Faculty Publications: Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
AY 20223-24
Name of the author | Title of Paper | Journal Title / Conference | Year of publication | ISBN / ISSN number |
Mahesh Potdar | Design and development of a deep learning model for brain abnormality detection using MRI | TAYLOR & FRANCIS -Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering-Imaging and Visualization | Dec. 2023 | 2168-1163 / 2168-1171 |
Mrs. Vaishali U.Gongane | Explainable AI for Reliable Detection of Cyberbullying | 2023 IEEE Pune Section, International Conference, PuneCon | March 2024 | ISBN-979-8-3503-2420-4 ISSN: 2831-5022 |
Mrs. Priya S. Deshpande | Disease detection for Grapes: A Review | Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence ICCI 2022 | July 2023 | 978-981-99-2854-5 |
AY 2022-23
Name of the author | Title of Paper | Journal Title / Conference | ISBN / ISSN number |
Dr Prasanna G Shete |
Smart Document Classification |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering&
Management |
2582-3930 |
Dr. Madhavi Belsare |
Smart cart billing system | International Journal Of Scientific Development
And Research |
2455-2631 |
Prof. Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar | Smart monitoring system for
manhole using IOT |
International Journal of Scientific Development
and Research |
2455-2631 |
Prof. P.S. Deshpande |
Pomegranate Fruit Disease detectionusing
Deep Learnig |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering&
Management |
2582-3930 |
Prof. V. U. Gongane |
Feature Representation Techniques for Hate Speech Detection on Social Media: A
Comparative Study |
2nd International conference on Signal and Information Processing-2022 |
INSPEC Accession Number: 22513587 |
Dr. S.R.Litake |
Secure Deduplication with User-defined Access Control in
Cloud storage |
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology |
2321-9653 |
Mahesh P Potdar |
Automatic Multi- Class Brain Tumor Classification Using Residual Network- 152 Based Deep Convolutional
Neural Network |
International Journal of Pattern recognition and Artificial Intelligence Vol. 37, No. 04,
2356001 (2023) |
(print): 0218-0014 | ISSN (online): 1793- 6381 |
Prof. Dr Madhavi Belsare | Indoor Air Pollution Monitoring System | International Journal for Multidisciplinary
Research |
2582-2160 |
Dr Minakshi Pradeep Atre |
Classification of plucking style and plucking expression of an acoustic guitar notes based on impulse response | International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Physics, Computational Science, Education, and
Communication (ICMSCE 2022), Turkey |
Prof. Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar | Video Summarization
using NLP |
International Journal of Science & Engineering
Development Research |
2455-2631 |
Dr Prasanna Shete |
Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy using Fundus Images and Image Processing
Methods |
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology |
2321-9653 |
Dr. Madhavi Belsare |
Solar Power Monitoring System For Street Light | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and
Management |
2582-3930 |
AY 2021-22
Name of the author | Title of Paper | Journal Title / Conference | ISBN / ISSN number |
Dr P G Shete |
Brain Tumor Classification using
Deep learning |
IJSREM ‘22, VOL 06,
Issue 06, |
2582-3930 |
Prof. Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar |
“Satark”: Landslide
Prediction System over Western Ghats of India |
MDPI- LAND Journal- Open Access Article | Land 2022, 11(5), 689; |
Prof Vaishali Gongane |
Detection and moderation of detrimental content on social media
platforms: current status and future directions |
Social Network Analysis and Mining 12, 129, Springer(2022) |
8695450, 18695469 |
Prof Vinaya Deshmukh |
Frequency reconfigurable patch antenna using slot,slits and defected ground structures:paramet
ric analysis |
Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering | |
Dr Prasanna G Shete |
Steps towards Achieving Gender Equality | European Journal of Humanities and Educational
Advancements (EJHEA) |
2660-5589 |
Prof. S.K. Bavkar |
Automated Hand Dispenser | International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT),
Volume 6, Issue 2, |
(Online) 2581-9429 |
Prof. Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar |
Image Super- Resolution Using an Efficient Sub- Pixel Convolutional
Neural Network |
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
2320-2882 |
Prof Mahesh P Potdar |
Image Super- Resolution Using an Efficient Sub- Pixel Convolutional
Neural Network |
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
2320-2882 |
Dr. Minakshi P Atre |
Image Super- Resolution Using an Efficient Sub- Pixel Convolutional
Neural Network |
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
2320-2882 |
AY 2020-21
Name of the author/s | Title of Paper | Journal Title / Conference | ISBN / ISSN
number |
Implementation of Learner Generated MOOC Through Inter-Institute Faculty – Student
Peer Collaboration |
2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Tunis, Tunisia |
978-1-6654-4434- 7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE |
Dr Madhavi Belsare |
Advanced Manufacturing Information System
(AMIS) |
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts , Volume 8,
Issue 7 July 2020 |
2320-2882 |
Implementation of Learner Generated MOOC Through Inter-Institute Faculty – Student
Peer Collaboration |
2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Tunis, Tunisia |
