Department of Printing Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering

B.E. Electrical (2015 PAT)

Course Name: Power System Operation and Control

C401.1 Identify and analyze the dynamics of power system and suggest means to improve stability of system
C401.2 Suggest the appropriate method of reactive power generation and control
C401.3 Selection of appropriate FACTs devices
C401.4 Analyze the generation-load balance in real time operation and its effect on frequency and develop automatic control strategies with mathematical relations.
C401.5 Formulate objective functions for optimization tasks such as unit commitment and economic load dispatch and get solution using computational techniques
C401.6 Evaluate reliability indices of Power system , appreciate ways of power exchange

Course Name: PLC and SCADA Applications

C402.1 Develop block diagram of PLC and explain the working.
C402.2 Classify input and output interfacing devices with PLC.
C402.3 Develop architecture of SCADA and explain the importance of SCADA in critical infrastructure.
C402.4 Execute, debug and test the programs developed for digital and analog operations using PLC and SCADA.
C402.5 Describe various SCADA protocols along with their architecture.
C402.6 Describe various industrial applications using PLC and SCADA.

Course Name: Power Quality

C403B.1 Identify importance of various power quality issues
C403B.2 Carry out power quality monitoring
C403B.3 List and explain various causes and effects of power quality problems
C403B.4 Analyze power quality parameters and carry out power quality analysis
C403B.5 Select cost effective mitigation technique for various power quality problems
C403B.6 Use IEEE 519-2014 power quality standard for harmonic compliance

Course Name: Renewable Energy Systems (2015 course)

C403C.1 Understand concept of solar radiation and concentrating solar power.
C403C.2 Analyze PV system performance and design simple PV systems
C403C.3 Draw stand alone and grid connected of renewable systems and Evaluate economical option
C403C.4 Understand concepts in wind technology and its performance analysis
C403C.5 Identify biomass classification, biomass conversion technologies, biomass gasification, biogas plants, power generation from municipal solid waste.
C403C.6 Differentiate and use various Storage Systems for renewables

Course Name : Restructuring and Deregulation (403144A)

C404A.1 Enlist the functions of various key entities in India and explain the implications of various policies and acts on restructuring and deregulation.
C404A.2 Narrate need of restructuring of power system.
C404A.3 Describe the regulatory process in India along with various methods of regulations.
C404A.4 List the components involved in tariff determination.
C404A.5 Examine and Explain different power sector restructuring models.
C404A.6 State different transmission pricing methods and discuss congestion management

Course Name: Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (403144 D)

C404D.1 Review history, social and environmental importance of Hybrid and Electric vehicles.
C404D.2 Describe the performance and selection of energy storage systems and analyse battery management system.
C404D.3 Propose the architecture and modify the performance of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles.
C404D.4 Distinguish between the performance and architecture of various drive trains.
C404D.5 Describe the different Instrumentation and Control used for electric vehicles.
C404D.6 Differentiate between Vehicle to Home, Vehicle to Vehicle and Vehicle to Grid energy systems concepts.

Course Name: Control Systems – II (403145)

C405.1 Describe Analog to Digital conversion process and signal reconstruction.
C405.2 Obtain Pulse Transfer Function and apply Z transform technique to solve difference equation.
C405.3 Demonstrate stability analysis of closed loop system in z-plane and realize a digital controller by digital programming.
C405.4 Define the terms related to state space and obtain state model in various forms.
C405.5 Diagonalize system matrix and solve state equation by computing STM
C405.6 Determine controllability and observability of the system and design state feedback gain controller and state observer.

Course Name: Switchgear & Protection (403147)

C406.1 Describe arc interruption methods in circuit breakers.
C406.2 Derive expression for restriking voltage & RRRV in circuit breakers.
C406.3 Explain construction & working of different high voltage circuit breakers.
C406.4 Classify & describe construction and working of different types of relays.
C406.5 Describe various protection schemes used for transformer, alternator, Induction motor & busbar.
C406.6 Demonstrate transmission line protection schemes and testing of low voltage switchgears.

