Head of DepartmentAbout DepartmenttFacultyFaculty ActivitiesFaculty PublicationsMajor Equipments and SoftwaresStudents AchievementsStudent’s AssociationProjectsGuest Lectures InternshipTechnical Event By DepartmentReviewer/JudgesResult AnalysisAlumniDepartment LibraryCollaboration and MoUPlacementIndian Knowledge SystemNEP InitiativeResearch and Development

Head of Department

Head of Department

Head of the Department
Dr Prasanna G Shete (View Profile)

About Department

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

The department of Electronics and Telecommunication engineering was established in the year 1991 with undergraduate courses. It has qualified, experienced and dedicated teaching staff. The department emphasizes effective teaching learning processes with an excellent teaching learning environment. There are a total 22 Teaching Staff and 5 non-teaching staff. The Department emphasizes an active and blended project/problem-based learning approach for effective outcome-based education with an excellent teaching learning environment. It has 9 well equipped laboratories, with hardware, software and internet facilities. It has a Smart Class-room, a niche facility as the platform for Digital Teaching and Learning. and a separate library. The department is actively involved and contributed to many interdisciplinary platforms like Virtual Labs, ED Cell, Internship and T&P Cell, Robotics Club, GATE training facility and Institute’s Innovation Cell (IIC), Spoken Tutorials. The Department promotes cultural and sports activities through the remarkable and outstanding students’ association, TESA, for the profound development of its students. It has a strong network of distinguished and successful alumni contributing and sharing their knowledge for its continual progress. The department of E&TC has strong placement records and the alumni of the department are working in many prestigious companies like Google, Microsoft, Intel Corporation, Infosys, TCS, Wipro, IBM, KPIT, Persistent Systems, Siemens, Fanuc, RAJA software, Mitsubishi and many more. Besides, the department runs Study Work Go Japan: An International Recruitment Program for placements in Japanese companies and successfully placed many students. Many of the students of the department successfully got admitted to higher studies in IITs and prestigious universities in USA, Australia, Germany, Canada etc.

Sanctioned Intake and Year of Sanction:

Course Sanctioned Intake Year of Sanction Remarks
UG 60 1991 Permanently affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University. Accredited twice by N.B.A. 
90 2008
120 2009



  • To achieve Academic Excellence in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and Technology


  • To impart quality education in Electronics and Telecommunication engineering and technology to satisfy all the stakeholders
  • To facilitate techno-social and economic growth
  • To develop active learners and competitive engineers for sustainable technical growth through lifelong learning and ICT based education
  • To provide skill and value-based education to address societal issues

Program Educational Objectives

  • PEO1:To provide engineering solutions by applying domain knowledge
  • PEO2:To instill professionalism and ethical values among engineers towards cultured and developed society
  • PEO3:To develop interpersonal skills to meet the aspirations of the stakeholders

Program Specific Outcomes

  • PSO1:Demonstrate reasonable amount of proficiency to understand the engineering problems to design and develop the electronic and communication systems through collaborative efforts
  • PSO2:Utilize modern simulation and hardware tools to analyse the performance of electronic and communication systems

Program Outcomes

  • Engineering knowledge:Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an Engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis:Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • Design / development of solutions:Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigations of complex problems:Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern tool usage:Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The engineer and society:Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • Environment and sustainability:Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and team work:Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication:Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project management and finance:Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life-long learning:Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.





Sr.No Name of Faculty Designation Qualification Total Experience(in Yrs)
1 Prof. R. G. Kaduskar Associate Professor & Director PVG’s COET and GKPIM BE (E&TC) ME (Electronics) (Digital System) 35 Yrs
2 Dr. P. G. Shete Head of Department Ph.D.  E&TC
M.Tech Electronics BE E&TC
32 Yrs
3 Prof. H. P. Kekade Associate Professor BE (E&TC) ME (Electronics) (Computer) 32 Yrs
4 Dr. K. J. Kulkarni Associate Professor Ph.D.  E&TC,
30 Yrs
5 Dr. Y. B. Thakare Assistant Professor Ph.D. Electronics
24 Yrs
6 Dr. M. H. Belsare Assistant Professor Ph.D.  E&TC
27 Yrs
7 Prof. T. S. Khatavkar Assistant Professor M.E. Electronics, M.B.A. HR BE E&TC 32 Yrs
8 Prof. M. P. Potadar Assistant Professor Ph.D. Instru. (Pursuing)
M. Tech. Instru. & Control
B.E. Instru.
24 Yrs
9 Prof. V. V. Sovani Assistant Professor M. Tech Electronics,
23 Yrs
10 Prof. P. S. Deshpande Assistant Professor Ph.D. E&TC Pursuing,
16 Yrs
11 Prof. S. K. Bavkar Assistant Professor M.E. E&TC, BE Electronics 14 Yrs
12 Prof. V. U. Gongane Assistant Professor Ph.D. E&TC(Pursuing)
M.E. Electronics BE Electronics
14 Yrs
13 Prof. N. D. Chaudhari Assistant Professor Ph.D. E&TC (Pursuing),
M.E. Electronics, BE E&TC
16 Yrs
14 Dr. S. R. Litake Assistant Professor Ph.D. E&TC
18 Yrs
15 Prof.A.S.Najan Assistant Professor Ph.D. E&TC (Pursuing),
M.E. Electronics BE E&TC
12 Yrs
16 Prof. R. K. Patil Assistant Professor M. Tech E&TC BE E&TC 12 Yrs
17 Prof.D.T.Varpe Assistant professor M.E. Electronics BE E&TC 13 Yrs
18 Prof. N. D. Kuchekar Assistant Professor M.E. Electronics BE E&TC 12 Yrs
19 Prof. G. A. Kulkarni Assistant Professor M. Tech Electronics BE E&TC 2 Yrs
20 Prof.U.A.Walke Assistant Professor M. Tech Electronics BE E&TC 13 Yrs
21 Prof.Komal Wanzare Assistant Professor ME (E&TC) Signal Processing BE (E&TC) 5 Yrs
22 Prof.Swapna Yogi Assistant Professor ME(VLSI/EMBEDED SYSTEM) BE(Electronics) 13 Yrs

Faculty Activities


Sr.No. Title of the Professional Development Program Name of Teaching staff Total Number of teachers who attended Duration

From -To

Academic Year: 2023-2024
1 3-day online workshop titled “Role of Engineering Mathematics in NEP” organized by Department of Mathematics COEP Technological University, Pune. Prof. T.S. Khatavkar   3-08-2023 to 5-08-2023
2. One week workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Embedded Systems using STMicroelectronics AI Ecosystem organized by Dept of E&TC PVG’s COET and GKPIM Pune and Digitod Technologies Bangalore Prof. V. U. Gongane   08-08-2023 to 12-08-2023
3. “A Two-Day FDP on “Implementation of IKS for NEP 2020” in association with COEP Technological University, Pune in Online Mode Prof. V. V. Sovani   08.082013 to 09.08.2023
4. One day workshop on Hands-on Animation Training arranged by Online/Distance Learning Cell of PVG’s COET & GKPIOM, Pune in association with PVG’s College of Science and Commerce Prof. V. U. Gongane   26-07-2023
5 One day workshop on “Workshop on Mendeley” organized by PVG’sCOET& GKPIM, Pune Prof. V. U. Gongane   18-08-2023
Academic Year: 2022-2023
1 3 Day Faculty orientation program under the aegis of Electronics and Telecommunication engg Board of studies of” BE Elective: Android Development” by BVCOEW, Pune


Prof. V. V. Sovani   30.01. 2023 to 01.02.2023
2 Three Days AICTE- UHV (Universal Human Values) program organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIOM. Prof.T.S. Khatavkar   3-04-2023 to 5-04-2023
3 Faculty Orientation Workshop on BE(E&TC) revised syllabus (2019C) Subject: Innovation & Entrepreneurship, under the aegis of Board of Studies (E&TC), Savitribai Phule Pune University, organized by, Dept. of E&TC Engineering, Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune Prof.T.S .Khatavkar   30-01-2023 to 31-01-2023
3 Two Days National Workshop for Faculties on “National Education Policy-2020 and Industry-Institute Linkage NEPIIL -2023 at TSSM’s BSCOER, Pune. Prof T S Khatavkar    


4 Mendley Reference Manager: An effective Way to Organized Research organized by Dept of E&TC PVG’s COET and GKPIM Pune Dr. Y. B. Thakare   18-08-2023




 5 Days online FDP on the Theme “inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)


Prof. V. V. Sovani   09.01. 2023 to 13.01. 2023
6 Three days Faculty Orientation Workshop on BE (E&TC) revised syllabus 2019 course was conducted by Prof T S Khatavkar of department of E & TC under the aegis of BoS (E & TC), SPPU, Pune for the subject “Fiber Optic Communication”. Prof T S Khatavkar 02 30-01-2023 to 1-02-2023
7 NPTEL NOC 4 Weeks FDP Workshop on Patent Drafting for Beginners, IIT Madras Prof T S Khatavkar 01 23-01-2023 to 17-02-2023
8 Three –days Faculty Orientation Workshop under the aegis of Board of Studies (E & TC) – SPPU on revised syllabus 2019 for the subject “Radiation & Microwave Theory” Prof T S Khatavkar 01 14-07-2022 to 16-02-2023
9 FDP On Embedded & RTOS revised syllabus Prof.S. K. Bavkar   14/7/22  to 16/7/22
10 One week workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Embedded Systems using STMicroelectronics AI Ecosystem organized by Dept of E&TC PVG’s COET and GKPIM Pune and Digitod Technologies Bangalore Dr. Y. B. Thakare   08-08-2023 to 12-08-2023
11 Three-day Faculty Orientation Workshop on BE E&TC revised syllabus (2019 C) under the aegis of Board of Studies (E&TC/ Electronics) Savitribai Phule Pune University, organized by Department of E&TC Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune 41 for “VLSI Design and Technology” subject. Prof. V. U. Gongane   14-07-2022 to 16-07-2022
12 3 Day Faculty orientation program under the aegis of Electronics and Telecommunication engg Board of studies of” BE Elective: JavaScript.


Prof. V. V. Sovani   2022
13 Workshop on National Education policy 2020: Industry and Institute linkage Prof. R K patil   10-02-2023 to  11-02-2023
14 Three Days AICTE- UHV (Universal Human Values) program organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIOM. Dr. M. H. Belsare   3-04-2023 to 5-04-2023
15 FDP On Embedded System Design revised syllabus Prof.S. K. Bavkar   30th Jan to 1st Feb 2023
Academic Year: 2021-2022
1 AICTE – Three Days Workshop on Examination Reforms”, in online mode conducted by AICTE Prof T S Khatavkar 01 10-01-2022 to 12-01-2022
2 Three Days Workshop on GIS for River Mapping” under the faculty category, organized by the GISE Hub at IIT Bombay, funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.


Prof T S Khatavkar 01 26-05-2022 to 28-05-2022
3 PDH-Professional Development Hours – “Next-gen OTN architectures” by LIGHTWAVE Prof T S Khatavkar 01 17-05-2022
4 Professional Development Hours (PDH) Passed the certification exam on “Tips for testing and troubleshooting today’s DWDM networks” Prof T S Khatavkar 01 24-02-2022
5 NRB-DRDO sponsored Three-day Workshop on “Recent Trends in Underwater Communications” organized by Shri Vishnu College for Women, Andhra Pradesh Prof T S Khatavkar 01 25-11-2021 to 27-11-2021
6 Three Days online Faculty Development Program on “Git”, organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIOM, in association with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay Prof T S Khatavkar 01 22-11-2021 to 24-11-2021
7 Professional Development Hours-PDH on “From 400G to 800G: Encoded FEC, the key enabler for next-gen transceivers” organized by LIGHTWAVE Prof T S Khatavkar 01 3-11-2021
8 Five Days National Level FDP on “Trends and Innovations in Healthcare” organized by VIIT, Pune in association with IEEE, Instrument & Measurement Society Pune Society. Prof T S Khatavkar 01 25-10-2021 to 29-10-2021
9 One Week AICTEATAL FDP on “High Speed Optical Links and Photonic Devices for Next Generation Data Transmission Prof T S Khatavkar 01 11-10-2021 to 15-10-2021
10 One Week AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Life Skills for Self-Discovery, Competency & Productivity” at Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University. Prof T S Khatavkar 01 09-08-2021 to 13-08-2021
11 One Week AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Framework for Online Assessment” at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research. Prof T S Khatavkar 01 12-07-2021 to 16-07-2021
12 Professional Development Hours-PDH) on “Data Centre Fiber Connectors for 400G and Above” organized by LIGHTWAVE Prof T S Khatavkar 01  7-07-2021
13 Professional Development Hours-PDH) on “Shaping the Networks of Tomorrow, with Advanced Fibers Today” organized by LIGHTWAVE Prof T S Khatavkar 01 30-06- 2021


14 Workshop for Faculty on “Healthcare Innovations during COVID Outbreak” organized at PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing Prof T S Khatavkar 01 25-06-2021 to 26-06-2021


15 One Week Faculty Development Program on “Interactive Teaching Learning Strategies With Affective & Cognitive Approach (ITLS)” organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIM Prof T S Khatavkar   21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021


16 One Week Short Term Training Programme (STTP) through ICT mode on “Course on Ancient Engineering, Science and Technology” organized by (National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTR) Kolkata (Established by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) Prof T S Khatavkar 01 21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021


17 One Week Short Term Training Programme (STTP) through ICT mode on “Skill Assessment in Laboratory and Workshop Classes” organized by (National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTR) Kolkata (Established by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) Prof T S Khatavkar 01 7-06-2021 to 11-06-2021
18 One Week Faculty Development Program on “Interactive Teaching Learning Strategies with Affective & Cognitive Approach (ITLS)” organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIM Dr. Y. B. Thakare   21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021


19 One Day webinar on RF Over Fiber organized by IEEE Pune Section Communication Society in association with AISSMS Institute of Information Technology Pune Dr. Y. B. Thakare   17-07-2021
20 Role of Education in Holistic Development Development organized by PVG’s COET and GKP(W)IM Pune Dr. Y. B. Thakare   29-06-2021
21 Faculty orientation Workshop on TE (E&TC) revised syllabus (2019 Course) of the subject Power Devices and Circuits under the aegis of BoS E&TC/Elex, SPPU Pune organized by Dept of E&TC, MMCOE Pune Dr. Y. B. Thakare  


22 Faculty orientation programme on TE E&TC revised syllabus (2019 Course) of the course Skill Development under the aegis of BoS E&TC/Elex, SPPU Pune organized by Nutan Maharashtra Institute of Engg and Technology Pune Dr. Y. B. Thakare  


23 AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Machine Learning & Deep learning using Python” at Pune Institute of Computer Technology. Prof. V. U. Gongane 01 4-1-2022 to 8-1-2022
24 FDP on TE E&TC revised syllabus (2019 C) for Skill Development under the aegis of Board of Studies (E&TC/ Electronics) Savitribai Phule Pune University, organized by Department of E&TC Engineering, Nutan Maharashtra Institute of Engineering & Technology, Talegaon Pune Prof.  V. U. Gongane   30-7-2021 to 31-7-2021
25 FDP on TE E&TC revised syllabus (2019 C) for “Embedded Processors” under the aegis of Board of Studies (E&TC/ Electronics) Savitribai Phule Pune University, organized by Department of E&TC Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune 41 Prof.  V. U. Gongane   31-1-2022 to 2-2-2022
26 NVIDIA Certificate on “Fundamentals of Deep Learning” by NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Prof. V. U. Gongane   7-7-2021
27 NVIDIA Certificate on “Building Transformer Based Natural Language Processing Applications” by NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Prof. V. U. Gongane   7-8-2021
28 Three Days online Faculty Development Program on “Git”, organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIOM, in association with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay Prof V U Gongane 01 22-11-2021 to 24-11-2021
29 One Week Faculty Development Program on “Interactive Teaching Learning Strategies With Affective & Cognitive Approach (ITLS)” organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIM Prof V U Gongane   21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021


30 Faculty Orientation Workshop on TE(E&TC) revised syllabus Cellular Networks (2019 Course) under the aegis of Board of Studies (E&TC), Savitribai Phule Pune University, organized by, Dept. of E&TC Engineering, AIT, Pune Dr. M. H. Belsare   27/01/22 to 29/01/22
31 Faculty Orientation Workshop on TE(E&TC) revised syllabus Digital Coomunication (2019 Course) under the aegis of Board of Studies (E&TC), Savitribai Phule Pune University, organized by, Dept. of E&TC Engineering, AIT, Pune Dr. M. H. Belsare   22/7/2021 to 24/07/2021
32 Faculty Development Program on “Interactive Teaching Learning Strategies with Affective & Cognitive Approach (ITLS)” Dr. M. H. Belsare   21st June to 25th June 2021
33 contribution in the syllabus designing/framing of the subject Power Devices & Converters as a Team Member at TE (E&TC) Syllabus Revision 2019 Course, BoS SPPU Prof.S. K. Bavkar   27/01/2022
  ICGEWE 2022 Staff Coordinator Prof. S. K. Bavkar   8th & 9th March 2022
34 Resource Person for the ‘Virtual Labs Outreach Workshop’ for the faculty of Polytechnic Colleges organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIOM Pune Regional Centre-RCID-01 in coordination with VLabs-IIT Bombay Prof. S. K. Bavkar    24th September 2021.
35 FDP from on Git Prof. S. K. Bavkar   2021-11-22 to 2021-11-24
36 FDP on “Interactive Teaching Learning Strategies with Affective & Cognitive Approach (ITLS)” Prof. S. K. Bavkar    21st to 25th June 2021.
37 FDP On Microcontroller revised syllabus Prof. S. K. Bavkar   22/07/2021 to 24/07/2021
38 webinar “Digital Resources Essential Prof. S. K. Bavkar   1 June 2021
39 FDP on Power Devices & Circuits revised syllabus Prof.S. K. Bavkar   27/01/2022 to 29/01/2022
Academic Year: 2020-2021
1 Three-week online course on “Sustainable Farming-Principles and Practices” offered as UNESCO initiative towards open education for Better World Prof. T S Khatavkar 01 18-05-2020 to 7-06-2020


2 Five Days Distinguished Alumni Talk series organized by Dept. Of E & TC, PVGsCOET Prof.  T S Khatavkar   20-07-2020 to 25-07-2020