978-1-6654-4434- 7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE |
Dr Prasanna G Shete | EVALUATION OF
IJSR – 2021
Vol 10 , Issue 01 |
2277-8179, DOI:
10.36106/ijsr |
Prof Vaishali Gongane | Machine learning
approaches for |
2 |
rumor detection on social media platforms: A comprehensive
survey |
8 (ebook) |
Dr P G Shete |
Severity of Wheeze detection using
Hybrid Algorithm |
IJARCT Vol 6, Issue 1. |
(online) 2581-
9429 |
Prof Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar |
Implementation of Learner Generated MOOC Through Inter-Institute Faculty – Student
Peer Collaboration |
2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Tunis, Tunisia |
978-1-6654-4434- 7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE |
Prof V. Y. Deshmukh |
Indoor Airquality Remote Monitoring System |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering (IJAREEIE) |
e-ISSN: 2278 – 8875, p-ISSN: 2320 – 3765 |
Dr. Prasanna G Shete |
Generation of High Frequency Bat Voice for Avoiding Locust Attack in
Field |
International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends |
2395-566X |
AY 2019-20
Name of the author | Title of Paper | Journal Title / Conference | ISBN / ISSN
number |
Madhavi H. Belsare |
Evaluation of the Performance of a Reed Solomon Coded STBC MIMO | International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and
Control, Volume 10 , Issue 2 , 2020 |
(Online): 2210- 3287 |
Prof Litake Shilpa |
Integration of Fuzzy Logic and ABC Algorithm for Optimized Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless
Environment |
International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control |
2210-3287 |
Prof. Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar | Celestial Object Tracker using
Automated |
International Journal of Advanced Science and
Technology |
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST |
Equatorial Mount for
Astrophotography |
Prof Minakshi P Atre |
Comparison of Impulse Response Methods for Guitar
Modeling |
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations |
2251-8843 |
Prof. Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar | Floating garbage detection using
TensorFlow Lite |
International Journal of Research and Analytical
Reviews (IJRAR) |
(E-ISSN 2348-
1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) |
Prof. Madhavi H. Belsare |
BER Performance Evaluation of Turbo Coded MIMO System in Nakagami Channel | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume-8 Issue-12,
October 2019 |
2278-3075 |
Prof Minakshi P. Atre |
Covid-19: Loose Ends |
Springer Nature Series, Singapore, Intelligent Systems and Methods
to Combat Covid-19 |
ISBN 978-981-15- 6572-4 |
Prof Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar |
MITRA: Artificial Intelligence based Interactive
Companion |
TEST Engineering and Management |
0193-4120 |
Prof Litake Shilpa |
SFP-based vertical handover with MIH services for integrated Wi-Fi and WIMAX
networks |
International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, vol. 9, no. 2, 2019, pp. 85-96 |
1744-2850 |
Prof Minakshi P. Atre |
Innovative Synthesizer Model for Acoustic Guitar Notes |
Third International Congress on Information and Communication
Technology |
ISSN Number – 2194-5357 |
Prof Litake Shilpa |
Fuzzification of Context Parameters for Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless
Environment |
International Conference on Computer Networks and Communication Technologies, Springer, Singapore, 2019, pp.
907-921. |
Online ISBN 978-981-10-8681- 6 Print ISBN 978-981-10-8680- 9 |
Prof Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar |
Mitra: Artificial Intelligence-based Interactive Companion | Proceeding Book of International Conference on
Emerging Trends in Engineering and |
ISBN: 978-93- 89107-21-0 |
Technology, ICETET
2020 |
AY 2018-19
Name of the author/s | Title of Paper | Journal Title / Conference | ISBN / ISSN
number |
Dr P G Shete |
Automatic Breast Cancer detection
based on IHC markers” |
WJAHR 2019,Volume: 3.
Issue: 4. Page N. 38-48 |
2457-0400 |
Prof Madhavi H. Belsare |
BER Performance Evaluation of 2X2, 3X3 and 4X4 Uncoded and Coded Space Time Block Coded (STBC) MIMO System Concatenated with
MPSK in Rayleigh Channel |
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Vol 13, Number 1 |
0973-9769 |
Prof Minakshi P Atre |
Generalized modeling of body response of acoustic guitar for all frets using a response
for single fret |
Applied Acoustics, ScienceDirect Journal, Volume 145, Feb 2019 |
0003-682X |
Prof M. H. Belsare |
Performance Analysis of Uncoded and Coded 4XN Space Time Block Coded MIMO System Concatenated with MQAM in Rayleigh
Channel |
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, vol 7, Issue 3 |
2227-524X |
Madhavi Belsare |
Performance Analysis Of Space Time Block Coded MIMO System Concatenated With M- PSK And M-QAM In Different Channels |
IEEE Conference, ‘4thInternational Conference on Computing Communication, Control and
Automation’ (ICCUBEA- 2018) |
ISBN No. 9781538652589 |
Prof Minakshi P Atre |
Estimating Body Response of Acoustic Guitar Notes using
Adaptive Cepstral Domain Windowing |
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 11(31):1-11 |
0974-6846 |
Prof Prasanna G Shete |
Classification and Correlation of Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Markers in Breast Cancer |
International Conference On Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical And
Computing |
978-1-5386- 4304-4 |