Course Name : Power Electronic Controlled Drives

C409.1 Explain motor load dynamics and multi quadrant operation of drives
C409.2 Analyze operation of converter fed and chopper fed DC drives.
C409.3 Describe braking methods of D.C. and induction motor drive.
C409.4 Explain vector control for induction motor drives
C409.5 Describe synchronous motor drive.
C409.6 Identify classes and duty cycles of motor and applications of drives in industries

Course Name: High Voltage Engineering (2015 Course)

C408A.1 Identify, describe and analyze the breakdown theories of solid, liquid and gaseous materials
C408A.2 Describe as well as use different methods of generation of high AC, DC, impulse voltage and current.
C408A.3 Demonstrate and use different methods of measurement of high AC, DC, impulse voltage and current
C408A.4 Identify the occurrence of overvoltage and to provide remedial solutions
C408A.5 Demonstrate an ability to carry out different tests on high voltage  equipment and devices as well as ability to design the high voltage laboratory with all safety measures
C408A.6 Demonstrate an ability to design the high voltage laboratory with all safety measures

Course Name: Smart Grid

C409A.1 Identify the need of Smart Grid and differentiate between Conventional and Smart Grid in India.
C409A.2 Explain the application of Smart grid Technologies like RTU, IED, PMU, PHEV, V2G, G2V and Smart storage.
C409A.3 Discuss the use of Smart metering and advance metering infrastructure
C409A.4 Comprehend the issues, solution and deployment of micro grid.
C409A.5 Identify the Power Quality problems in smart grid.
C409A.6 Discuss the need of communication technology in smart grid.

Course Name: Project

C412.1 Design and develop complete system or subsystem using multidisciplinary skills.
C412.2 Work in team and ensure satisfactory completion of project in all respect.
C412.3 Handle different tools to complete the given task and to acquire specified knowledge in the area of interest.
C412.4 Provide solutions to the current issues faced by the society.
C412.5 Practice moral and ethical values while completing the given task.
C412.6 Communicate effectively findings in the verbal and written form.

T.E. Electrical (2015 PAT)
Course Name: Industrial and Technology Management

C301.1  Differentiate between different types of business organization and discuss the fundamentals of economics and management.
C301.2 Explain the importance of technology management and quality management
C301.3 Enumerate and describe the difference between marketing and financial management.
C301.4 Incorporate the concepts of Human resource management like theories of motivation, industrial relations, job satisfaction, recruitment and selection.
C301.5 Effectively form group and communicate in Group discussions, develop leadership qualities.
C301.6 Explain IPR and document Patent and learn the qualities required to be an entrepreneur

Course Name: Advanced Microcontroller and its applications

C302.1 Explain architecture of PIC18F458 microcontroller, its instructions and the addressing modes.
C302.2 Develop and debug program in assembly language or C language for specific applications
C302.3 Use of an IDE for simulating the functionalities of PIC microcontroller and its use for software and hardware development
C302.4 Interface a microcontroller to various devices.
C302.5 Effectively utilize advance features of microcontroller peripherals.
C302.6 Explore advance features of PIC 18 such as CCP, Interrupts, ADC, DAC, serial port programming

Course Name: Electrical Machines-II   (303142)

C303.1 Explain construction & working of three phase synchronous machines.
C303.2  Estimate regulation of alternator by direct and indirect methods.
C303.3  Demonstrate operation of synchronous motor at constant load and variable excitation  (v curves &٨ curves) & constant excitation and variable load.
C303.4  Explain Speed control methods of three phase induction motor.
C303.5 Plot circle diagram of a c series motor.
C303.6 Obtain equivalent circuit of single phase induction motor by performing no load & blocked rotor test.

Course Name: Power Electronics

C304.1 Understand the static and dynamic characteristics of SCR
C304.2 Differentiate between MOSFET and IGBT based on their characteristics
C304.3 Select proper types of chopper based for a particular application based on operating quadrants(A,B,C,D,E)
C304.4 Understand the working of single phase and three phase half and full controlled AC-DC Converter.
C304.5 Use of TRIAC in AC voltage regulator.
C304.6 Understand the working of Single phase and three phase DC-AC converter.

Course Name: Electrical Installation Maintenance and Testing (2015 course)

C305.1 Classify distribution systems, its types and substations.
C305.2 Design of different earthing systems for residential and industrial premises.
C305.3 Differentiate condition monitoring and maintenance along with its importance.
C305.4 Select methods of condition monitoring and testing of various Electrical Equipment’s.
C305.5 Estimate and Costing of internal wiring of residential, commercial and industrial premises.
C305.6 Describe importance of electrical safety and various statutory regulations.