3 Remote Sensing & GIS Technology and Applications for University Teachers & Government Officials” which was conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO Dehradun Prof T S Khatavkar 01 13-06-2020 to 01-07-2020
4 Three Days National Level Online FDP on OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, PVG’s College of Engineering and Technology, Pune-09 in association with INPODS India Pvt. Ltd. Prof T S Khatavkar   6-10-2020 to 8-10-2020
5 AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Sensors Technology” at Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology Prof T S Khatavkar 01 21-09-2020 to 25-09-20220


6 AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Flexible and Wearable Antennas: Recent Advancements, Fabrication Techniques and Applications ” at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research. Prof T S Khatavkar 01 12-10-2020 to 16-10-2020
7 Five Days Distinguished Alumni Talk series organized by Dept.of E & TC, PVGsCOET Dr. Y. B. Thakare   20-07-2020 to 25-07-2020


8 Three Days National Level Online FDP on OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, PVG’s College of Engineering and Technology, Pune-09 in association with INPODS India Pvt. Ltd., Dr. Y. B. Thakare   6-10-2020 to 8-10-2020



9 One week FDP on Problem based Learning organized by Dept of E&TC, JSPM RSCOE, Pune Dr. Y. B. Thakare   01-06-2020 to 05-06-2020
10 Two-week workshop on “Remote Sensing & GIS Technology and Applications for University Teachers & Government Officials” which was conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO Dehradun Prof V U Gongane 01 13-06-2020 to 01-07-2020
11 Faculty orientation workshop on SE E&TC revised syllabus (2019 Course) on subject Electronic Circuits under the aegis of BoS E&TC SPPU Pune organized by Dept of E&TC Imperial COER, Pune     22-06-2020 to 26-06-2020
12 IIC online Sessions by IIC of MHRD’s Innovation Cell New DElhi to pramote Innovation IPR Entrepreneurship and STartups Dr Y B Thakare   28-04-2020 to 22-05-2020
13 FDP on Outcome based education organized by IQAC PVG’s COET Pune in association with INPODS India Pvt Ltd Dr. Y. B. Thakare   06-10-2020 to 08-10-2020
14 One week online workshop on Universal Human Value in Technical Education Dr. Y. B. Thakare   28-09-2020 to 02-10-2020
15 Two Week FDP on Innovations and Entrepreneurship Development Cell (IEDC) organized by Sandip Institute of Technology and research Centre Nashik Dr. Y. B. Thakare   15-03-2021 to 27-03-2021
16 ATAL FDP on Electric Vehicles organized by Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science Dr. Y. B. Thakare   02-11-2020 to 06-11-2020
17 ATAL FDP on IoT organized by SGGS COE Shegaon


Dr. Y. B. Thakare   05-10-2020 to 09-10-2020
18 Innovative Teaching Learning Methods – FDP   Dr P G shete   10-12 May

20 – 21

19 One day workshop on The Bodhi Tree and SAFE Tools for Effective Online Teaching organized by the Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay, funded by the Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, Govt. of India Prof. V. U. Gongane   21-06-2020
20 AICTE Sponsored One- Week Online Short-Term Training Program on ‘Advances in Biomedical Signal Processing with Hands-on‘, organized by Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women (An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University ), Karvenagar, Pune – 411052. Prof. V. U. Gongane   7th September to 12th September 2020
21 AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Data Sciences” at Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology. Prof. V. U. Gongane   1-2-2021 to 5-2-2021
22 AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on Mathematical Foundations of Data Sciences and its Applications at GLOBAL ACADEMY OF TECHNOLOGY. Prof. V. U. Gongane   19-1-2021 to 23-01-2021
23 FDP on Outcome Based Education Dr. M. H. Belsare   6th October 2020 to 8th october 2020
24 FDP on Recent Advances in Biomedical Applications and Communication Networks – 2020 organized by Department of ECE, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, AP,India Dr. M. H. Belsare   13th July to 18th July 2020
25 FDP on ‘Internet of Things’ organized by National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal Dr. M. H. Belsare   16th July to 18th July 2020.
26 one week of online AICTE Sponsored STTP  on  “Energy Efficient Techniques for 5G Wireless Communications”, organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Under LabVIEW academy Dr. M. H. Belsare   17th August to 22nd August 2020.


27 Webinar on “Assesment of Pre-Final Year Engineering Students” Prof. S. K. Bavkar   13th June 2020
28 FOW on revised syllabus on 2019 course Digital Circuits Prof. S. K. Bavkar   22/06/2020 to 26/06/2020.
29 Webinar on Cyber Security Prof. S. K. Bavkar   2nd June 2020
30 Resourse person in FOW on revised syllabus on 2019 course Digital Circuits Prof. S. K. Bavkar   22/06/2020 to 26/06/2020.
31 Workshop on ‘PSIM Software and its Applications in Power Electronics’ Prof. S. K. Bavkar   22nd May 2021
32 Webinar on Saptarishi Prof. S. K. Bavkar   30th June 2020
33 Distinguished Alumni Talk Series Role of Electronics in Automotive sector Prof. S. K. Bavkar   20th July to 25th July 2020
34 Advances In Biomedical and Image Processing – TEQIP – STTP Dr P G Shete   8-12 Mar 2021
35 Design and Fabrication of VLSI circuits


Dr P G Shete   1-5 Mar 20 – 21
36 Advances in Biomedical Signal Processing with hands-On – AICTE Dr P G Shete   02-07 Nov 20 – 21
37 SI UHV Online – AICTE Initiative Dr P G Shete   21 to 25 June 2021
38 Inculcating UHV in Technical Education (Engineering) – AICTE   30 Nov to 4th Dec 2020
Academic Year: 2019-2020
1 Two Days Certified Webinar series for Faculties on Research Paper Writing and IPR organized by RIT, IEEE (B) & IETE Prof T S Khatavkar 01 18-05-2020 to 19-05-2020
2 One week FDP on Promoting Quality Culture in technical institutions Prof T S Khatavkar 01 25-05-2020 to 29-05-2020
  FDP on Scilab organized by Dept of E &TC, PVG’s COET. Prof. V. V. Sovani   18.052020 to 22.05.2020.
3 Professional development webinar on “LIGHTWAVE OFC 2020 Wrap-up” Prof T S Khatavkar 01 18-03-2020


4 AICTE Approved FDP of 16 weeks (Swayam online training)- ARPIT (Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT)) on the subject Skills For New Educational Architecture. Prof T S Khatavkar 01 1-09-2019 to 15-01-2020
5 FDP on Linux by Dept of E &TC, PVG’s COET Prof. V. V. Sovani   25.05.2020 to 29.05.2020







National Bootathon at Rajkiya Engineering College, Banda, Uttar Pradesh, coordinated by IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur and funded by TEQIP-III & supported by IEEE & STARTUP UP. Prof T S Khatavkar 01 2-11-2019 to 10-11-2019



‘Mentor On-line Training for Faculties’ conducted by IIT Bombay-Vlabs team Prof T S Khatavkar 01 19-09-2019 to 29-09-2019






Webinar on Deep Vision for Autonomous self-driving cars organized by university college for Women, Koti Dr. Y. B. Thakare   16-05-2020


Webinar on roles of IOT on Industrial Applications organized by SETHU Institute of Technology Dr. Y. B. Thakare   21-05-2020
9 One week Faculty Development  Program on Scilab organized by Dept of E&TC PVG’s COET Pune Dr. Y. B. Thakare   18-05-2020 to 22-05-2020
10 Webinar on IoT and Enabling Technologies: An Overview organized by  Dept of E&TC PVG’s COET Pune in association with copper cloud IOTech Dr. Y. B. Thakare   26-05-2020


11 Webinar series on Modern Antennas for Wireless Systems organized by Dept of Electronics , Shri Ramdeobaba COEM, Nagpur Dr Y B Thakare   22-05-2020
12 Webinar on advanced Digital Content Creation Tools and Techniques for Education organized by Dept of E&TC, AISSMS COE, Pune  and ioCare Pune Dr Y B Thakare   31-05-2020
13 One week STTP on Nanotechnology, Science and Applications     26-10-2020 to 31-10-2020
14 One week Faculty Development  Program on Scilab organized by Dept of E&TC PVG’s COET Pune Prof. V. U. Gongane   18-05-2020 to 22-05-2020
15 Webinar on IoT and Enabling Technologies: An Overview organized by  Dept of E&TC PVG’s COET Pune in association with copper cloud IOTech Prof. V. U. Gongane   26-05-2020


16 Coursera Certificate on Hardware Description Languages for FPGA Design Prof. V. U. Gongane   6-4-2020
17 12 weeks NPTEL (MHRD) Online Certification on Deep Learning Prof. V. U. Gongane   1-1-2020 to 30-4-2020
18 12 weeks NPTEL (MHRD) Online Certification on Analog Electronic Circuit Elite performance Prof. V. U. Gongane   1-7-2019 to 30-10-2019
19 Two day workshop on “Technical Paper Writing: Plagiarism and H-Index” organized by AISSMSIOIT, Pune Prof. V. U. Gongane   25-02-2020 to 26-20-2020
20 One day workshop on “Research Opportunities with ARMREB” sponsored by DRDO and organized by VIT, Pune Prof. V. U. Gongane   6-03-2020
21 FDP on “Promoting Quality Culture in Technical Institutions” from 25th may to 29th May 2020, Organized under PARAMARSH scheme by IQAC Cell of AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune Dr. M. H. Belsare   25-05-2020 to 29-05-2020
22 Online Faculty Development Program on “Linux” Dr. M. H. Belsare   25-05-2020 to 29-05- 2020
23 One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Scilab” Dr. M. H. Belsare   18-05-2020 to 22-05-2020
24 Webinar on “IOT” by CopperCloudIoTech & Dept of Electronics and Telecomm, PVG’s COET, Pune Prof. S. K. Bavkar   26-05-2020
25 Webinar on “Machine Vision and Its Application” by Pantech Solutions & Dept of Electronics and Telecomm, PVG’s COET, Pune Prof. S. K. Bavkar   26-05-2020
26 FDP on “Scilab”, organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIOM, Prof. S. K. Bavkar   18-22 May 2020
27 Online Faculty Development Program on “Linux” Prof. S. K. Bavkar   25th May 2020 to 29th May 2020
28 Student Induction – AICTE – DYP COE,

Akurdi, Pune

Dr P G Shete   10 to 16 June 2019
Academic Year: 2018-2019
1 Blended mode workshop for Faculties on Moodles Learning Management System organized by TLC(ICT) at IIT Bombay, funded by PMMMNMTT, MHRD,Govt.of India Prof T S Khatavkar 01 15-03- 2019


2 One day Workshop on Moodle Learning Management System for Teachers Coordinators at IIT, Bombay Prof. V. V. Sovani   01.03.2019


3 PDH-Professional Development Hours by -‘LIGHTWAVE 2019-Wrap-Up’ Prof T S Khatavkar 01 14-03-2019
4 PDH-Professional Development Hours on ‘Spectral testing of active optical systems in lab and manufacturing’ arranged by LIGHTWAVE Prof T S Khatavkar 01 12-02-2019


5 2nd National Bootcamp/(5-days STTP) on Virtual Lab Development by Gujarat University, Ahmedabad Prof T S Khatavkar 01 9-01-2019 to 13-01-2019


6 PDH-Professional Development Hours on ‘Optical Networking for Cable Operators’ by LIGHTWAVE & Broadband Technology Prof T S Khatavkar 01 14-12-2018


7 BOS-SPPU- Faculty Orientation Workshop on RMT subject at JSPM’s ICOER, Wagholi Prof T S Khatavkar   11-07-2018


8 Four weeks NPTEL (MHRD)-AICTE – Faculty Development Programme on ‘Outcome Based Pedagogic Principles for Effective Teaching’ Prof T S Khatavkar 01 1-08-2018 to 30-09-2018
9 12 weeks NPTEL (MHRD) Online Certification on Digital Circuits (Credits: 03)-Elite performance Prof T S Khatavkar 01 1-07-2018 to 30-10-2018


10 MHRD- Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT- March 2019) for the subject “Pedagogical Innovations and Research Methodology”, 40 hrs course. Prof T S Khatavkar 01 1-11-2018 to 15-01-2019


11 MHRD- Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT- March 2019) for the subject “Refresher Course on Leadership and Governance in Higher Education”, 40 hrs course Prof T S Khatavkar 01 1-11-2018 to 28-02-2019



12 FDP on Cyber Security organized by PVG’s COET Pune Dr. Y. B. Thakare   26-02-2019 to 04-03-2019
13 FDP on Solar Energy organized by Udyogvardhini Shikshan Sanstha and Sponsored by TATA Capital Dr. Y. B. Thakare   16-12-2018 to 17-02-2019
14 8 weeks NPTEL (MHRD) Online Certification on Hardware Modeling using Verilog (Credits -2) Elite performance Prof. V. U. Gongane 01 1-08-2018 to 30-10-2018


15 8 weeks NPTEL (MHRD) Online Certification and FDP on CMOS Digital VLSI Design Prof. V. U. Gongane 01 1-02-2019 to 30-4-2019


16 ‘Quality Assurance Workshop’ by Mr Ajit Gumphekar Dr. M. H. Belsare   9th April 2019
17 Faculty Orientation Workshop on Computer networks and Security of BE (E&TC) revised syllabus to be held on 9th July 2018. Dr. M. H. Belsare   9th July 2018
18 ISTE workshop “Refresher Programme On “Recent Trends In Mems, Power Sources And Electronic Packaging” organized by AISSMS IOIT Dr. M. H. Belsare   June 2018
19 workshop on ‘Moodle Learning Management System’ Prof. S.K Bavkar   15 March 2019
20 One Day Faculty Development Program on IoT” Prof. S.K Bavkar   8th Nov. 2019.
21 FDP- Signal Image Video Processing: A Practical Approach – TEQIP – STTP Dr P G Shete   26-30 May 19 – 20



Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications: Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

AY 20223-24

Name of the author Title of Paper Journal Title / Conference Year of publication ISBN / ISSN number
Mahesh Potdar Design and development of a deep learning model for brain abnormality detection using MRI TAYLOR & FRANCIS -Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering-Imaging and Visualization Dec. 2023 2168-1163 / 2168-1171
Mrs. Vaishali U.Gongane Explainable AI for Reliable Detection of Cyberbullying 2023 IEEE Pune Section, International Conference, PuneCon March 2024 ISBN-979-8-3503-2420-4 ISSN: 2831-5022
Mrs. Priya S. Deshpande Disease detection for Grapes: A Review Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence ICCI 2022 July 2023 978-981-99-2854-5

AY 2022-23

Name of the author Title of Paper Journal Title / Conference ISBN / ISSN number

Dr Prasanna G Shete


Smart Document Classification

International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering&





Dr. Madhavi Belsare

Smart cart billing system International Journal Of Scientific Development

And Research



Prof. Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar Smart monitoring system for

manhole using IOT

International Journal of Scientific Development

and Research




Prof. P.S. Deshpande

Pomegranate Fruit Disease detectionusing

Deep Learnig

International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering&







Prof. V. U. Gongane

Feature Representation Techniques for Hate Speech Detection on Social Media: A

Comparative Study

2nd International conference on Signal and Information Processing-2022  


INSPEC Accession Number: 22513587



Dr. S.R.Litake

Secure Deduplication with User-defined Access Control in

Cloud storage

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology  






Mahesh P Potdar

Automatic Multi- Class Brain Tumor Classification Using Residual Network- 152 Based Deep Convolutional

Neural Network

International Journal of Pattern recognition and Artificial Intelligence Vol. 37, No. 04,

2356001 (2023)



(print): 0218-0014 |

ISSN (online): 1793-


Prof. Dr Madhavi Belsare Indoor Air Pollution Monitoring System International Journal for Multidisciplinary







Dr Minakshi Pradeep Atre

Classification of plucking style and plucking expression of an acoustic guitar notes based on impulse response International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Physics, Computational Science, Education, and

Communication (ICMSCE 2022), Turkey






Prof. Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar Video Summarization

using NLP

International Journal of Science & Engineering

Development Research





Dr Prasanna Shete

Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy using Fundus Images and Image Processing


International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology  




Dr. Madhavi Belsare

Solar Power Monitoring System For Street Light International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and




AY 2021-22

Name of the author Title of Paper Journal Title / Conference ISBN / ISSN number

Dr P G Shete

Brain Tumor Classification using

Deep learning

IJSREM ‘22, VOL 06,

Issue 06,




Prof. Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar

“Satark”: Landslide

Prediction System over Western Ghats of India

MDPI- LAND Journal- Open Access Article Land 2022, 11(5), 689;






Prof Vaishali Gongane

Detection and moderation of detrimental content on social media

platforms: current status and future


Social Network Analysis and Mining 12, 129, Springer(2022)  



8695450, 18695469




Prof Vinaya Deshmukh

Frequency reconfigurable patch antenna using slot,slits and defected ground structures:paramet

ric analysis

Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Dr Prasanna G Shete

Steps towards Achieving Gender Equality European Journal of Humanities and Educational

Advancements (EJHEA)





Prof. S.K. Bavkar

Automated Hand Dispenser International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT),

Volume 6, Issue 2,



(Online) 2581-9429


Prof. Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar

Image Super- Resolution Using an Efficient Sub- Pixel Convolutional

Neural Network

International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts  





Prof Mahesh P Potdar

Image Super- Resolution Using an Efficient Sub- Pixel Convolutional

Neural Network

International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts  





Dr. Minakshi P Atre

Image Super- Resolution Using an Efficient Sub- Pixel Convolutional

Neural Network

International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts  



AY 2020-21

Name of the author/s Title of Paper Journal Title / Conference ISBN / ISSN




Prof. Mahesh P Potdar

Implementation of Learner Generated MOOC Through Inter-Institute Faculty – Student

Peer Collaboration



2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Tunis, Tunisia






©2022 IEEE


Dr Madhavi Belsare

Advanced Manufacturing Information System


International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts , Volume 8,

Issue 7 July 2020





Dr. Minakshi P Atre

Implementation of Learner Generated MOOC Through Inter-Institute Faculty – Student

Peer Collaboration



2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON),

Tunis, Tunisia






©2022 IEEE

Dr Prasanna G Shete EVALUATION OF


IJSR – 2021

Vol 10 , Issue 01

2277-8179, DOI:


Prof Vaishali Gongane Machine learning

approaches for





rumor detection on social media platforms: A comprehensive



8 (ebook)


Dr P G Shete

Severity of Wheeze detection using

Hybrid Algorithm


IJARCT Vol 6, Issue 1.

