Psychologist and Counsellor(Visiting Hours)

Psychologist and Counsellor: Mrs. Resha Abhyanakar Visiting hours: Tuesday: 11.00 am to 1.00 pm Friday: 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm Counselling Room: FE Department

Grievance Redressal Systems by AICTE

AICTE has given guidelines regarding Grievance Redressal Regulations provide for Establishment of a Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) in each technical institution approved by the AICTE; and (2) Appointment of OMBUDSMAN by the affiliating universities...


Pune Vidyarthi Griha Trustee List Vigilance Committee Anti Sexual Harrassment Committee Internal Complaints Committee Women Grievance Cell Committee Women Grivance Cell Policy Examination Committee Grievance Redressal Committee...

F.E.Induction 2019-20

F.E.Induction 2019-20

Anti-Ragging Committee

Anti-Ragging Committee

Anti ragging

For the information on Anti-ragging please visit the website: For Online student and Parent Undertaking visit website: OR Antiragging Policy...

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Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar

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