Course Name: Seminar & Technical Communication

C306.1 Compile literature of  current technologies in the field of Electrical Engineering
C306.2 Demonstrate new technologies and innovations
C306.3 Communicate effectively findings in the verbal form.
C306.4 Communicate effectively findings in the written form.
C306.5 Practice moral and ethical values
C306.6 Apply theoretical knowledge to actual industrial applications and research activity

Course Name: Power Systems II

C307.1 Analyze power flow in power transmission networks and apply power flow results to solve simple planning problems.
C307.2 Solve problems involving modeling, design and performance evaluation of EHVAC power transmission lines
C307.3 Analyze single line diagram, per unit systems and evaluate load flow analysis
C307.4 Calculate currents and voltages in a faulted power system under symmetrical faults, and relate fault currents to circuit breaker ratings.
C307.5 Calculate currents and voltages in a faulted power system under asymmetrical faults
C307.6 Classify HVDC power transmission system

Course Name: Control System-I

C309.1 To  model the given physical system in transfer function form.
C309.2 To analyze the response of second order system for step, ramp as well as parabolic input.
C309.3 To draw and analyze root locus of a given system.
C309.4 To draw and analyze the frequency response of a given system in the form of a Bode plot, Polar plot and Nyquist plot.
C309.5 To  find  stability of a system in time and frequency domain
C309.6 To explain PID controller and design P, PI, PD and PID controller.

Course Name: Utilization of Electrical Energy

C310.1 Define principle of electric heating, welding and its applications.
C310.2 Analyze the electric and control circuit used in A/C and refrigerator process.
C310.3 Define the concepts of illumination.
C310.4 Demonstrate speed-time curve for given traction service.
C310.5 Calculate tractive effort, power, acceleration, energy consumption and velocity of rail vehicles.
C310.6 Analyze and state different electric braking methods along with control of traction motor, train lighting and railway signaling system

Course Name: Design of Electrical Machines

C310.1 Describe constructional features of transformers and its auxiliaries such as tap changers, breather, conservator, pressure release valve etc.
C310.2 Derive Output Equation of 1ϕ and 3ϕ transformer so as to find main dimensions of transformer by estimating resistance and leakage reactance of windings and hence solve problems based on it.
C310.3 Estimate performance parameters of transformer such as No Load Current, Losses, Efficiency, Regulation, Mechanical Forces etc.
C310.4 Derive Output Equation of 3ϕ induction motor by considering SEL and SML.
C310.5 Calculate main dimensions of 3ϕ induction motor and hence solve problems based on it.
C310.6 Estimate performance parameters of 3ϕ induction motor such as Magnetizing current, No Load Current, Losses, Efficiency etc.

Course Name:  Energy Audit and Management

C312.1 Explain BEE Energy policies, Energy ACT.
C312.2 Identify and apply demand side management measures for managing utility systems
C312.3 Carry out preliminary energy audit of various sectors.
C312.4 Use various energy measurement and audit instruments.
C312.5  Enlist conservations methods for electric and thermal utilities
C312.6 Solve problems on Cost benefit analysis

Course Name: Electrical Workshop

C 312.1 Integrate electrical circuits for useful application.
C312.2 Integrate electronic circuits for useful application.
C312.3 Acquire hardware skills to fabricate circuits designed.
C312.4 Read data manuals/data sheets of different items involved in the circuits.
C312.5 Test and debug circuits.
C312.6 Produce the results of the testing in the form of report.

S.E. Electrical (2015 PAT)
Course Name: Power Generation Technologies (203141)

C201.1 Describe the basic fundamentals, working principle, different theories related to power generation with respect to thermal and nuclear power plant.
C201.2 Describe the working of different systems involved in Gas & Diesel power plant.
C201.3 Describe the working of different equipments involved in hydro power plant.
C201.4 Describe the operational, performance peculiarities of renewable energy resources such as wind & solar energy systems
C201.5 Explain the importance of renewable energy resources and their utilization in power generation
C201.6 Explain the importance of other renewable energy resources such as biomass, municipal solid waste, geothermal, tidal, wave & ocean thermal energy system.

Course Name: Material Science (203142)

C203.1 Derive Clausius Mossotti Equation by classifying different types of polarization and hence solve problems based on it.
C203.2 Identify the difference between Insulating and dielectric materials and their use in various electrical applications.
C203.3 Classify magnetic materials by understanding basic definitions of magnetic materials.
C203.4 Describe properties of conducting materials and their applications in the field of electrical engineering.
C203.5 Decide use of a Nano Materials for a specific electrical application by studying their various properties.
C203.6 Test different insulating materials (solid, liquid, gaseous) to check their dielectric strengths as per IS.