(online) 2581-




Prof Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar

Implementation of Learner Generated MOOC Through Inter-Institute Faculty – Student

Peer Collaboration



2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON),

Tunis, Tunisia






©2022 IEEE



Prof V. Y. Deshmukh


Indoor Airquality Remote Monitoring System

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation

Engineering (IJAREEIE)


e-ISSN: 2278 –

8875, p-ISSN:

2320 – 3765



Dr. Prasanna G Shete

Generation of High Frequency Bat Voice for Avoiding Locust Attack in



International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends




AY 2019-20

Name of the author Title of Paper Journal Title / Conference ISBN / ISSN




Madhavi H. Belsare

Evaluation of the Performance of a Reed Solomon Coded STBC MIMO International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and

Control, Volume 10 , Issue 2 , 2020


(Online): 2210-





Prof Litake Shilpa

Integration of Fuzzy Logic and ABC Algorithm for Optimized Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless




International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications

and Control





Prof. Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar Celestial Object Tracker using


International Journal of Advanced Science and


ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Equatorial Mount for



Prof Minakshi P Atre

Comparison of Impulse Response Methods for Guitar


International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations  


Prof. Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar Floating garbage detection using

TensorFlow Lite

International Journal of Research and Analytical

Reviews (IJRAR)

(E-ISSN 2348-

1269, P- ISSN




Prof. Madhavi H. Belsare

BER Performance Evaluation of Turbo Coded MIMO System in Nakagami Channel International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume-8 Issue-12,

October 2019





Prof Minakshi P. Atre



Covid-19: Loose Ends

Springer Nature Series, Singapore, Intelligent Systems and Methods

to Combat Covid-19



ISBN 978-981-15-



Prof Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar

MITRA: Artificial Intelligence based Interactive



TEST Engineering and Management





Prof Litake Shilpa

SFP-based vertical handover with MIH services for integrated Wi-Fi and WIMAX



International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, vol. 9, no. 2, 2019, pp. 85-96






Prof Minakshi P. Atre


Innovative Synthesizer Model for Acoustic Guitar Notes

Third International Congress on Information and Communication



ISSN Number – 2194-5357




Prof Litake Shilpa

Fuzzification of Context Parameters for Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless


International Conference on Computer Networks and Communication Technologies, Springer, Singapore, 2019, pp.



Online ISBN 978-981-10-8681-


Print ISBN 978-981-10-8680-



Prof Tanuja Sachin Khatavkar

Mitra: Artificial Intelligence-based Interactive Companion Proceeding Book of International Conference on

Emerging Trends in Engineering and




ISBN: 978-93-


Technology, ICETET


AY 2018-19

Name of the author/s Title of Paper Journal Title / Conference ISBN / ISSN



Dr P G Shete

Automatic Breast Cancer detection

based on IHC markers”

WJAHR 2019,Volume: 3.

Issue: 4.

Page N. 38-48







Prof Madhavi H. Belsare

BER Performance Evaluation of 2X2, 3X3 and 4X4 Uncoded and Coded Space Time Block Coded (STBC) MIMO System Concatenated with

MPSK in Rayleigh Channel



International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Vol 13,

Number 1








Prof Minakshi P Atre

Generalized modeling of body response of acoustic guitar for all frets using a response

for single fret


Applied Acoustics, ScienceDirect Journal, Volume 145, Feb 2019







Prof M. H. Belsare

Performance Analysis of Uncoded and Coded 4XN Space Time Block Coded MIMO System Concatenated with MQAM in Rayleigh



International Journal of Engineering & Technology, vol 7, Issue 3








Madhavi Belsare



Performance Analysis Of Space Time Block Coded MIMO System Concatenated With M- PSK And M-QAM In

Different Channels

IEEE Conference, ‘4thInternational Conference on Computing Communication, Control and

Automation’ (ICCUBEA-









Prof Minakshi P Atre

Estimating Body Response of Acoustic Guitar Notes using

Adaptive Cepstral Domain Windowing


Indian Journal of Science and Technology 11(31):1-11







Prof Prasanna G Shete


Classification and Correlation of Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Markers in Breast Cancer

International Conference On Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical And






Major Equipments and Softwares



S.N. Type of Item ITEM Quantity Cost

in Rs.



Multisim with VHDL tool (Single User) 01 50388
2.  Matlab (25 Users) 01 2063510
3.  Multisim 7 (5 Users) + Ultiboard  (10 Users) 01 214500
4.  Matlab (Single User) 01 309602
5.  Microwind tool 01 140400
6.  Xilinx Vivado 25 user 135700
7.  HARDWARE a. Server Machine  ( Intel Dual Processor 3.0 GHz, 1GB RAM, Combo Drive, 73 GB SCSI HDD, Mouse b. 15 inches Colour Monitor, c. Keyboard) 01 66250
8.  DMM  6 ½ (Scientific) 01 65812
9.  Spectrum Analyzer ( 9 KHz-1.8 GHz) (HP) 01 511948
10. R. F. Signal generator ( 100 KHz -1 GHz) (HP) 01 253594
11. DSO (100 MHz) (Tektronix) 02 92400
12. Antenna Trainers (750 MHz Fixed )(SCIENTECH) 05 300937
13.  ATS10 Antenna Trainer with accessories (86 – 860 MHz. with 50 KHz step size) (AMITECH) and

MAT10 Antenna Trainer with Horn  & Reflector (10 GHz Fixed) (AMITECH)



14.  Optical Power Meter with Accessories (Agilent) 01 718508
15.  Microwave Power Meter (10 MHz to 20 GHz) (AMITECH) 01 196425
16.  VNA cum spectrum analyser (30 KHz to 4GHz) (Keysight) 01 734000
17.  Microwave Test Bench Klystron based and Gunn based (X band) 01 131250
18.  Satellite Communication Trainer (ISM Band) 01 145000
19.  Mobile or Cell phone Technology trainers 01 205000
20.  Spectrum Analyser (9KHz to 3GHz) (P.O. drawn) 01 254880

Students Achievements

Students’ Achievements

  • Final Year student’s project “Affordable E-bike for Rural Consumers” won 1st Prize at National Level competition DIPEX 2020 in Electrical Group as well as under the theme ‘Betterment of Rural Life’. Ruturaj Yadav, Shubham Otari, Mukul Jagtap, Anuj Mohite, Ms. Lalita Mahajan, Pushkaraj Kashid and Ms. Anagha Thakur worked in the project under the guidance of Dr. Mrs. G. A. Vaidya and Prof. Mrs. K. M. Kurundkar. The project is sponsored by Mr. Miresh Seth (Opulance Power). Also, Mr. Siddharth Mane extended his help for the project. Both of them are proud alumni of our department. Heartiest Congratulations to all of them!!
  • Two students of EED from 2018-19 pass-out batch cleared GATE 2020 examination with flying colors. Durgesh Vibhandik secured AIR 618 and Prayag Wakale secured AIR 764. Heartiest Congratulations to both of them!!
  • Since 2011-12, every year, female topper from T.E. Electrical class, is awarded by Atlas Copcowith a scholarship of Rs. 50,000/- towards “Female Engineer Scholarship Award – Kruttika”.
  • In the year 2018-19, Pranjal Waghreceived this award.
  • In the year 2017-18, Aditi Darbhereceived this award.
  • In the year 2016-17, Shubhada Gaikwadreceived this award.
  • In the year 2015-16, Anisha GirishPendse received this award.
  • In the year 2014-15, Shrutika Uday Vernekarreceived this award.


Academic Year 2022-23

Participation in Project Competition
Sr. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1 Department Project Competition Raghav Narewadikar B.E. College Winner
2 Department Project Competition Dhananjay Patil B.E. College Winner
3 Department Project Competition Disha Khanapurkar B.E. College Winner
4 Department Project Competition Mayuri Pawar B.E. College Winner
5 Department Project Competition Aishwarya Bhagat B.E. College Winner
6 Department Project Competition Aayush Tushar Bhamare B.E. College Winner


Participation in Paper Presentation
S. No. Title of Paper Student Name Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1 Rajeshwari Nalbalwar B.E. Avinya-2K23 National Level (Bharti vidyapeeth’sCOE) First
Abhijit Bhalerao
Pratik kortakar
Sumiran Dode
2. Melanoma Skin Cancer Stage Detection Mandar Chavan B.E. ACCET 2K23 National Level (MMCOE) Participation
Abhinav Joshi
Jayesh Mitkari
3. Smart Document


Tanmay Magadum B.E. ACCET 2K23 National Level (MESCOE, Pune.) Participation
Priyanka Kumbhar
Shruti Zanzane


Participation in Extra Curricular Activities
Sr. No. Event Student Name Class Level Participation/Award
1 Sports (Kabbadi/ Kho Kho/ Cricket/ Chess/ Volleyball etc) Arya Riswadkar (Basketball) T.E. State (Goa) First
Arya Riswadkar(Basketball) B.E. State (Rajsthan) First
2 _____ Aditya Pratap Singh (Zonal Sport) B.E. University Third
3 ______ Ashutosh Mane (Cricket) B.E. Intercollege level Second
4 _______ Sumit Shah (Zonal Sport Chess) B.E. SPPU Third
5 ______ Adwait Patankar B.E. Intercollege level Second
6 ______ Nachiket laul (Tennis) B.E. SPPU Third
7 ______ Shreyas Rajput (Weightlifting) B.E. SPPU Third
8 _______ Shruti Kumbhar (Badminton) T.E. Intercollege level Runner up
9 _________ Soham kurhe(Cricket) T.E. Intercollege level Second
1 NSFF Mumbai Komal Dahihande, Atharva kirve, Gargi Kathle T.E. State Participation
2 Firodiya Karandak Komal Dahihande, Atharva kirve, Gargi Kathle, Drishti Dhamale, T.E. State  Runner up
3 Sarpotdar Karandak Gargi Kathle, Drishti Dhamale, T.E. State Direction Second

(Group Dance)

Omkar shingate Prajwal mahanwar T.E. State Participation
5 Vedant Karandak (Dance) Omkar shingate, Prajwal mahanwar, Shreyash jagdale T.E. State Participation
6 Vinodottam Karandak Komal Dahihande, Atharva kirve, Gargi Kathle, Drishti Dhamale T.E. State Runner up
7 purushottam Karandak Komal Dahihande State Paricipation

Academic Year 2021-22

Participation in Project Competition
Sr. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1 VERSTALIA Project Competition Suyash Anurag Dandekar B.E. National Winner of Embedded System Track
2 Impetus and Concepts 22 project competition organised by PICT Anand Kachale,

Tanmay Gawade

Shravan Firodiya

B.E. National Participant
3 Project Competition”

held on January 18, 2022 jointly organized by Vishwakarma Institute of

Shubham Ashish Mahadwale

Karan Zanwar

Tanvi Vijay Herka

B.E. Regional Level Participant
4 VERSTALIA Project Competition Safa Patel

Aditi Chine

Tanveer Patil

B.E. National Participant
Participation in Extra Curricular Activities
Sr. No. Event Student Name Class Level Participation/Award
1 Sports (Kabbadi/ Kho Kho/ Cricket/ Chess/ Volleyball etc) Arya Riswadkar (Basketball) T.E. State First
Arya Riswadkar(Basketball) T.E. State (Gujrat) First
Arya Riswadkar(Basketball) T.E. State (Madhya Pradesh) Second


Academic Year 2020-21

Participation in Project Competition
Sr. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1 Techno Blitz Revati Songare ___- Inter-college Second
2 Tantra Pradeep Rathod State First
3 Visiopolytech-2K20 Revati Songare State Participation


Participation in Paper Presentation
Sr. No. Title of Paper Student Name Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. Autonomous Bot

Assistant in

Covid-19 Patient

Isolation Wards



B.E.  IEEE Pune

Section International

Conference (PuneCon)





Adil Patel
2. Artificial Sensing

With Haptic In

Prosthetic Arm



B.E. Project Competition


College Level First Prize




3 Semantic


Model For


Vehicles In






B.E. International

Conference on Computing for

Sustainable Global






Animesh Gole
4 Developing Data

Acquisition System for

Industrial Machines



B.E. AISSMS IOIT, Pune on 11

August 2021

National level Participation




Vinit Bhoite


Participation in Extra Curricular Activities
Sr. No. Event Student Name Class Level Participation/Award
1 Sports (Kabbadi/ Kho Kho/ Cricket/ Chess/ Volleyball etc) Avantika Tambe(Football) T.E. Intercollege Level Second
2 Pradip Rathod (Chess) T.E. College Level Winner
3 Arya  Riswadkar(Dodgeball) T.E. College Level Winner
1 Shivraj Huded(Vollyball) T.E. College Level Third
2 Abhishek Kushwaha (Basketball) SE College Level Participation
3 Arya Riswadkar(Basketball) T.E. State Second
1 Firodiya Karandak1 Shreyas Kirad, Hemangi Fegade T.E. college 3rd  in Light Design
2 Infinity 20 (Dance) Pranjal Tiwari T.E. College Second
3 Emblaze 2.0 (Dance) Pranjal Tiwari T.E. College Second
4 Panache 2020 (Dance) Pranjal Tiwari T.E. Inter College Participation
5 Sinhgad Karandak 2020 (Dance) Pranjal Tiwari T.E. Intercollege Level Participation


Academic Year 2019-20

Participation in Project Competition
Sr. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. Artificial Intelligence based interactive Companion Abhijeet Kasab Patil, Samruddhi Inamdar, Sanika Pawar,

Soumitra Kavathekar

___ Zonal
Participation in Extra Curricular Activities
Sr. No. Event Student Name Class Level Participation/Award
1 Sports (Kabbadi/ Kho Kho/ Cricket/ Chess/ Volleyball etc) Parth Bhattad(Football) ___ District Winner
Arya Riswadkar(Basketball) ____ Inter-college Appreciation
Pradeep Rathod College Participation
1 (Firodiya Karandak) Soham Rajopadhye, vinit bhoite(Firodiya Karandak) ____ College
2 (Maunantar Karandak) Shreyas Kirad(Maunantar Karandak) College
3 purushottam Karandak Shrishail Shelar, Shreyash kirad College
4 Sarpotdar Karandak Rahul Phirke, vinit Bhoite, Manish Sudumbekar

 Academic Year 2018-19

Participation in Project Competition
Sr. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1 India Innovation Challenge Design Contest by Texas Instruments Aarti Stapute,

Pradnya Bongarde

Yash Pardeshi

Nishil Bhavsar

Omkar Patil

Fatima Sangam

B.E. National Participation
Participation in Extra Curricular Activities
Sr. No. Event Student Name Class Level Participation/Award
1 Sports (Kabbadi/ Kho Kho/ Cricket/ Chess/ Volleyball etc) Pradeep Rathod (Khokho) T.E. District Level Participation
2 Arya Riswadkar(Basketball) District Winner
3 Arya Riswadkar(Basketball) B.E. Silver Second
1 (Maunantar Karandak) Shreyas Kirad(Maunantar Karandak) ____ _____-
2 (Purushottam Karandak) Shreyas Kirad( _____ ____
3 Dance) Radha Kshirsagar, Priyanka Gujar (Dance) Vedant karandak


Student’s Association

Telecommunication Engineering Students Association (TESA)

The Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering department of Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Engineering and Technology, with the coordination of students and under the guidance of the staff of the department have built a student association, Telecommunication Engineering Students’ Association (TESA). This Association was formed in order to integrate the leadership qualities of the student and form a body which conducts various activities and events giving each and every student a platform to enhance and better their skills while working on projects that illuminates their profile and give them experience of a lifetime.

The philosophy behind this association is to reveal the artistic and intellectual nature of the students while giving them various opportunities. This does not only add to their competencies but also incinerates their profile and makes it unique. TESA aims to focus on the EXTRA in the curriculum while keeping in mind the student’s personality and holistic development.

TESA is a self-sustaining ecosystem which supports the student while they support it. A body developed by the students in order to develop themselves.

The student body each year selects leaders and coordinators out of the many members to ease out and distribute the work conducted under TESA.  Each member undergoes rigorous selection process at multiple levels before they are assigned any role & responsibility. The main coordinators who participate in the management and ensure operational logistics support are from Second Year and Third Year, guided by the staff coordinators and Head of Department, E&TC.

Aspirants from Second Year undergo interviews taken by the Working Committee of TESA i.e. the post holders, students of Third year and the previous committee members. The students are selected based on the level of enthusiasm, eagerness and creativeness which they present during their interview. Various tasks are assigned to the interviewees according to whom the assessments are done.

Third year students from the committee members undergo an election process before they are designated. The election is conducted by the students of final year, the former team members and the staff coordinators of TESA. The most eligible candidates are given the responsibility.

Following designations in this hierarchy are selected based on the election:

General Secretary and Joint General Secretary; Treasurer and Joint Treasurer; Secretaries A yearly Activity Calendar along with the budget allocation is prepared by the elected Team. Each member of the group brings a unique flavor to the team making everybody’s contribution valuable. All the events that are conducted under TESA are designed considering the all development of students. Team TESA concentrates on conducting various activities which align with the curriculum of the university. TESA conducts events like TECHCRAFT – a university level technical event, which is the biggest event of the year. Other activities including technical and non-technical events like ABLAZE, Guest Lectures, Workshops, interclass sports which are executed with enthusiasm under TESA. Team TESA gets an opportunity to interact with Industry during the execution of Industrial visits. The creativeness of students, their management skills, their persuasive skills, their ideas are all given a platform to function, which they develop on their way. Each year is better than the other and success is seen everywhere from the personal development of the student to the association to the college.


