : LI1011158 Password: pvgcoet |
6 | DELNET | http://www.delnet.in |
7 | NDL | https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ |
Library Advisory Committee:
For the development of Central Library a 'Library Advisory Committee' has been constituted. It consists of the Principal, Head of all Departments, Technical Expert and Assistant Librarian.Following are the members of Library Advisory Committee:
Sr.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. M. R. Tarambale (Principal) | Chairman |
2 | Dr. M.S. Thakare | Member |
3 | Dr. Mrs. K.J. Kulkarni | Member |
4 | Dr. M.M. Bhoomkar | Member |
5 | Prof. Mrs. M.P. Mahajan | Member |
6 | Dr. S.A. Mahajan | Member |
7 | Prof. Mrs. U.S. Kalshetti | Member |
8 | Dr. Mrs. M.P. Atre | Member |
9 | Prof. Mrs. A.S. Waghmare | Member |
10 | Dr. Mrs. S. R.Temgire | Member |
11 | Prof. M.P. Potdar | Member |
12 | Dr. Mrs. V.A. Joshi | Member |
13 | Prof. O.S. Pawaskar | Member |
14 | Prof. N.R. Sonawane | Member |
15 | Mr. Sushen Sawant | Member |
16 | Dr. Mrs. M.H. Belsare (Prof. In-Charge Library) | Convener |
17 | M. S. Kulkarni ( Assistant Librarian) | Convener |
General Rules:
- Membership Card is compulsory for getting access to the library
- Silence to be maintained
- No discussion permitted inside the library
- Registration should be done to become a library member prior to using the library
- No personal belongings allowed inside the library
- Textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not allowed to be taken inside the stack
- Using Mobile phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library premises
- Enter your name and Sign in the register kept at the entrance counter before entering library
- Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the entrance counter
- The Librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately
- Library borrower cards are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card.
- Refreshment of any kind shall not be taken anywhere in the library premises
Working Hours of the Library
On all working days : 8.00 am to 6.00 pm
Reading Hall timing during exam period : 8.00 a.m. to 8.oo p.m
Attention: All Staff members & Students