Course Name: Analog and Digital Electronics (203143)

C204.1 Perform conversion of number system, perform binary arithmetic and reduce Boolean expressions by K- Map.
C204.2 Demonstrate basics of various types of Flip flops, design registers and counter.
C204.3 Analyze parameter of Op-amp and its applications.
C204.4 Apply the knowledge of Op-amp as wave form generators & filters.
C204.5 Use BJT as amplifier with various configurations.
C204.6 Analyze of uncontrolled rectifier.

Course Name: Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation (203144)

C205.1 Elaborate various characteristics of measuring instruments, their classification and range extension technique.
C205.2 Classify resistance, apply measurement techniques for measurement of resistance, inductance
C205.3 Explain construction and working of  dynamometer type wattmeter for measurement of power
C205.4 Demonstrate use of 1-phase and 3-phase induction and static energy meter
C205.5 Use CRO for measurement of various electrical parameters, importance of transducers, their classification, selection criterion and various applications
C205.6 Measure various physical parameters such as pressure, level, displacement etc. using different transducers.

Course Name: Soft Skills

C206.1 Set their personal Goals and SWOT analysis.
C206.2 Write a formal letter and write proper resume
C206.3 Develop presentation and take part in group discussion.
C206.4 Follow and Implement etiquettes in workplace and in society at large.
C206.5 Work in team with team spirit and develop leadership qualities.
C206.6 Utilize the techniques for time management and stress management

Course Name: Power Systems I (203145)

C207.1 Define and compute various terms related with generating station
C207.2 Identify various categories of consumers and select tariff structure
C207.3 Describe function of electrical equipment’s used in power plant
C207.4 Explain the structure of overhead transmission lines and compute sag
C207.5 Calculate various electrical parameters of overhead transmission lines and underground cables
C207.6 Identify transmission lines and estimate performance indices of it

Course Name: Electrical Machines-I (203146)

C209.1 Identify and selection of the transformers by studying their construction and working principles.
C209.2 Perform the various test and operate the transformer for parallel load sharing.
C209.3 Describe the standard connections of three phase transformer and their suitability for various applications.
C209.4 Compare the different methods of starting for DC and AC machines.
C209.5 Test the various machine for performance calculation
C209.6 Select machine for specific applications.

Course Name: Network Analysis

C210.1 Identify different types of networks and analysis them by using various laws and methods.
C210.2 Solve different networks by applying various theorems such as Superposition, Thevenin’s, Norton, Reciprocity, Maximum power transfer, Millman’s theorems etc.
C210.3 Solve differential equations of electric network using Laplace transform method and classical method.
C210.4 Evaluate Laplace transforms of various series and parallel circuits.
C210.5 Convert various parameters from one system to another such as Z, Y, H and transmission parameters of two port network.
C210.6 Calculate network functions and understand restrictions on poles and zeros locations for transfer functions.

Course Name: Numerical Methods and Computer Programming (203148)

C211.1 Identify the mathematical problem and demonstrate the concept of solution of the same.
C211.2 Demonstrate types of errors in computation, their causes of occurrence and remedies to minimize them.
C211.3 Compare and apply various numerical methods for obtaining roots of transcendental equations and for solution of system of linear simultaneous equation.
C211.4 Compare and apply various numerical methods of interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation.
C211.5 Apply various numerical methods for obtaining solution of first and second order ordinary differential equations.
C211.6 Develop algorithms for various numerical methods and develop computer programs using ‘C’ programming language.

Course Name: Fundamentals of Microcontroller and Applications

C212.1 Describe the architecture and features of various types of microcontroller.
C212.2 Demonstrate programming proficiency using the various addressing modes and all types of instructions of the target microcontroller.
C212.3 Program using the capabilities of the stack, the program counter the internal and external memory, timer and interrupts and show how these are used to execute a programme.
C212.4 Write various assembly language programs such as data transfer, arithmetic & logical on training boards and execute.
C212.5 Interface various external I/O devices to microcontroller.
C212.6 Write assembly language programs for real-world control problems such as fluid level control, temperature control, and batch processes.

Department of E & TC Engineering

Department of Computer Engineering

Department of Information Technology Engineering

Department of First Year Engineering