Academic Year 2023-24 The staff coordinators and designations of the students of T.E E&TC for the academic year 2023-24 are as follows:


Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Dr. K.J. Kulkarni Chairman
2 Prof. Mrs. P.S. Deshpande Staff Coordinator
3 Prof. A. S. Najan Staff Coordinator
Sr. No Name Designation
1 Mr. Devdripta Jadhav General Secretary
2 Mr. Prathmesh Birle Joint General Secretary
3 Mr Veraj Gaikwad Treasurer
4 Mr. Sudarshan Jadhav Joint Treasurer
5 Ms. Samiksha Boduwar Secretary
6 Ms. Gauri Jawanjal Joint Secretary
7 Mr.Varun Dave Joint Secretary

Activities Conducted


Sr. No Event Date
1 TESA Interviews 30th August 2023
2 Teacher’s Day Celebration 5th Sept 2023
3 TechCraft’ 23 17th and 18th October 2023


Academic Year 2022-23 The staff coordinators and designations of the students of T.E E&TC for the academic year 2022-23 are as follows:


Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Dr. Y. B. Thakare Chairman
2 Prof. Mrs. P.S. Deshpande Staff Coordinator
3 Prof. A. S. Najan Staff Coordinator
Sr. No Name Designation
1 Mr. Dhumal Siddhant General Secretary
2 Mr. Tejas Savdikar Joint General Secretary
3 Mr Prathmesh Deore Treasurer
4 Mr. Rugved Dhorje Joint Treasurer
5 Ms. Vaishnavi Joshi Secretary
6 Mr Nachiket Laul Joint Secretary
7 Mr.Abul Faiz Bangi Joint Secretary
Activities Conducted
Sr. No Event Date
1 TESA Interviews 26th August 2022
2 Teacher’s Day Celebration 5th Sept 2022
3 Donation Drive 6th Sept 2022
4 Book Donation Drive 16th Sept 2022
5 Recreation Event 27th Sept 2022
6 Ablaze 18th October 2022
7 Farewell’23 19th May 2023


Academic Year 2021-22 The staff coordinators and designations of the students of T.E E&TC for the academic year 2021-22 are as follows:


Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Dr. Y. B. Thakare Chairman
2 Prof. Mrs. P.S. Deshpande Staff Coordinator
3 Prof. A. S. Najan Staff Coordinator
Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Disha Khanapurkar General Secretary
2 Nehal Sharma Joint General Secretary
3 Sakshi Vispute Secretary
4 Neel Hundekar Treasurer
5 Shravani Paraswar Joint Treasurer
 Activities Conducted
Sr.No Event Date
1 Versatalia – National Level Project Competition 30th April
2 Technovation 6th May 2022
3 Poster Design Competition 15th August 2022
4 College Days 9th , 10th May 2022
5 BE Farewell 10th May 2022



Academic Year 2020-21 The staff coordinators and designations of the students of T.E E&TC for the academic year 2020-21 are as follows: 

Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Dr. Y. B. Thakare Chairman
2 Prof. Mrs V. V. Sovani Staff Coordinator
3 Prof. Mrs. P.S. Deshpande Staff Coordinator
Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Mr. Pranav Lonsane General Secretary
2 Mr. Nikhil Adik Joint General Secretary
3 Veerdhaval Barkade Treasurer
4 Jaydev Bapat Joint Treasurer
5 Mohit Choudhary Secretary
6 Atharva Bhamburkar Secretary
 Activities Conducted
1 Talk’A’Thon Program by “Solutions”: Seminar on the Soft Skill Development Programme – The world within & The Power of Imagination 29-Jul-20
2 Talk’A’Thon Program by “Solutions”: Seminar on” IQ, EQ, SQ” 13th Aug 2020
3 Talk’A’Thon Program by “Solutions”: Seminar on Soft skills development 16th July 2020
4 TESA recreation event. 9th of November 2020
5 Inter college Level 2 Days Project Competition and Project Ideation Competition 6th and 7th April 2021



Academic Year 2019-20 The staff coordinators and designations of the students of T.E E&TC for the academic year 2019-20 are as follows:


Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Dr. Y. B. Thakare Chairman
2 Prof. Mrs V. V. Sovani Staff Coordinator
3 Prof. Mrs. P.S. Deshpande Staff Coordinator
Sr. No Name Designation
1 Mr. Suraj Bardade General Secretary
2 Mr. Radharaman Rane Joint General Secretary
3 Miss Apoorva Kulkarni Treasurer
4 Mr. Tanmay Deshpande Joint Treasurer
5 Mr. Shubham Dangi Secretary
6 Mr. Mayur Mahajan Secretary
 Activities Conducted
Sr. No Event Date
1 TESA Interviews 28th June 2019
2 TESA recreation program 27Th August 2019
3 Gurupournima celebration 16th July 2019
4 Tree plantation program 18th July 2019
5 Workshop on Python and Data Science 3rd and 4th march 2019



Academic Year 2018-19 The staff coordinators and designations of the students of T.E E&TC for the academic year 2018-19 are as follows:

Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Dr. K. J. Kulkarni Chairman
2 Prof. Mrs S. R. Litake Staff Coordinator
Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Abhijeet Kasab-Patil General Secretary
2 Akshay Karni Joint General Secretary
3 Mehul Shah Treasurer
4 Sayali Hulle Joint Treasurer
5 Aditya Deolikar Secretary
6 Tanvi Phatak Secretary
 Activities Conducted
Sr.No Event Date
1 TESA Interviews 24th July 2018
2 Gurupournima celebration 27th July2018
3 Kerala Flood Relief Donation Camp 24th and 25th August 2018
4 Teacher’s Day 5th September 2018
5 Techcraft’18 8th9th&10th Sept’2018
4 Sports Meet’19 2nd&3rd March 2019
5 ABLAZE’19 22nd March 2019
7 BE Farewell 5th April2019




Academic Year: 2023-24

Academic Year: 2022-23

Special Recognitions:

  • First Prize in project competition “Avinya National Level Tech Fest” at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women for the project titled Porting Linux OS on a Microcontroller.
  • Best Paper Award in 9th National Conference on ACCET organized by MESCOE, Pune for project: Smart Document Classification.
  • Publication of paper titled “Video Summarization using NLP” in International Journal of Scientific Development and Research
  • Publication of paper titled “Pomegranate Fruit Disease Detection Using Deep Learning” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management.
  • Publication of paper titled “Attendance Management System” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management.
  • Publication of paper titled “Smart monitoring system for manhole using IoT” in International Journal of Scientific Development and Research.
  • Publication of paper titled “Indoor Air Pollution monitoring system” in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research.
  • Publication of paper titled “Solar Power monitoring system for street light” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management.
  • Publication of paper titled “Secure deduplication with user-defined access control in cloud storage” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management.
  • Projects “Autonomous Car”, “Speaking System for Mute People using Hand Gestures” and “Wearable Safety System”: shortlisted for final round in DIPEX State level project competition.
  • 6 projects declared as winners for the project competition organized by department of E&TC.

Academic Year: 2021-2022

Special Recognitions:

  • Published Paper titled: “Brain Tumor Classification using Deep learning” in IJSREM ‘22, VOL 06, Issue 06, ISSN: 2582-3930
  • Project Title “Design of high precision isolated and non-isolated analog front end” secured first prize at VERSATALIA National level project competition organized by PVG’sCOET & GKPIM, Pune
  • Project Title “Design of robust quadcopter for Agricultural Purpose” secured second prize at VERSATALIA National level project competition organized by PVG’sCOET & GKPIM, Pune
  • Project Title “EMG Based Telerobotic Arms” secured third at VERSATALIA National level project competition organized by PVG’s COET &GKPIM, Pune.

Academic Year: 2020-2021

Special Recognitions:

  • Filed a patent for project: Augmented Reality in Intensive Treatment Unit
  • 1 Paper Publication in IEEE explore
  • 3 Paper Publications in International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, 202.
  • First Prize in Idea Contest organized by Dasault Systems.

Academic Year: 2019-2020

Special Recognitions:

  • Participation of project titled “Aqua Drone-An Unmanned Water-Body-Garbage Cleaning Robot” in State level DIPEX competition.
  • Paper Publications in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, International Journal of Research and Analytical, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, TEST Engineering & Management Journal

Academic Year: 2018-2019

Special Recognition:

Participation in India Innovation Challenge Design Contest by Texas Instruments.

Companies offering Sponsored Projects:

Academic Year: 2023-24
Linkedloops Pvt. Ltd., Pune Cyronics Innovation Labs Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Electrotrades Pvt. Ltd., Pune Smart Computer Pvt. Ltd., Pune
LinkCode Technology Pvt. Ltd., Pune Akshay Embedded Systems, Pune
Accolade Electronics Pvt. Ltd, Pune Belrise industries Ltd., Pune
Kashibel Farmers Producer Co. Ltd., Pune Tolani Maritime Institute (Projects sponsored: 2)
Ojasvit Techno Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Academic Year: 2022-23
Automaton AI Infosystem Private Limited (Projects sponsored: 3), Pune Brose India Automotive Systems Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Infogen labs, Pune (Projects sponsored: 2), Melcon Control Gears Pvt. Ltd., Pune
NSM Solutions, Pune (Projects sponsored: 2) ABCD Analytics, Pune
Academic Year: 2021-22
Fluxion Process Solutions, Pune
NSM Solutions, Pune
Academic Year: 2020-21
NSM Solutions (Projects sponsored: 2)
Wathare Infotech
Automate Engineers
Academic Year: 2019-20
IEEE, Pune
NSM Solutions (Projects sponsored: 2)
Academic Year: 2018-19
NSM Solutions, Pune (Projects sponsored: 2) Hewlett Packard Enterprise (Projects sponsored: 2)
Saloni Cleaning Products, Pune
Quadcopter for Agriculture Application (AY:2021-2022)
Nurse Training Simulation using Virtual Reality (AY:2022-2023)
Quadcopter for Agriculture Application (AY:2021-2022)

Front and back wheel prototype set-up for Anti-slip functionality for E-bikes (AY:2022-2023)

Guest Lectures

Guest Lectures

Academic Year 2023-24

  1. On 2nd 2023, Guest lecture by Dr. D. S. Mantri from SIT, Lonavala on ‘Overview of Microcontroller (PIC18F4550)’ was organized for TE students for the subject Microcontrollers.

  1. On 30th October 2023, Guest Lecture by Prof. Tanuja Khatavkar from PVG’s COET&GKPIM, Pune on “Transmission Line Parameters was organized for TE students for the subject Electromagnetic and Field Theory.

  1. On 28th October 2023 Guest Lecture by Dr. Manoj Joshi from TSMC, Arizona USA on “Technology Trends in VLSI for BE students for the subject VLSI Design and Technology.


  1. On 23 November 2023, Guest lecture by Dr. Vaibhav Vaijapurkar from PICT Pune on topic “Graphs” was organized for SE E & TC Students for the subject Data Structures.

  1. On 24 November 2023, Guest lecture by Dr. S S Narkhede from PICT Pune on topic “Op Amp- Applications” was organized for SE E & TC Students for the subject Electronic Circuits.

  1. On 01/12/2023 Guest session by Mr. Manoj Dasari from John Deer on topic “Opportunities in Automotive Embedded Domain” was organized for SE E &TC Students.
  2. On 30th October 2023, Guest Lecture by Prof. Mahesh Potdar from PVG’sCOET&GKPIM, Pune on “OP AMP APPLICATIONS” was organized for SE students for the subject Electronic Circuits.

Academic Year 2022-23

  1. On 24 May 2023, Guest lecture by Prof. Mrs. Manjeet Kale from PICT Pune on the topic “State space Analysis” was organized for SE E & TC Students for the subject Control Systems.
  2. On 30 Nov. 20223, Guest lecture by Prof. Mrs. V. V Sovani on the topic Linked List was organized for SE students for the subject Data Structures.
  3. On 22nd December 2022, Guest lecture by Prof. Mrs. V.V. Sovani on the topic “Practical Orientation”, was organized for SE students for the subject Data Structures.
  4. On 19th May 2023, Guest lecture by Prof.Chadrakant Kokane, NMIT College of Engineering on ‘Android Development’ was organized for BE students

  1. A session on “Memory Techniques” by Mr. Amarendra Chitale, Master NLP trainer, and Founder and President of Asian Association of Psychology and Agile euro was organized by NDLI Club and Dept of E&TC on Tuesday 6th December 2022. Dr. M. H. Belsare coordinated the event and presented a vote of thanks.

Academic Year 2021-22

  1. On 29th September 2022, Guest lecture by Prof. Mrs. M.R. Apsangi on the topic “Pointers Orientation”, was organized for SE students for the subject Data Structures.
  2. On 21st February 2022, Guest lecture by Prof. Mrs. V.V. Sovani on the topic “Graphs”, was organized for SE students for the subject Data Structures.

 Academic Year 2020-21

  1.  On 16th July 2020, an Online Guest session in association with “Solutions” by Dr. Rajendra Bhide on the topic “Soft Skills Development” was organized for all students of E&TC Branch
  2. On 29th July 2020, an online Guest session on “Soft Skills Development” in association with “Solutions” by Mr. Prafull Talera, on the Topic “The World Within & The Power of Imagination” was organized for all students of E&TC Branch.
  3. On 11th August 2020, an online Guest session on “Soft Skills Development Programme” in association with “Solutions” by Smt. Vaishali Mane, ADDL SP, CID on the topic “Coexistence of Gender Equality- Co-Existence between men and women, not a competition” was organized for all students of E&TC Branch.
  1. On 14th August 2020, an online Guest session by Mr. Prabhat Ranjan, Ex DGP, Maharashtra Police under “Soft Skills Development Programme” in association with “Solutions”, on the topic “IQ,EQ,SQ” for all students of E&TC Branch.
  2. On 18th July 2020, a Guest session under Alumni Association of PVG’s COET by Alumnus Mr. Sagar Prurohit (2010), Sr. Electronics Project Leadf, ZF Group North America, on the topic “ COVID-19 Lockdown: An Opportunity to shape your career” was organized   for BE students of all branches
  3. From 20th July 2020 to 25th July 2020, Alumni Talk Series- online webinars by proud Alumni were organized for all students of E&TC Branch.


Sr. No Name of Alumni Date Topic Company Name
1 Mr. Prathamesh Gosavi( 2013 ) 20/07/2020 The 4G of Innovation Founder, Brains ‘N BOTS
2 Mr. Rajendra Memane (2013) 21/07/2020 Role of Electronics In Automotive sector Senior Engineer, KPIT Technologies
3 Mr. Amar Patil (2010) 22/07/2020 Electric Cars Senior Program Manager, Microsoft (AZURE, cloud- Seattle)
4 Mr. Sagar Patil (2012) 23/07/2020 Role of Discipline in Corporate Culture VDL ETS (Netherlands)
5 Mr. Amrut Kolhapure       ( 2007) 23/07/2020 Post silicon Performance improvement in processors Custom Data path Design Engineer, Intel
6 Mr. Manish Ranade (2000) 24/07/2020 VLSI technology as a career option Synopsys Application Engineer, Sr. Synopsys
7 Mr. Nikhil Nahar (2006) 25/07/2020 Startup opportunities Director- Solar Square Energy


  1. Dr. M. H. Belsare organized webinar on “Resume Building’ by Mr. Aditya Nilegaonkar and Mr. Nikhil Suryawanshi under IQAC and Dept of E &TC on 3rd October 2020

Academic Year 2019-20

  1. On 30Th June 2020, Webinar by Mr. Abhijeet Deogirikar on “Saptarishi” in association with Copper Cloud IO Tech was organized for TE & BE students for the subject Embedded Systems and IoT.
  2. On 26Th May 2020, Webinar by Mr. Abhijeet Deogirikar on “IoT and Enabling Technologies” in association with Copper Cloud IO Tech was organized for TE & BE students for the subject Embedded Systems and IoT.
  3. On 1st October 2019 a Guest Lecture on “ASIC Design Issues” by Prof. Vivek Niwane from SIT, Narhe was organized for BE students.

Guest Lectures Delivered by Faculty

Academic Year 2023-24

  1.  Mrs. T. S. Khatavkar delivered a Session on “Transmission Lines” for the subject ‘Electromagnetic Field Theory’ on 30thOct. 2023 for T.E. students.
  2. Dr P G Shete delivered a Session on “Voltage Regulator and OP AMP Applications” for the subject ‘Electronic Circuits’ on 4th Nov 2023 for S.E. students at PVGCOE, Nashik.
  3. Dr P G Shete delivered a Session on “Voltage Regulator and OP AMP Applications” for the subject ‘Electronic Circuits’ on 5th Dec 2023 for S.E. students at DYPCOE, Pimpri Pune.

Academic Year 2022-23

  1.  Dr P G Shete delivered a Session on “Voltage Regulator and OP AMP Applications” for the subject ‘Electronic Circuits’ on 22 May 2023 for S.E. students at PVGCOE, Nashik.

  1. Prof. Mahesh P Potdar delivered a Session on “Root Locus and Bode Plot” for the subject ‘Control Systems’ on 22 & 23 May 2023 for S.E. students at PVGCOE, Nashik.



E & TC Department – Internship


Department of Electronics & Telecommunication

Recognizing the importance of practical industry exposure department of E&Tc encourage students to undergo internships.

Number of Students Completed in last 5 years:

Students Internship:

Sr.No. Industry Name of Students Class Duration
Academic Year: 2023 – 2024
1 Rinex Sakshi Rajesh Bhamare SE 3 months
2 Global Women Power (NGO) Shreya Shashank Bangale SE 3 months
3 krushal electronics Sarthak Hanmant Vairat SE 2months
4 Youth India Foundation Arin Vikas Patil SE 3 Months
5 CodSoft Ahire Tejas Pravin TE 4 weeks
6 IITB Aarya Atmaram Joshi TE 6 months
7 IIT-BOMBAY Aasawari Chandrashekhar Rasane TE 6 months
8 Trendzlink pvt ltd Abhijeet Shinkre TE 1 month
9 Abhishek Nivrutti Tapare TE 6 months
10 Belrise industries Ltd Aditi Balaji Manthole TE 1 month
11 Sofcon Institute Akash Bapurao Narnavar TE One month
12 Belrise Industries Amruta Uday Chandgadkar TE 1 month
13 Belrise Industries Aniket Balasaheb Gund TE 1 month
14 IIT Bombay in collaboration with PVG COET Anish Prasad Kulkarni TE 6 month
15 IITB Ankita Sachin Renuse TE 6 months
16 Persistent Systems Anush Ajay Phaley TE 37 days
17 Belrise Industries Anushkka Sunil Joshi TE 1 month
18 Maharashtra State Power Generation Co.LTD Arnav Narendra Thaware TE 25 days
19 Digitronics Arpan Paramjyoti Shirshetty TE 26 days
20 Inditech Electrosystems Asmita Sachin Jalkote TE 6 months , 1 month
21 INDITECH ELECTROSYSTEMS Atharv Santosh Wagh TE 6 month
22 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/NPTL Bhosale soham vikas TE 8 weeks
23 offline internship at inditech electro systems ,pune Bhumika Narendra Pawar TE 6 months
24 PRG Automation pvt.ltd Bhushan Bhairavanath Ranade TE 1 month
25 Trendzlink Technology pvt Limited Bhuvan Arunkumar Shetty TE 1 Month
26 DSP IIT Bombay internship Borude Vaishnavi Arjun TE 1 month
27 TRONIX365


Chachar Pratik Dattatray TE 4 weeks
28 Belrise Industries Ltd. Chaitanya Ujwal Hande TE 1 month
29 Incon Automation Chaudhari Gayatri Sanjay TE 4 Weeks
30 IITB Dahihande Komal Sadashiv TE 6

IIT Bombay

Devadripta Sahadeo Jadhav TE 6
31 IIT Bombay Dhanashri Nitin Katarkhatavkar TE 6
32 CodSoft


Digvijay Vinod Maskar 4 weeks
1 Month
33 DP CONTROLS LLP Diksha Sandesh Pai TE 2 weeks
34 IIT Bombay,Microficial Intelligence Divya Mahadeo Borkar TE 1)    6months,

2)    1 month

35 IIIT Bombay Gauri Dilip Jawanjal TE 6 months
36 PVGCOET college Jatin Jiteshkumar Shetty TE 6 month
37 Simusoft Technologies, Inavit System Kale Vaibhav Ashok TE 3 months
38 PVGCOET Kanse Omkar Ishwar TE 6 month
39 Cognifyz Technologies Kartik Kailash Swami TE 1 month
40 IIT Bombay Kartik Shinde TE 6 months
41 Sofcon Institute Khushal Ganesh Patil TE 1 month
42 Digital Signal Processing Kushal Vijayrao Mahajan TE 6 months
44 CodSoft Maheshwari Sanjay Gurav TE 4 weeks
45 TRONIX365 TE 1 Month
46 Embedded System Design with ARM Mitesh More TE 2 months
47 ARM Embedded systems Mukund Girgaonkar TE 8weeks
48 Incon Automation Mulla Simran Mahamad TE 4 weeks
49 Cummins India Limited, Kothrud Neha Devendra Rane TE 4 weeks
50 IIT Bombay digital signal processing internship Neil Ravindra Kukade TE 6 months
51 Codsoft NIKET PAVAN RATHI TE 4 weeks
52 Belrise Industries Nikita Mandar Bhawalkar TE 1 month
53 Embedded system design with Arm Nishant Thakare TE 8 weeks
54 Panchal Engineering and Technology Niyatee Mohan Kanade TE 1 month
55 IOT Industry 4.0 Omkar Sandeep Bansode TE 3 Months
56 Edunexa Tech Param Malpani TE 1 month
57 Soft Computing Param Malpani TE 8
58 Persistent Systems Limited Patil Heramb Vivek TE 2 months
59 Embedded System Design with ARM Pradyumna Roy TE 8 weeks
60 IIT Bombay Prajakta Khaty TE 6 months
61 IIT Bombay TE 6 months
62 Belrise Industries  Ltd Prajakta Prakash Yadav TE 1 month
63 Nucleonics Traffic Signals Pvt.LTD Prajwal Yogesh Shahane TE 3 weeks
64 .In house internship Pranav Ganesh Sanas TE 21 Days
65 IIT BOMBAY Pratik Vijay Gore TE 6 months
66 Belrise industries Ltd Pratiksha Santosh Phalke TE 1 month
67 IIT Bombay RADE ABHINAV DIPAK TE 6 months
68 Codsoft Rimzim Chandak TE 1 month
69 Introduction to Soft computing TE
70 belrise industries. Ldt Rohan Manohar Khilari TE 1 month
71 Cognifyz Technologies Rohit Santosh Gavakare TE 2 months
72 IIT BOMBAY Rucha Rajeevlochan Ranade TE November 2023- March2024
73 Digital IC Design NPTEL Course Rugved Shailesh Bopardikar TE 12 Weeks
74 Finance Technology (Fintech) Sahil Yogesh Halbe TE 1 Month
75 1.next drive TVS showroom Samarth samant TE 3 weeks
76 Tvs TE 21 days
77 IIT BOMBAY Samiksha Boduwar TE 6 months
78 Brain tumor detection – IIT B(DSP) TE 4 months
79 IITB Sanika Ankush Kanase TE 6 months
80 IITB Sayali krishnath vadgaonkar TE 1st oct 2023 to 31st March 2024
81 SNR- ELECTRONICS , SANGLI -416416 Shah Diya Vishal TE 12 Dec – 5 January (25 days)
82 Belrise industries Shambhavi Pradeep Sonwatikar TE 1 month
83 CodSoft Sharvari Sanjay Patil TE 4 Weeks
84 TRONIX365 TE 1 Month
85 Techrevive technology Shivkanya vijay Bhangdiya TE Starting from Feb 2023 to till date .. and it continued upto graduation
86 RCF.Ltd and Real academy Shravani Amar Patil TE 2 weeks (RCF) and 4 weeks ( REAL ACADEMY)
87 RCF , Thal Shravani Patil TE 15 days
88 RCF.Ltd TE 2 weeks
89 IIT Bombay Shravani Suhas Sovani TE 6 months
90 DSP-IIT Bombay Shreenidhi Bedarkar TE 6 Months
91 1) Wynum Automation Services Pvt. Ltd. ;

2) IIT Bombay

Shreya Shivshankar Patil TE 1) 6 months

2) 6 months

92 IIT Bombay SHRIDHAR MODAK TE 6 months
93 Digital Signal Processing Internship Shruti Dnyaneshwar Kumbhar TE 6 months
94 Belrise Industries limited Siddhi Ulhas Shinde. TE 1 month
95 Panchal Engineering and Technologies Srushti Avinash Raskar TE 1 Month
96 Ashoka Bulidcon sudarshan bhausaheb jadhav TE 3 weeks
97 Trendzlink Technology Pvt Ltd Sumedh Sanjay More TE 1 month
98 PRG AUTOMATION PVT.LTD Suyog Subhash Shinde TE 1 month
99 VLSI design Tanmay Arun Mare TE 8 weeks
100 Programming In Java By Prof. Debasis Samanta | IIT Kharagpur Tanmay Manik Atpadkar TE 12 weeks
101 CodSoft TE 4 weeks
102 Software Thakare Nishant TE 2 months
103 Cyber secured India Urvi Suresh Patil TE 3 months
104 IIT Bombay Vaibhav Vitthal Shelke TE 6 Months
105 IIT BOMBAY Vaidehi Deshpande TE 6 months
106 e-Zest Solutions Vaishnavi Habu TE 2 motnjs
107 Dsp IIT Bombay Varad Rahul Ghumare TE 6 months
108 Belrise Industries Ltd Varun Atul Dave TE 5 weeks

Belrise Industries Ltd.


1 Month’s

110 Technology, Information and Internet Vedant Sonwalkar TE 1 Month’s
111  Radiant Engineering Satara. WFH/Online 1.: Embedded systems, IOT and PCB design engineering intern at Pantech Solutions. 2. Artificial Intelligence intern at AICTE and Mathworks supported internship program. 3. Python Development intern at Coding Raja Technologies. 4. Java development intern at Cognifyz Technologies 5. Stock market management intern at Acuevers. 6. Data Analytics intern at YBI foundation. Viraj Mahesh Kulkarni TE 1 month/4 weeks
112 IIT BOMBAY DSP Yuvraj Shivaji Yadav TE 4 weeks
113 OctaNet Services Pvt Ltd., TechnoHacks EduTech, VaultofCodes, CodeAlpha, Code Casa, SYNC INTERN’S, MAHESH KISHOR MUNGASE BE 1 and 2 months
114 Intrainz Edutech Amol Rajesh Bhole BE 3 months
115 Tredz Investment pvt company Ayesha Aklakh Wasif BE 4 months
116 AI Advantures Shreyas prakash jagadale BE 3 months
117 Vault of Codes (Web Development) Raj Jangam BE 1 month
Sr.No. Industry Name of Students Class Duration
Academic Year: 2022 – 2023
1 PHN Technologies Thakare Nishant Ambadas SE 1 Month
2 Oasis infobyte Aaditya Gurudatta Tiwari TE 1 Month
3 Oasis Infobyte Aage Pratik Rajendra TE 1 Month
4 INTERNPE Abhijeet Ashok Ghodake TE 1 Month
5 Oasis Infobyte Abhira Yogesh Naik TE 1 Month

Oasis Infobyte

Agrawal Poonam Sunilkumar TE 1 Month
7 Code clausd Akanksha Jaiswal TE 1 Month
8 PVG COET Akshat Jain TE
9 YBI Founadation

Oasis Infobyte

Andhale Bhagwan Dilip TE 1 Month
10 Oasis Infobyte Atar Dilnaj Rafik TE 1 Month
11 Oasis Infobyte Athavale Anushka Ajay TE 1 Month
12 WMOLEX. PVT.LTD Bangi Abul Faiz Chandpasha TE 6 Months
13 Anka Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd.



Oasis Infobyte

Bhalekar Pratik Pralhad TE 1 Month
14 1)Oasis Infobyte

2)YBI Foundation

Bhatia Akanksha Rajesh TE 1 Month
15 Dyamic Enterprises Pvt Ltd. Bhattad Parth Hamumandas TE 1 Month
16 1.YBI Foundation,


Bhavsar Shreeyash Nandkishor TE 1 Month
17 JP Morgan chase & co. Bhogaonkar Dhruv Nikhil TE 6 Months
18 IIT BOMBAY Bhoj Atharva Rajesh TE 6 Months



4)YBI Foundation

Bhole Amol Rajesh TE 6 Months

1 Month

1 Month

1 Month

20 TechEntrepreneurs Bhosale Rutuja Balasaheb TE 2 Months
21 Twi-Learn EduTech Bodkhe Vaishnovi Ashok TE
22 Oasis Infobyte Borude Sanket Ashok TE 1 Month
23 Oasis Infobyte Chambhare Prathmesh Prakash TE 1 Month
24 Oasis Infobyte, YBI FOUNDATION Chavan Aditya Vilas TE 1 Month
25 TCR Innovation Chavan Aditya Vilas TE 2 Months
26 Intern Crowd LLP Chavan Vaishnavi Yashwant TE 1 Month
27 In-house ICGEWE 2023 Dahekar Sahil Shashikant TE 4 Months
28 Oasis infobyte Dalwai Renuka Suryakant TE 1 Month
29 Oasis Infobyte Datar Utkarsh Ganesh TE 1 Month
30 Acmegrade Pvt. Ltd Dawande Ashish Anil TE 1 Month
31 Oasis Infobyte

PHN Technology

Deo Siddhesh Sunil TE 1 Month

2 Months

32 1)      Oasis Infobyte

2)      Pantech learning(IEEE)

Deore Prathamesh Bhaskar TE 1 Month

1      Month

33 1)Oasis Infobyte

2)YBI Foundation

Deshmukh Pallavi Ganesh TE 1 Month

1 Month

34 1)Oasis Infobyte

2)YBI foundation

Deshpande Aksha Anil TE 1 Month

1 Month

35 IEEE (Pantech E learning) Dhage Neha Balasaheb TE 1 Month
36 Oasis infobyte Dhorje Rugved Ashok TE 1 Month
37 IIT Bombay Dhumal Siddhant Dharma TE 6 Month
38 IIT Bombay Dolare Vishwajeet Tanaji TE 6 Months
39 Oasis infobyte Durugkar Rohit Umesh TE 1 Month
40 Guide2sucess Ekad Kishor Balasaheb TE 1.5 Month
41 Let’s Grow More Ekhande Swati Prakash TE 1 Month
42 Pantech E Learning Gadhave Mansi Laxman TE 1 Month
43 TRDEZ Investment Private Limited Gajbhiye Shreya Vinod TE 1 Month
44 JP Morgan chase & co. Gandhi Meet Abhijit TE
45 Pantech E Learning Gonjari Anvita Prashant TE 1 Month
46 IIT BOMBAY Gulavani Anjaney Abhijit TE 6 Months
47 Technovate Infotech Hardas Tushar Sunil TE 1 Month
48 1)      Oasis Infobyte

2)      Internpe

3)      Lets Grow More

Hardikar Gandhar Sudhir TE 1 Month

1 Month

1 Month

49 IIT BOMBAY Hare Jay Manohar TE 6 Months
50 TRDEZ INVESTMENT PVT.LMT Hingane Snehal Anil TE 1 Month
51 ELECTROCEAN TECHNOLOGY PVT.LTD Irshad Anwar Inamdar TE 3 Months
52 TechEntrepreneurs Jadhav Gauri Vijay TE 2 Months
53 KB.NC enterprises Jadhav Mansi Sharad TE
54 IEEE Pentech e learning Jadhav Rajiv Dinkar TE 1 Month
55 Crystal peripherals and system Jadhav Sakshi Narayan TE 1 Month
56 Oasis Infobyte AND Schlumberger [OFFLINE] Jagadale Shreyas Prakash TE 1 Month
57 IEEE BY PANTECH Jaiswal Parth Rajesh TE 1 Month
58 Belrise Industries limited Jangam Raj Mohan TE 3 Months
59 Pantech E Learning Janhavi Wankhade TE 1 Month
60 IIT Bombay Joshi Ashwini Sanjay TE 6 Months
61 IEEE SB-PIT Joshi Prachi Uttam TE 1 Month
62 Oasis Infobyte Joshi Rucha Santosh TE 1 Month
63 IIT Bombay Joshi Vaishnavi Rahul TE 6 Months
64 TCR innovations Kagne Ruchita Kishan TE 2 Months
65 Oasis Infobyte Kale Yash Shriprasad TE 1      Month
66 1.       Oasis Infobyte

2.       Bharat Intern

Kamble Priyanka Shivaji TE 1 Month
67 Internpe Karanjkar Nikhil Vijaykumar TE 1 Month
68 e-Zest Solutions, pvt.ltd Karhe Sharvari Deepak TE 2 Months
69 IIT Bombay Katke Shrish Kalyan TE 6 Months
70 IIT Bombay Kele Parth Ashish TE 6 Months
71 Oasis Infobyte Khamkar Prasann Ramesh TE 1 Month
72 Verzeo Khanade Arnav Avinash TE 1 Month
73 NEATmet Khedkar Manas Prashant TE
74 Oasis Infobyte Khushi Harshad Mahajan TE 1 Month
75 In-House Kirad Prathamesh Vinay TE 4 Months
76 Oasis Infobyte Koparde Ayush Amol TE 1 Month
77 Oasis Infobyte Kothare Snehal Devanand TE 1 Month
78 Oasis infobyte/


Kshirsagar Krishnadas Ganesh TE 1 Month
79 YBI FOUNDATION Kshitij Umesh Arvikar TE 1 Month
80 YBI FOUNDATION Kuldipke Kunal Pralhad TE 1 Month
81 Oasis infobyte Kulkarni Athrva Sunil TE 1 Month
82 IIT Bombay Kulkarni Parth Yogesh TE 6 Months
83 Oasis Infobyte

PHN Technology

Kulkarni Tejas Gopal TE 1 Month

2 Months

84 IIT BOMBAY Kulkarni Varun Sandeep TE 6 Months
85 Bolt Iot Lagad Nikhil Rohidas TE
86 (GBS)Growth becomes Simplified Langade Mansi Dadasaheb TE 1 Month
87 IIT Bombay Laul Nachiket Shailesh TE 6 Months
88 Pantech E-Learning Limbekar Mayuresh Sunil TE 1 Month
89 Pantech E Learning Lokhande Saloni Narendra TE 1 Month
90 Oasis Infobyte,YBI FOUNDATION Madane Vighnesh Sanjay TE 1 Month
91 IEEE and Pantech E Learning Mahanawar Prajwal Shivaji TE 1 Month
92 Oasis Infobyte Mallick Pallavi Kalipada TE 1 Month
93 IIT Bombay Mihir Mandar Karandikar TE 6 Months
94 IIT Bombay More Shlok Shekhar TE 6 Months
95 TCR Innovation More Tejas Rajendra TE 2 Months
96 Code Clause Mungase Mahesh Kishor TE 1 Month
97 IIT BOMBAY Naik Vikrant Tarsing TE 6 Months
98 Whiz IT Services Nangare Akshada Abhaysinh TE 2 Months
99 Oasis Infobyte Nasikkar Ninad Pramod TE 1 Month
100 YHills Edutech Nehete Nikita Pradip TE 2 Months
101 Technovate Infotech Oak Pranav Nivas TE 1 Month
102 Harshanjali Instruments (Pneu.) Pvt. Ltd. Omkar Deepak Javarat TE 1.5 Month
103 TCR innovations Padwal Priti Santosh TE 2 Months
104 TechEnterpreneurs Pakade Vaishnavi Jaykrishna TE 2 Months
105 Oasis Infobyte

PHN Technology

Pakhale Darshan Vijay TE 1 Month

2 Month

106 Internpe Palkhe Devashish Tushar TE 1 Month
107 Oasis Infobyte Parkar Prathamesh Ramesh TE 1 Month
108 Trendzlink Technology Pvt. Ltd. Patil Avinash Chandrakant TE 1 Month
109 YBI Foundation Patil Chinmay Suvarnasing TE 1 Month
110 YBI Foundation Patil Devang Ajay TE 1 Month
111 IEEE and Pantech E Learning Patil Prithviraj Ashish TE 1 Month
112 R S Power+ Patil Rahul Kailas TE 1 Month
113 YBI FOUNDATION Patil Shreyash Shashikant TE 1 Month
114 Crystal peripherals and system Patil Shruti Atul TE 1 Month
115 Tech Entrepreneurs Phadtare Atharva Chandrakant TE 2 Months
116 Fincrux Technologies LLP Pingale Anushray Nitin TE
117 ELECTROCEAN TECHNOLOGY PVT.LTD Pradip Pandit Rathod TE 3 Months
118 In-House ICGEWE 2023 Rajput Shreyas Manoj TE 4 Month
119 Pantech e Learning Ranmode Sakshi Santosh TE
120 TCR INNOVATION Ransing Siddhant Deepak TE 2 Months
121 KB.NC.ENTERPRISES Sabah Anis Bagwan TE
122 Oasis Infobyte,YBI FOUNDATION Sangle Bhushan Bharat TE 1 Month
123 YBI FOUNDATION Savadikar Tejas Jagadish TE 1 Month
124 Oasis Infobyte Sharanya Rajesh Gubbawar TE 1 Month
125 Oasis Infobyte Shelke Rushikesh Premkishan TE 1 Month
126 IEEE and Pantech E Learning Shinde Akhilesh Subhash TE 1 Month
127 Innomatics Research Labs Shinde Yash Ganeshrao TE
128 YBI FOUNDATION Shitole Harshvardhan Dhondiram TE 1 Month
129 Motiban Systems Shlok Rupesh Bagmar TE
130 Code Clause Shubham Sandip Kale TE 1 Month
131 Oasis Infobyte Shyamkuwar Chaitanya Devdas TE 1 Month



Siddhesh Sanjay Chaudhari TE 1 Month
133 Trdez Investment Pvt Ltd


Siddhiraj Shivaji Patil TE 1 Month
134 Narachi Cosultant Soman Chinmay Yogesh TE 2 Months
135 Oasis Infobyte Soni Bhavana Vijay TE 1 Month
136 In-House ICGEWE 2023 Sutar Aniruddh Kailasnath TE 4 Month
137 IIT BOMBAY Sutar Navendu Pramod TE 6 Months
138 IIT BOMBAY Talegaonkar Sakshi Tushar TE
139 Whiz IT Services Tambe Avantika Bapusaheb TE 2 Months
140 Yhills Edutech Tankar Atharva Anil TE 2 Months
141 YBI foundation Tanuja Tanaji Vagre TE 1 Month
142 1.       Oasisi Infobyte

2.       Automate Engineering

Taware Rajvardhan Shreedhar TE 1 Month
143 1.Oasis Infobyte

2. Tech Entrepreneurs

Tidke Laxmi Mohan TE 1 Month
144 1.G-TECH SOLUTIONS Tikone Sumit Babasaheb TE 3 Months
145 IEEE (Pantech E learning) Torane Tejas Charudatta TE 1 Month
146 IEEE SB-PIT Upadhye Shruti Sudhakar TE 1 Month
147 Manasvi Tech solutions Vikrant Shyamsingh Pardeshi TE 1 Month
148 Txon Vishal Pandey TE 1 Month
149 INTERNPE Waghmare Sambhaji Balaji TE 1 Month
150 TRDEZ Investment Wasif Ayesha Aklakh TE 1 Month
151 Oasis Infobyte Yawalikar Mrudula Arun TE 1 Month
152 Smart bridge Abhijeet bhalerao BE 2 Months
153 Devise Electronics Abhishek Deshpande BE 2 Months
154 PHN Private Limited Technology Aboli chandrakant joshi BE 2 Months
155 Inhouse Anushka Kokate BE 2 Months
156 PHN Private Limited Technology Harsh Chandak BE 2 Months
157 PHN Private Limited Technology Janai Narayan Patil BE 2 Months
158 Brose India Automotive Systems Pvt. Ltd. Kaushal Rane BE 6 Months
159 Brose India Automotive Systems Pvt. Ltd. Raghav Ravindra Narewadikar BE 6 Months
160  SalesForce and Smartinternz Rajeshwari Nalbalwar BE 3 Months
161  Creative Galileo Edtech Pvt Ltd, Ritin Wadekar BE 3 Months
162 PHN Private Limited Technology Rutuja Adinath Zare BE 2 Months
163 PHN Private Limited Technology Sakshi Kishor Khopade BE 2 Months

Academic Year: 2021 – 2022


Sr.No. Industry Name of Students Class Duration
1 Infosys Springboard Pranav Nivas Oak SE 1.5Month
2 Knowledge Solutions India Tejas Charudatta Torane SE 1.5Month
3 A2Z INFOTECH Sanket Ashok Borude SE 6 Months
4 TCR Innovations Nemane Mukind Shivaji TE 2 Months
5 Ericsson Aaditya Sharma TE 1Month
6 Maven silicon Aaryaman TE 1 Month
7 Sane Electric Private Ltd. Aayush Tushar Bhamare TE 1 Month
8 SCI Tesla, Scientific Testing Lab Abhijeet Rohidas Ekad TE 1 Month
9 IIT Bombay Aditya Pratap Singh TE 6 Months
10 Exposys Data Labs Ajabe Dnyanesh Vishwambar TE 1 Month
11 IIT Bombay Akanksha Mohan Patole TE 6 Months
12 IIT Bombay Alset Amruta Rajendra TE 6 Months
13 IIIT Bombay Anbhule Diksha Namdeo TE 6 Months
14 IIT Bombay Andhale Swapnil Navnath TE 6 Months
15 Ericsson Anekar Vaishnavi Sunil TE 1 Month
16 Aplos Ventures Pvt. Ltd. Arya Bharat Riswadkar TE 6 Months
17 IIT Bombay Babar Shreyas Jalindar TE 6 Months
18 LiveWire Bagwan Sahil Mahamadhanif TE 1 Month
19 Electrocen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Bande Dipali Satish TE 1 Month
20 Suven Consultancies and Technologies Pvt. LTd. Bankar Tejas Savata TE 1 Month
21 Exposys Data Labs Barhate Bhagyashri Dipak TE 1 Month
22 IIT Bombay Bhagat Aishwarya Amar TE 6 Months
23 Hawkscode Softwares Pvt. Ltd. Bhalerao Abhijeet Siddharth TE 1 Month
24 TCR Innovation Bhandari Riya Vivek TE 2 Months
25 Knowledge Solution India Bhapkar Yogesh Vilas TE 1 Month
26 IIIT Bombay Bhave Adwait Avinash TE 6 Months
27 Suven Consultancies and Technologies Pvt. LTd.Suven Bhosale Aaditya Dhondiba TE 1 Month
28 Oasis Infobyte Borkar Subham Gajanan TE 1 Month
29 TCR Innovation Chamanshaikh Salma Salim TE 2 Months
30 Suven Consultancies and Technologies Pvt. LTd. Chandak Harsh Anil TE 1 Month
31 Mavel SIlicon Charwad Sahil Shirish TE 1 Month
32 Oasis Infobyte Chavan Mandar Ganesh TE 1 Month
33 TCR Innovation Chinchkar Omkar Ganesh TE 2 Months
34 PFP Studios Chinmayee Inamdar TE 1 Month
35 TCR Innovation Chitnis Saniya Rajesh TE 2 Months
36 IIIT Bombay Deorankar Mayuri Girish TE 6 Months
37 IIT Bombay Deshpande Abhishek Ajit TE 6 Months
38 Mavel SIlicon Deshpande Hariom Naresh TE 1 Month
39 IIT Bombay Deshpande Tanmay Atul TE 6 Months
40 TCR Innovation Dhavale Sahil Nitin TE 2 Months
41 IIT Bombay Dhormare Pradyumna Vaishampayan TE 6 Months
42 1 Stop.ai Digvijay Nitin Gaikwad TE 1 Month
43 IIT Bombay Dixit Shivam Santosh TE 6 Months
44 1 Stop.ai Dode Sumiran Rajesh TE 1 Month
45 IIT Bombay Gaikwad Rutuja Rajendra TE 6 Months
46 TCR Innovation Ghatale Prajwal Dhanraj TE 1 Month
47 TCR Innovation Ghuge Jayesh Rajendra TE 2 Months
48 TCR Innovation Gosavi Rushikesh Shankar TE 2 Months
49 SkillDzire Sejal Yashwant Talele TE 1 Month
50 Mavel SIlicon Hole Pratiksha Dattatray TE 1 Month
51 Electrocen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Hundekar Neel Atul TE 1 Month
52 Mavel SIlicon Jagdale Apeksha Madhukar TE 1 Month
53 IIT Bombay Jangam Vedika Sanjay TE 6 Months
54 Exposys Data Labs Joshi Abhinav Bhaskar TE 1 Month
55 Electrocen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Joshi Aboli Chandrakant TE 1 Month
56 TCR Innovation Joshi Arya Abhijit TE 2 Months
57 Oasis Infobyte Joshi Chinmay Mukund TE 1 Month
58 Dolphin Labs Joshi Krushna Narendra TE 1 Month
59 IIT Bombay Joshi Tejas Sanjay TE 6 Months
60 TCR Innovation Kadam Swaraj Shashank TE 2 Months
61 Techinvento IT Service Pvt. Ltd. Kakade Sanket Sunil TE 1 Month
62 IIT Bombay Kalbhor Sayali Sachin TE 6 Months
63 Electrocen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Kale Tejas Nana TE 1 Month
64 TCR Innovation Kande Pranit Bharat TE 2 Months
65 IIT Bombay Kandge Rhishikesh Manish TE 6 Months
66 Prof. Parikshit Jamdade Karande Atharva Sanjay TE 1 Month
67 TCR Innovation Katkar Chetan Hari TE 2 Months
68 Prof. Parikshit Jamdade Kawade Atharva Ajay TE 1 Month
69 IIT Bombay Kawale Kshitij Vijay TE 6 Months
70 IIT Bombay Khadilkar Brajesh Anant TE 6 Months
71 Electorcen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Khanapurkar Disha Balkrishna TE 1 Month
72 Dolphin Labs Kharote Uttkarsha Dilip TE 1 Month
73 Exposys Data Labs Khopade Sakshi Kishor TE 1 Month
74 Suven Consultancies and Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Khopade Sudarshan Hanumant TE 1 Month
75 IIT Bombay Kinjawadekar Aditya Jitendra TE 6 Months
76 Prof. Parishit Jamdade Kokate Anushka Sanjay TE
77 IIT Bombay Kolli Srushti Shivanand TE 6 Months
78 IIT Bombay Koratkar Pratik Ramesh TE 6 Months
79 TCR Innovation Kulkarni Atharva Tushar TE 2 Months
80 Suven Consultant and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Kumavat Suresh Nemaram TE 1 Month
81 TCR Innovation Lanke Amit Rajaram TE 2 Months
82 TCR Innovation Londhe Akshar Gajanan TE 2 Months
83 Exposys Data Lab Magadum Tanmay Chandranath TE 1 Month
84 Sane Electric Pvt. Ltd. Mahajan Pranav Ravindra TE 1 Month
85 TCR Innovation Malu Raghav Ravindra TE 2 Months
86 Udemy Mane Aashutosh Milind TE 1 Month
87 Techgyan Technologies Mavale Vedant Gopal TE 1 Month
88 Just Engineering Melkunde Swapnil Basavaraj TE 1 Month
89 Exposys Data Labs Mitkari Jayesh Sayas TE 1 Month
90 Exposys Data Labs Mohod Ankita Pramodrao TE 1 Month
91 TCR Innovation Mulay Saumitra Vaibhav TE 2 Months
92 IIT Bombay Mundada Gauri Vishnudas TE 6 Months
93 TCR Innovation Nagmal Aditya Vijay TE 2 Months
94 Dolphin lab and maven silicon Nagre Mansi Dattatray TE 1 Month
95 Dolphin lab and maven silicon Naik Vedant Gajanan TE 1 Month
96 Parikrama Pvt., Hawkcodes, TCR Innovation, Microsoft future ready talent Nalbalwar Rajeshwari Dilip TE 2 Months
97 Exposys Data Labs Narewadikar Raghav Ravindra TE 1 Month
98 Exposys Data Labs Nawale Anil Chhagan TE 1 Month
99 TCR Innovation Nehal Ashok Sharma TE 2 Months
100 TCR Innovation Omkar Avinash Shingte TE 2 Months
101 TCR Innovation Parasbone Shrirang Padmakar TE 2 Months
102 Creations Paraswar Shravani Anand TE 1 Month
103 Powertech Electronics Patankar Adwait Dilip TE 1 Month
104 IIT Bombay Patil Dhananjay Ravindra TE 6 Months
105 Electrocen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Patil Janai Narayanrao TE 1 Month
106 Dolphin labs Patil Sayali Anand TE 1 Month
107 TCR Innovation Patil Tanvi Jalindar TE 2 Months
108 TCR Innovation Pawar Gouri Nitin TE 2 Months
109 IIT Bombay Pawar Mayuri Ishwar TE 6 Months
110 TCR Innovation Pawar Pratik Pandurang TE 2 Months
111 IIT Bombay Pawar Sakshi Sanjiv TE 6 Months
112 Skill Dzire Phuke Kanhaiya Vijay TE 1 Month
113 1. Chheda Electricals and Electronics Pvt Ltd. – EV Division
2. IIT Bombay
Phulaware Adish Dinesh TE 6 Months
114 IIT Bombay Piyush Paresh Patole TE 6 Months
115 TCR Innovation Potdar Vyankatesh Prabhakar TE 2 Months
116 IIT Bombay Pratik Rajendra Hole TE 6 Months
117 Mavel SIlicon Punit Bhandari TE 1 Month
118 TCR Innovation Rakate Omkar Machindra TE 2 Months
119 IIT Bombay Rane Kaushal Sunil TE 6 Months
120 IIT Bombay Ranjane Harshada Vilas TE 6 Months
121 SkillDzire Ritin Ravindra Wadekar TE 1 Month
122 Maven SIlicon Sakshi Vijay Mulik TE 1 Month
123 IIT Bombay Samruddhi Walmik Gawali TE 6 Months
124 Tutoraj Sangle Adesh Sanjay TE
125 IIIT Bombay Sarawate Mihir Kedar TE 6 Months
126 Exposys Data Labs Sasane Rushikesh Gorakh TE 1 Month
127 TCR Innovation Sathe Saurabh Govind TE 2 Months
128 Dolphin Labs Shabade Samartha Subhash TE 1 Month
129 IIT Bombay Shah Sumit Manish TE 6 Months
130 ElectOCEAN Technologies Shah Yash Sandeep TE 1 Month
131 Oasis Infobyte Shivani Koul TE 1 Month
132 Tech Innovation Pvt. Ltd. Shivdas Ramdas Manwar TE 1 Month
133 Exposys Data Labs Shivdatt Nitin Mahale TE 1 Month
134 TCR Innovation Shivraj Dayanand Huded TE 2 Months
135 DSP IIT Bombay Shraddha Mahesh Shete TE 6 Months
136 TCR Innovation Shreyas Balasaheb Jagtap TE 2 Months
137 TCR Innovation Shreyas Deepak Dutte TE 2 Months
138 IIT Bombay Sohoni Shruti Vikram TE 6 Months
139 TCR Innovation Solanke Vivek Digambarrao TE 2 Months
140 Mavel SIlicon Songire Revati Rajendra TE 1 Month
141 Education 4 ol Soudagar Omkar Shrinath TE 1 Month
142 Newton’s Apple Security Solutions Sukrut Swapnil Mayekar TE 6 Months
143 IIT Bombay Sumedh H Chandanshive TE 6 Months
144 Techgyan Technologies TE 1 Month
145 Oasis Infobyte Pvt. Ltd. Swami Uday Dayanand TE 1 Month
146 TCR Innovation Tambe Tushar Subhash TE 2 Months
147 Forage Online Platform in Coordination with Mastercard and New York jobs CEO Council Thorat Tushar Subhash TE
148 Mavel SIlicon Tukan Abhishek Sunil TE 1 Month
149 TCR Innovation Umap Bhargao Vijayrao TE 1 Month
150 Maven SIlicon Vaidya Parth Rajesh TE 1 Month
151 Shape AI Vaishnavi Jadhav TE 1 Month
152 Dolphin Labs Vaishnavi Vidyesh Patil TE 1 Month
153 IIT Bombay Vanjole Mayuri Ganpati TE 6 Months
154 IIT Bombay Vispute Sakshi Jitendra TE 6 Months
155 TCR Innovation Vivek R Koshti TE 2 Months
156 Technical Coding Research Innovation Wanve Rudresh Suresh TE 2 Months
157 IIT Bombay Yadav Kaustubh Sharad TE 6 Months
158 IIT Bombay Yash Rajesh Unta TE 6 Months
159 IIT Bombay Yuvraj Shrimant Warad TE 6 Months
160 Electrocean Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Zalkikar Atharva Mahesh TE 1 Month
161 Electrocean Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Zare Rutuja Adinath TE 1 Month
162 Cadence Design Systems Suyash A Dandekar BE 11 Months
163 Knowledge Solutions India Harshada Virkar BE 1.5 Months
164 Newton’s Apple Atharva Bhamburkar BE 6 Months
165 HEXNBIT Chinmay Rangnekar BE 1.5 Months
166 Intellegre LLC Soham Ganesh Chhajed BE 2 Months
167 Wipro Pranav Zambre BE 2 months
Academic Year: 2020 – 2021
Sr.No. Industry Name of Students Class Duration
1 Adore India | Infovue Pranjal Tiwari BE 4 Months
2 Aerotech Drone Systems ANAND KACHALE TE 5 Weeks
3 Appcilious Pvt Ltd Harshada Gundecha TE 1 Month
4 Appcilious Pvt Ltd Harshada Gundecha TE 1 Month
5 Automate Engineering Samarth kamat BE ongoing
6 Automate Engineering Mayur Mahajan BE ongoing
7 Automate Engineering Atharva Waranashiwar BE ongoing
8 Automate engineering Gauri Rasote TE 1.5 months
9 Automate Engineering Aadishree Borkar TE 1.5 months
10 Axact Studios Harshada Gundecha TE 1 Month
11 CL Educate Ankita Jangid BE 2 Months
12 Collegedunia (website) Sakshi Vispute SE 5 Weeks
13 Copper cloud Muskan Jain TE 6 Months
14 Copper cloud Harshada Gundecha TE 6 Months
15 copper cloud IOTech atharva bhamburkar TE 6 Months
16 Copper Cloud IoTech Solutions Shubham Kothari TE 6 Months
17 CopperCloud IOTech Aditi Chine TE 6 Months
18 CopperCloud IoTech Solutions Karan Santosh Zanwar TE 6 Months
19 CopperCloud IoTech Solutions Tanvi Vijay Herkal TE 6 Months
20 Cyrrup Solution Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad Mahesh Swami BE 2 Months
21 DeeDee labs Pune Adil Patel BE 3 Months
22 Dhanandip corporation jyoti shirgire BE 5 Months
23 Echobird Electronics (Macjack) Hemangi Fegade BE 1 Month
24 Edgate technologies Pvt Ltd Tanay shrotri TE 5 months
25 EdGate Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore Rashmi Raut BE 20 days
26 EdGate Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore Rohan Anand Pendse TE 10 Days
27 EdGate Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore Jaydev Ashutosh Bapat TE 10 Days
28 EdGate Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore Suyash Anurag Dandekar TE 10 Days
29 EdGate Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore Supriya Gaikwad TE 10 Days
30 EDUREKA Pratik Patil BE 60 days
31 Electrographic Swapnil Pradip Dusane TE 1 Month
32 ENR Consultancy Services Shubham Ashish Mahadwale TE 3 Months
33 Entie Shweta Sonawane BE 6 Months
34 Espressif Systems Pvt. Ltd Suyash Anurag Dandekar TE 6 Months
35 E-vince Shweta Sonawane BE 3 Months
36 Food For Marketeers Shweta Sonawane BE 5 Weeks
37 Fusion Market Research Pranjal Tiwari BE 3 Months
38 GFS Pvt. Ltd. Aditi Limaye TE 5 months
39 Güdel India Parikshit Dixit TE 1 Month
40 IIT – Bombay Sakshi Molekari TE 3 Months
41 IIT Bombay Ruchika kale TE 3 Months
42 IIT Bombay Supriya Gaikwad TE 3 Months
43 iit Bombay Tanay shrotri TE 3 Months
44 IIT BOMBAY Harshada Virkar TE 3 Months
45 IIT Bombay Mandar Milind Joshi TE 4 months
46 IIT Bombay Aditya Pratap Singh SE 6 Months
47 IIT Bombay Shweta Chandrashekhar Gurav TE 3 Months
48 IIT Bombay Devidas Narendra Ingale TE 3 Months
49 IIT Bombay Satyam Katakwar TE 3 Months
50 IIT Bombay Shweta Chandrashekhar Gurav TE 4 months
51 IIT Bombay Swapnil Pradip Dusane TE 3 Months
52 IIT Bombay Prathamesh Makarand Keskar TE 3 Months
53 IIT Bombay Sayali Shivaji Deshmukh TE 3 Months
54 IIT Bombay Ajay Tanaji Mule TE 6 Months
55 IIT Bombay Snehal Ajay More TE 6 Months
56 IIT Bombay Shreya Vinayak Kolhapure TE 6 Months
57 IIT Bombay Sakshi Chopada TE 4 Months
58 IIT Bombay Tanay Shrotri TE 6 Months
59 IIT Bombay Abhishek Deshpande SE 6 Months
60 IIT Bombay Shantanu Gaikwad TE 6 Months
61 IIT Bombay Kaushik Kanhaiya Chhappaniya TE 6 Months
62 IIT Bombay Manjiri Vijay Kshirsagar TE 6 Months
63 IIT Bombay Mohammad Shahbaz Alam TE 6 Months
64 IIT Bombay Shrutika Gunda TE 3 Months
65 IIT Bombay Rahul Phirke TE 6 Months
66 IIT Bombay Mugdha Doke TE 3 Months
67 IIT Bombay Soham Ashish Sheth TE 6 Months
68 IIT -Bombay Muskan Jain TE 3 Months
69 IIT -Bombay Muskan Jain TE 4 months
70 IIT -Bombay Mohit Chaudhari TE 4 months
71 IIT -Bombay Vinit Ashok Parkipalli TE 3 Months
72 IIT- Bombay Jaydev Ashutosh Bapat TE 3 Months
73 IIT- BOMBAY Suraj Swamy TE 3 Months
74 IIT- Bombay Shruti Manoharrao Katyarmal TE 6 Months
75 IIT Bombay Soham Ganesh Chhajed TE 6 Months
76 IIT Bombay Pratiksha Satish Nigdikar TE 6 Months
77 IIT-Bombay Soham Band TE 3 Months
78 IIT-Bombay Sonal Datere TE 6 Months
79 IIT-Bombay Bhagyashri Shivaji Thorat TE 3 Months
80 IIT-Bombay Rohan Anand Pendse TE 6 Months
81 Internship Studio Aayush Bhamare SE 5 Weeks
82 Internship Studio Ruchika Kale TE 5 Weeks
83 Internship Studio Sonal Chaudhari BE 5 Weeks
84 Internship Studio Shweta Sonawane BE 5 Weeks
85 internship studio Abhijeet Ekad SE 5 Weeks
86 Internship studio Harshada virkar TE 5 Weeks
87 Internship Studio Mayuree Deorankar SE 5 Weeks
88 Internship Studio Tejas Sanjay Joshi SE 5 Weeks
89 Internship Studio Manjiri Vijay Kshirsagar TE 5 Weeks
90 Internship Studio Soham Bachal SE 5 Weeks
91 Internship Studio Sumiran Dode SE 5 Weeks
92 InternshipStudio Mugdha Doke TE 5 Weeks
93 JRTC Intern Pranjal Tiwari BE 3 Months
94 Kasnet Bhagyashri Sangale BE 10 Days
95 KPMG Prajakta joshi BE 4 Days
96 Maker’s Space Adish Phulaware SE 1 Year
97 My captain Sakshi Vispute SE 5 Weeks
98 Newton’s Apple Muskan Jain TE 3 Months
99 Newton’s Apple Sumiran Rajesh Dode SE 6 Months
100 Openfive Muskan Jain TE 3 Months
101 Openfive Jaydev Ashutosh Bapat TE 3 Months
102 Openfive Suyash Anurag Dandelar TE 3 Months
103 Openfive Rohan Anand Pendse TE 3 Months
104 Pantech e learning Atharva Zalkikar SE 1 Month
105 Pantech e-learning Parth Vaidya SE 1 Month
106 Pantech e-learning Pranjali Shastri TE 1 Week
107 Pantech Prolab India Pvt,Ltd Omkar Karpe BE 1 Month
108 Pantech solutions pvt ltd Manjiri Vijay Kshirsagar TE 10 Days
109 Pantech solutions pvt ltd Manjiri Vijay Kshirsagar TE 10 Days
110 Pantech solutions pvt. Ltd Kaushik Kanhaiya Chhappaniya TE 10 Days
111 Pantech solutions pvt. Ltd Kaushik Kanhaiya Chhappaniya TE 10 Days
112 SBK Instrumentation Suyog Kapileshwar BE 4 Months
113 ScoopBunch Mandar Joshi TE 6 Weeks
114 ScoopBunch Mandar Milind Joshi TE 3 Months
115 Spark Foundation Supriya Gaikwad TE 1 Month
116 StackZeal pvt ltd Shweta Sonawane BE 6 Months
117 TCS Sudarshan Hanumant Khopade SE 4 months
118 Technocolabs Kunal Ramesh Manjare BE 1 Month
119 Tejodeep Technical Services Udayraj Borse BE 9 Weeks
120 Texas instruments Shivdatt mahale TE 10 Days
121 The Sparks Foundation Veerdhaval Barkade TE 1 Month
122 The Sparks Foundation Sakshi Chopada TE 1 Month
123 Tutoraj Nikhil Kailas Adik TE 1 Month
124 Umbilical Infostructure Pvt. Ltd. Suyog Kapileshwar BE 6 Months
125 Verzeo  pvt.ltd Kaushik Kanhaiya Chhappaniya TE 2 months
126 Verzeo Edutech Tanmay Deshpande SE 2 months
127 Verzeo Edutech Kaushal Rane SE 2 months
128 Verzeo Edutech Salma Chamanshaikh SE 2 months
129 Verzeo Edutech Tejas Sanjay Joshi SE 2 months
130 Verzeo Edutech Saniya Rajesh Chitnis SE 5 Weeks
131 Vezeo Edutech Sayali Kalbhor SE 2 months
132 VI Solutions Ankita Gaikwad BE 1 Month
133 VI Solutions Disha Khanapurkar SE 5 Weeks
134 VI Solutions Aarti Gurudas Rode BE 5 Weeks
135 Virtual internship Shilpatai Kamble BE 1 Month
136 Virtual internship (Anand Techno  Creations ) Ankita Gaikwad BE 1 Month
137 Vogo Automotive Pvt Ltd Manish Sudumbrekar BE 3 Months
Academic Year: 2019 – 2020
Sr.No. Industry Name of Students Class Duration
1 Accenture Sumedh Rameshwar Pohekar BE 1 Month
2 Accenture Jay Gaikwad TE 1 week
3 Accenture Shweta Sonawane TE 1 week
4 Accenture Australia Discovery Program Pranjal Tiwari TE 1 Week
5 Adore India | Infovue Pranjal Tiwari TE 4 Months
6 AI Adventures Kunal Manjare TE 3 month
7 Anubhooti Solutions Manish Sudumbrekar TE 1 Month
8 Anubhooti Solutions Saumitra Thakar TE 1 Month
9 Anubhooti Solutions Shivani Dalvi TE 1 Month
10 Anubhooti solutions Rajashree Haware TE 1 Month
11 Anubhooti Solutions Suyash Anurag Dandekar SE 1 Month
12 Anubhooti Solutions Chirag Gujarathi TE 1 Month
13 ANZ Pranjal Tiwari TE 1 Week
14 ARAI Shruti Chougule BE 38 days
15 Asia Automation Pvt. Ltd. Prachi Sathe TE 20 days
16 Automaton AI Hrishikesh Chowkwale BE 5 Month
17 Automaton AI Piyush Malpure BE 5 Month
18 Baumuller Mohammad Shaikh BE 15 Days
19 BSNL Hrushikesh Nitin Chikalge TE 2 weeks
20 BSNL Ashish Dupargude TE 2 weeks
21 BSNL Rajesh Chavan TE 2 weeks
22 BSNL Abhishek Lotake TE 2 weeks
23 BSNL Shriram Mohan Badade TE 2Weeks
24 BSNL Ritesh Barache TE 2 weeks
25 Career Santa International Pvt Ltd Sumedh Rameshwar Pohekar BE 1 Month
26 CWPRS Priyanka Dipak Gujar TE 15 days
27 CWPRS Malay Khare TE 15 days
28 CWPRS Sourabh Pawar TE 15 days
29 CWPRS Pratik Kale TE 15 days
30 CWPRS Atharva Waranashiwar TE 15 days
31 CWPRS Samarth kamat TE 15 days
32 Digitronics Darshana Gajanan Mahajan TE 15 days
33 Digitronics Aarti Gurudas Rode TE 15 days
34 Digitronics Priyanka Mankar TE 15 Days
35 Digitronics Pooja Bhosale TE 15 Days
36 EdGate Technologies Pvt Ltd Bangalore Priyanka Gaikwad TE 10 days
37 EdGate Technologies Pvt Ltd Bangalore Vaibhav Bahubali Karav TE 20 days
38 Edupolis Technologies pvt ltd (unschool) Paresh Manoj Jagtap BE 3 week
39 ENR Consualtancy Services Shubham Mahadwale TE 3 months
40 Güdel India Pvt Ltd Parikshit Bharat Dixit SE 1 Month
41 Hachimichi Tech pvt. Ltd Hitesh Anil Agrawal SE 2 weeks
42 HEXNBIT samarth kamat TE 6 Weeks
43 JP Morgan Chase & Co Hrushikesh Nitin Chikalge TE 1 week
44 JP Morgan Chase & Co Sumedh Rameshwar Pohekar BE 1 Week
45 JP Morgan Chase & Co Mahesh Swami TE 10 days
46 JP Morgan Chase & Co. Bhagyashri R. Sangale TE 1 week
47 JP Morgan Chase & Co. Akash Rajesh Bhorkade TE 1 week
48 JPMorgan chase & co. Shweta Sonawane TE 2 week
49 KPMG Akash Rajesh Bhorkade TE 1 week
50 KPMG Sumedh Rameshwar Pohekar BE 2 Weeks
51 KPMG Prajakta joshi TE 1 week
52 LabVIEW Academy by National Instruments Anjali Ajay Jagtap BE 1 month 15 days
53 Labview Academy by National Instruments Tushar  Karche BE 45 days
54 Lumax Auto Technologies Pvt Ltd Anjali Ashok Bhosale BE 1 year
55 Muskurahat Foundation Sumedh Rameshwar Pohekar BE 3 Months
56 National Instruments LabVIEW academy Jaisingh Dhande SE 6 Weeks
57 National Instruments LabVIEW academy Parikshit Bharat Dixit SE 6 Weeks
58 National InstrumentsLabview Academy Tanveer Patil SE 6 Weeks
59 Pantech Solutions Sonal Jadhav BE 1 Month
60 Python Sejal Khanchandani BE 1 week
61 Reliance Jio Infocom LTD. Shantanu Susar BE 1 Month
62 Sandvik Asia Pvt. Ltd. Mohammad Shaikh BE 30 Days
63 smartbridge educational services Akash Rajesh Bhorkade TE 1 Month
64 TCS Jay Gaikwad TE 1 week
65 TCSiON Dipti Desale TE 125hrs
66 TCSiON Shruti Suresh Shirahattimath TE 125 hrs
67 Thuse electronics Dipali Dnyaneshwar Gangawane TE 15 days
68 Thuse electronics kanchan Shamde TE 15 days
69 Thuse electronics  Pooja Darade TE 15 days
70 Thuse electronics Shrutika Bhapkar TE 15 days
71 Thuse electronics Sonal Pravin Chaudhari TE 15 days
72 Thuse electronics Pvt Ltd Sakshi Warange TE 15 days
73 Thuse electronics Pvt Ltd Saloni Sadashiv Tapkir TE 15 days
74 Thuse Electronics Pvt Ltd Pankaj Pandurang Lawate TE 13 days
75 Thuse Electronics Pvt Ltd Sarang Ravindra Shete TE 11 days
76 Thuse electronics pvt. ltd. Himanshu Patil TE 15 days
77 Thuse elektronics Pvt Ltd. Aniket Sonar TE 13 days
78 Truelancer Sumedh Rameshwar Pohekar BE 2 Months
79 Vardhan Consulting Engineers Siddhi Sadekar BE 6 Weeks
80 Verzeo Vaibhav Bahubali Karav TE 2 months
81 VI solutions Atharva Ajit Waranashiwar TE 5 Weeks
82 VI Solutions Shubham Waghmare TE 5 Weeks
83 VI Solutions Shubham Dangi TE 5 Weeks
84 VI Solutions Omkar Karpe TE 5 Weeks
85 VI Solutions Sourabh Pawar TE 5 Weeks
86 VI Solutions Pratik Kale TE 5 Weeks
87 VI solutions Hemangi Fegade TE 5 Weeks
88 VI solutions Mayur Mahajan TE 5 Weeks
89 Watco Enterprises Atharva Alate TE 15days
90 Watco enterprises Apoorva Kulkarni TE 15 days
91 Argence Lab Kalyani Ghale BE 5 Months
92 Dassault Systems Abhisha Daine BE 22
93 Dassault Systems Rushikesh Deshmukh BE 22
94 Dassault Systems Pranali kulkarni BE 22
95 Dassault Systems Amey Deshpande BE 22
96 ROBOTA Parking Pvt.ltd. Fatima sangam BE 30
Academic Year: 2018 – 2019
Seat No Student Name Company/organization name Project title Internship aspect/ skill developed 
T150073002 Akshay Devke BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073003 Veena Alkari BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073006 Anjali Bhosale Lumax Auto Technologies Limited, MIDC, Fabrication Exposure to industry Envirionment
T150073007 Archis Athavale BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073010 Shreyas Bapat BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073012 Flavia Bardeskar BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073013 Aniket Bedwal BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073015 Prasanna Bhosale BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073027 Sonal Desai BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073029 Aniket Deshmukh BSNL
T150073030 Atharva Deshpande BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073033 Atharva Dharmadhikari Bird’s Eye Drone Solutions
T150073036 Kshitij Gajbhiye BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073037 Rajesh Ganjengi BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073039 Rashmi Ghadge BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073040 Shaunak Ghate BGPPL
T150073043 Abhishek Gore Bird’s Eye Drone Solutions
T150073044 Anket Gore BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073045 Ketan Gorgile BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073046 Supreet  Gulavani COEP
T150073049 Rutuja Hole BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073058 Sayali Jagdale BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073060 Paresh Jagtap COEP
T150073061 Akshara Jain BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073063 Anuja Javkar BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073064 Kaushiki Joshi BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073065 Ninad Joshi BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073070 Soham Kale BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073071 Tushar Karche BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073072 Ankita Karegaonkar BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073076 Poonam Khamkar BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073077 Sejal Khanchandani BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073080 Dipali Kudale BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073082 Manjiri Kulkarni BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073084 Piyush Kulkarni Lumax Auto Technologies Limited, MIDC, Fabrication Exposure to industry Envirionment
T150073086 Kishori Lagad BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073087 Priyanka Lagad BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073089 Atharva Lele Google Summercode Google Summercode Build root Python Programming, Professional Industry Experience
T150073090 Magar Pratik BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073093 Rutuja Malvadkar BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073093 Rutuja Malvadkar Sandwik
T150073094 Shwetansh Mate BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073095 Aditya Shahapurkar BSNL
T150073095 Aditya Mathkar Digitronics PCB Design PCB assembly, Fabrication, wiring SMPS, Industry exposure
T150073097 Vishwas Meshram BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073098 Aniket Mhaprle BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073100 Venkatesh Mullur COEP
T150073102 Prachi nawale BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073103 Prathamesh Nehe BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073109 Sayali Patil BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073110 Shivani Patil BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073111 Yogesh Patil BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073113 Tanvi Phatak BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073114 Nazneen Pinjari BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073115 Sumedh Pohekar BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073116 Pratik Pote BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073118 Shubham Sagvekar BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073121 Gauri Sangidwar BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073123 Mehul Shah COEP
T150073130 Shraddha Kamtham BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073130 Shraddha Kamtham Sandwik
T150073131 Shreyas Ankan BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073132 Shravani Shriramwar BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073143 Dipali Tate BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073145 Richa Thakare BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073147 Prathamesh Todkar BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073148 Arya Vaigankar BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073151 Vishal Wadekar BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication
T150073153 Sagar Shinde BSNL Reginal Telecom training center Broadband Technician Handson and Basic training on broadband telecommunication


Technical Event By Department

 Technical Events Organized by Department

Academic Year 2023-24

  •  K. J. Kulkarni, Prof. V. V. Sovani and Prof. R. K. Patil Organized IKS-NEP-Connect Program under IKS-NEP2020 on 11th July 2023 with Swami Rut Devji, Patanjali, Haridwar, Central State Youth Incharge for faculty of Institute
  • NEP Week Celebration: Prof. T. S. Khatavkar organized “Animation Hands-on Training” on 26th July 2023 for students as a part of NEP week celebration (24th July to 29th July 2023). The Online Distance Learning (ODL) Cell of NEP at PVG’s COET & GKPIOM in association with PVG’s College of Science and Commerce jointly organized the event. The objective was to teach students the technologies to build interactive technical animations to simplify the concepts. In all 20 students & one Faculty participated in the workshop & received the certificates for the same.
  • Technical Meetups: T. S. Khatavkar, SPOC – PVG_TMI Collaboration arranged the Research project meetup on 26th July 2023. Principal, Dean-R & D, HOD-E & TC, & Project Coordinators from PVG & TMI discussed the technicalities of the projects to be carried out in collaboration throughout the year.
  • K. J. Kulkarni and Prof. V. V. Sovani Organized in association with COEP Technological University, Pune and Y20 “a Y20-Talk on topic Inner and Outer Technology” on 21st July 2023 for all students of the Institute.
  • T. S. Khatavkar, organized the R & D “Workshop on Mendeley” on 18th Aug 2023 with Dr M P Atre as the Mendeley advisor. Students and faculties from various institutes participated in the workshop. In all 45 (offline) & 96 (Online) faculties and students attended the workshop.
  • R & D Coordinator, T. S. Khatavkar, organized a joint Online Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Patents and Design filing”. The event was organized by PVG’s College of Engineering and Technology & G K Pate (Wani) Institute of Management, Pune in association with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management (RGNIIPM) Government of India, Nagpur (Under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission) on 8th Sept 2023. In all 875 + registration pan India were received. 200 students & faculties attended in online mode. In all 198 faculties and students participated in the event.
  • K. J. Kulkarni and Prof. V. V. Sovani organized and Prof. R. K. Patil organized a Visit to Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (BORI) for students and Staff of college, under celebration of “NEP Week”.
  • K. J. Kulkarni and Prof. V. V. Sovani organized “A Two-Day FDP on “Implementation of IKS for NEP 2020” in association with COEP Technological University, Pune in Online Mode.
  • Dr. Y. B. Thakare, Prof. S. K. Bavkar and Prof. V. U. Gongane organized a Student Development workshop onArtificial Intelligence for Embedded Systems using STMicroelectronics AI Ecosystemfor BE students from 8th August 2023 to 12th August 2023. The workshop was organized by PVG’s College of Engineering and Technology & G K Pate (Wani) Institute of Management, Pune in association with DigiToad Technologies, Bangalore. 40 students participated in the workshop. The resource person for the workshop was Mr. Dhruba Jyoti Dutta from DigiToad Technologies, Bangalore.
  • Dr. Y. B. Thakare, Prof.M P Potdar and Prof. U.A. Walke organized a Student Development workshop onElectronic Skill Developmentfor SE E & TC students from 4th September 2023 to 09th September. Mr. Chandrakant Joshi worked as a resource person for the workshop. The workshop was organized by Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering of PVG’s College of Engineering and Technology & G K Pate (Wani) Institute of Management, Pune
  • Dr. Y. B. Thakare, Dr. P. G Shete, Dr. M P Atre and Prof.M P Potdar organized a Student Development workshop onMATLAB HANDS ON WORKSHOP ML DL” for BE E & TC students from 8th August 2023 to 12th August 2023.Mr. Kunal Khandelwal from MATLAB worked as a resource person for the same. The workshop was organized by Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering of PVG’s College of Engineering and Technology & G K Pate (Wani) Institute of Management, Pune
  • Dr. Y. B. Thakare, Prof. V. V. Sovani and Prof. S. K. Bavkar organized A “3 Day Hands on IoT Students Development Workshop” in association with Copper Cloud IOtech from 12th to 14th Oct. 2023 for TE E&TC students.

SDP on Orcad SE

  • R. K. Patil, Prof. N D Kuchekar & Dr. Y B Thakare organized a workshop on OrCAD software Hands on session under Students Development Program on 19th & 20th October 2023. The workshop was organized by PVG’s College of Engineering and Technology & G K Pate (Wani) Institute of Management, Pune in association with Entuple Technologies. 60 students participated in the workshop. This work covered electronics system design aspects.

 SDP on IoT TE

  •  Dr. Y. B. Thakare, Prof. V. V. Sovani and Prof. S. K. Bavkar organized a Student Development workshop on “HANDS-ON IOT FOR INDUSTRY 4.0for TE students from 12th – 14th October 2023. The workshop was organized by PVG’s College of Engineering and Technology & G K Pate (Wani) Institute of Management, Pune in collaboration with the Copper Cloud IO-Tech Pvt Ltd. 60 students participated in the workshop.

Academic Year 2022-23

  • T. S. Khatavkar, Prof. M. P. Potadar & Prof. M. P. Atre conducted the Batch -5 of DSP-IITB- 6 months industry project internship for 18 students of TE (E & TC) for the duration from 1st August 2022 to 31st Jan 2023, under the guidance of Professor Dr. Vikram M. Gadre, EE Dept, IIT Bombay. Prof. Dr. Vikram M. Gadre, Research Scholars at IIT Bombay, PVG alumni from industry reviewed the students’ projects, all 18 students were certified by IIT Bombay.
  • T. S. Khatavkar arranged a visit of authorities of PVG (Hon. Chairman PVG, Director, I/C Principal & HODs) to VLabs NCID 253 – Tolani Maritime Institute, Pune for new technical collaborations on 7th September 2022 to understand and explore the opportunities to collaborate. The members visited the infrastructure of TMI followed by a meeting to plan the technical collaboration between the two institutes.
  • PVG Campus Visit for the members of Tolani Maritime Institute was arranged on 10th Nov 2022.Principal, Vice Principal, Dean-R & D, Sr BDO and HODs of TMI explored the labs and infrastructure at PVG. Students showcased their TE & BE projects to the team and explained their social relevance. Following the visit, the MOU was signed between PVG’s COET & Tolani Maritime Institute.
  • As an activity under MOU between PVG & TMI, Prof. T. S. Khatavkar coordinated an Orientation session for XI & XII students of Muktangan English medium School & Junior College on “Career in Merchant Navy” & “Branch Selection in Engineering” on 13th Dec 2022. Capt. Indranath Banerji & Capt. Govindarajan Krishnaswamy from TMI & Dr Manoj Tarambale, I/C Principal-PVG’s COET, Pune gave wonderful technical insight to around 230 students and 25 faculties in an interactive way.
  • Technical Meetup between PVG-TMI: Prof. T. S. Khatavkar, coordinated the research meeting between PVG & TMI authorities for ideation and discussion of collaborative research problems in Maritime Engineering on 10 Feb 2023 at TMI campus.
  • Trainer-Student Felicitation program was arranged on 23rd Feb 2023. These students worked on the refurbishment of virtual experiments developed by the Institute faculties using various technologies HTML5, CSS3, JS etc. In all 61 students of various departments E&TC, Comp, IT, Mechanical and Electrical, were certified as trainees and trainers for different technologies at the hands of Hon Director Prof R G Kaduskar and I/C Principal Dr Manoj Tarambale.
  • V. V. Sovani, Prof. P. S. Deshpande and Prof. V. U. Gongane organized a Student Development hands-on Workshop on “Front end and Back-end design tools in VLSI” for SE and TE students on 8th and 9th December 2022. 20 students attended the workshop. Prof. P. S. Deshpande and Prof. V. U. Gongane were the resource persons for the workshop.
  • BE project Competition was organized in the department on 10th May 2023. The projects were evaluated by experts from the industry. Competitions consisted of tracks like Embedded systems, Iot, Web Development, Machine Learning and Image Processing. Industry experts: Mr. Bhushan Muthiyan from Automaton AI Infosystem Private Limited, Vidyesh Paknikar from Altizon Systems, Sumedh Karandikar from VASP Solutions, Mr. Omkar Patil from Wynum, Mr. Abhishek Mamadapure from Wynum, Dr. Sujata Agashe from CIMER Automation Pvt. Ltd worked as judges for the competition. Winners for each track were given certificates and prizes.
  • TE mini-project competition was organized in the department on 12th May 2023. Alumni: Manish Sudumberekar, Anjali Jagtap, Atharva Waranishwar, Adil Patel, Sourabh Pawar and Shubham Dangi evaluated the projects.

FDP on Fundamentals of Java

 SDP on Proteus

Prof. R K Patil & Dr. Y B Thakare has organized a student development program on PROTEUS Software scheduled on Friday, 4th Nov 2022, this session covered the topics like effective use of PROTEUS Simulation Software, Design & simulation aspect (With Suitable project example), Overview & detail understanding of all the software prerequisites needed before hardware PCB manufacturing & component mounting.


Academic Year 2021-22

  • T. S. Khatavkar, Prof M.P. Potadar & Prof. M.P. Atre conducted the Batch -3 of DSP-IITB- 6 months industry internship program for 49 students of TE (E & TC) for the duration from 1st July 2021 to 31 Dec 2021, under the guidance of Professor Dr Vikram M Gadre, EE Dept, IIT Bombay.All 49 students received the IITB certification.
  • VLabs Digitizers Forum under the mentorship of Regional Coordinator, Prof. T. S. Khatavkar organized the ‘National Level Web Development Workshop’ in coordination with VLabsDev IIT Bombay on 17th & 18th July 2021. In all 3451 students pan India participated in the event and were certified for the same.
  • T. S. Khatavkar, organized the R & D Webinar series on ‘Interaction with Prestigious Alumni-UG Research, Dr Rohit Dua, Associate Teaching Professor, Missouri State University, Springfield organized under R & D Cell on 16th August 2021. Around 109 students attended the webinar
  • T. S. Khatavkar and Prof.V.U. Gongane organized an Expert Lecture on Electromagnetics for third year students by Professor Dr S V Kulkarni, Institute Chair Professor, Dean (administrative Affairs), EE Dept., IT Bombay on 27th Aug 2021.About 92 students attended the session.
  • T. S. Khatavkar organized the ‘National Group Discussion Competition’ for students, under the National Digital Library of India (NDLI) Club jointly with the TESA club on 28th Aug 2021.
  • T. S. Khatavkar, Prof M P Potadar & Dr.P.G. Shete organized the Alumni Technical Talk Series- (2021) between 20 th to 24th Sept 2021. Five prestigious alumni addressed around 200 students daily on various technical topics. First session was of Ms. Pranali Kulkarni,2019 batch pass out, working at MTG. Co. Ltd,Nagoya ,Japan gave a talk on “Product Development and Discipline in work culture” on 20 th September 2021. Second session was by Mr. Benoy,2005 batch pass out, working at Sterlite Power Transmission Ltd. He spoke about “Fiber optic Telecom Network” on 21st September 2021.Third session was by Mr. Manish Deshmukh,2005 batch pass out, working at Synchron INC, USA gave insightful information on “Catching Technological waves” on 21 st September 2021.The fourth session was delivered by Mr. Nikit Shah. He is 2010 pass out. He is working at Intel. He spoke about “Cloud and Edge computing” on 23 rd September 2021. Fifth Session was conducted by Mr. Santosh Khadsare. He is a 1999 pass out student. He is working in Cyber Forensic Lab, Govt. of India. He delivered a session on “Digital Forensics as a career option for Engineering Graduates” 23 rd September 2021 he delivered the second session.
  • T. S. Khatavkar, R & D Coordinator of E & TC department, organized the R & D Webinar Series on “Ethics & Plagiarism” by expert speaker Dr.Y.B. Thakare for students on 9th Feb 2022. 127 students of SE/TE/BE attended the session.
  • National Level Project competition” VERSATALIA” was organized by Electrical Engineering Department, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, IT Engineering Department in association with EESA, TESA and ITSA on 30th April 2022. The competition was Sponsored by PES-IAS Chapter, IEEE Pune Section. There were 6 tracks for the competition: IoT, Electric Vehicle & Power Systems, Embedded Systems, Robotics & Industrial Automation, AI ML/DS & Cyber security, other topics. Prizes worth Rs. 1,00,000/- were distributed among winners of six tracks. One project group from the department were declared as winners for Embedded System Track, two project groups from the department secured second and third prize for Robotics track.

SDP on Proteus TE

  • R.K. Patil, Prof. V. U Gongane & Dr. Y B Thakare organized the Students Development Program on Proteus Software- PCB Circuits Simulation Session, PCB Lay outing from 27th to 29th April 2022.

SDP for SE & TE

  • R. K. Patil & Dr. Y B Thakare has organized a Students Development Program from 2nd to 4th Dec 2021 (3 Days), 10-12 PM, (online mode) which covered Overview on Core-Electronics Industry & Future Opportunities, Opportunities in Automotive Electronics Industry, Automation using Embedded System. Approx. 110 students participated in the said workshop.

Academic Year 2020-21

  • TED Club members organized “Take the Leap_TEDxPVGCOET 2020”, February 29, 2020. Prof. T. S. Khatavkar worked as the faculty coordinator for the TEDxPVGCOET event. Around 100 participants (students & faculty) attended the event held at Patrakar Bhavan. Greg Ellis, world famous versatile drummer, IITian Mr. Achyut Godbole, Rohan Albal, founder motor vlogging YouTube channel, Gaurav Sangtani-Founder & President of Jigyasa Foundation, Saransh Sharma- founder of Technology firm Upscale and our own alumnus Abhiram Joshi working in VR & AR Aespaes Communications made the event memorable.
  • R & D Webinar Series initiated by Prof. T. S. Khatavkar, organized the IPR Webinar by our proud alumnus, Mr. Nachiket Galgali Principal IC Design Engineer at Broadcom, Bengaluru, Karnataka, “Research Trends in Fiber Optic Sensor Technology”, February 1, 2020
  • R & D Webinar Series initiated by Prof. T. S. Khatavkar, IPR Webinar by our proud alumnus, Mr. Nachiket Galgali Principal IC Design Engineer at Broadcom, Bengaluru, Karnataka, “QA-open Forum on IPR & Project to Product Development”, February 22, 2020.
  • T. S. Khatavkar initiated the collaborative project of 3 months industrial internship certification program -Batch 21, under Dr V M Gadre, Professor at Electrical Engineering Dept at IIT Bombay between Sept 2020 to Feb 2020 for the Third-Year students’ M.P. Potadar & Prof.M.P. Atre along with Prof T S Khatavkar mentored the students for DSP filter design & DSP projects. Students of PVG’s COET had the opportunity to collaborate with IIT Bombay students & G. H. Raisoni, Nagpur students during the internship. In all 20 students and three department faculties were appreciated & certified by Dr V M Gadre, IIT Bombay for their contribution in the Swayam MOOC on DSP & its applications published on Swayam portal of Govt. of India. Of these 7 students got the opportunity to work as Teaching Associates for the Swayam MOOC content created by the team and help the TEQIP colleges with the course.
  • T. S. Khatavkar, Prof M P Potadar & Prof M P Atre conducted the Batch -2 of DSP-IITB- 6-month industrial internship program for 50 students of TE (E & TC) for the
  • in duration from 1st January 2021 to 30 June 2021, under the guidance of Professor Dr Vikram M Gadre, EE Dept, IIT Bombay. All 50 students were certified by IIT Bombay on 21st August 2021.
  • TEDxPVGCOET Team members under the mentorship of Prof. T. S. Khatavkar, organized the TEDx Kothrud online event on Climate Change in association with CCOEW on 8th November 2020.
  • TEDxPVGCOET Team members under the mentorship of Prof. T. S. Khatavkar, organized the online event ‘Avant Garde’ on 29th May 2021.
  • M. H. Belsare organized Three Days National Level FDP on ‘Outcome Based Education’ under IQAC as FDP Coordinator 6th Oct to 8th October 2020.
  • Mrs. V. V. Sovani (TESA Faculty Coordinator) Prof. Mrs. V. U. Gongane (Project Coordinator) along with TESA students coordinators organized a university level Project Competition “Tec novation 2K21” for BE E and TC students and Business ideas Competition for SE and TE students of all branches on 7th and 8th April 2021. The competition was organized in online mode.

Academic Year 2019-20

  • T. S. Khatavkar, Regional Coordinator-Virtual Labs, in coordination with IIT Bombay on “Enhancing Virtual Lab Development for Nodal Centers”, January 20, 2020. In all @100 faculty & students from 22 nodal centers attended the workshop.
  • T. S. Khatavkar arranged Faculty Training on Git (free and open-source distributed version control system) on 2nd & 3rd May 2016. Eight faculties took the training.
  • T. S. Khatavkar organized Training on Virtual Lab development on 8,20,23 & 30th January 2016 for 12 team members of Vlabs of PVG’s COET on HTML5 & CSS3.
  • T. S. Khatavkar oriented SE/TE students on the MHRD initiatives & ICT tools such as Spoken Tutorials & Virtual Labs in June 2019.
  • T. S. Khatavkar under the FE Induction program organized a session on “Technology Enhanced Learning” on 20th Aug 2019.
  • T. S. Khatavkar organized a session on “Virtual Lab Documentation” for the VLAB Digitizers student forum on 11th Jan 2020.
  • T. S. Khatavkar organized a webinar for final year students of E & TC on “Session on effectively & Efficiently writing your paper-WILEY – Webinar” on 29th Jan 2020.
  • T. S. Khatavkar organized the SE student volunteers visit to “GMRT” Khodad organized by NCRA, Pune on National Science Day 28th & 29th Feb 2020 in association with IUCAA, Pune
  • T. S. Khatavkar Organized a college level seminar for second year students of all departments by Career Launchers on Technical Career Guidance on 5th March 2020. Around 174 students attended the same.
  • T. S. Khatavkar, R & D Coordinator organized a webinar on – ‘Patent Harvesting Activity for students’ by prestigious alumnus Nachiket Galgali & meetups – Striving for quality projects, research, patent, law and finances on 23rd May 2020
  • T. S. Khatavkar, organized the “R & D workshop on Project Report Writing- Hands on Activity Using ONLINE Tools” a session to create awareness about plagiarism and writing ethics to UG students along with Dr Y B Thakare, Dr M H Belsare & Dr. M. P. Atre as the invited speakers.
  • M. P. Atre organized ‘National Conference on Cyber Security’ organized by Department of E & TC, PVG’s COET in association with Newton’s Apple’, Pune on 15th February 2020. Dr. M. H. Belsare worked as co-coordinator. Dr. K. J. Kulkarni was convener of the conference.
  • K. J. Kulkarni and Prof. V. V. Sovani organized Webinar on Saptarishi on 30Th June 2020 in association with Copper Cloud IO-Tech
  • K. J. Kulkarni and Prof. V. V. Nonorganized Webinar on IoT and Enabling Technologies on 26Th May 2020 in association with Copper Cloud IO-Tech
  • K. J. Kulkarni and Prof. V. V. Sovani organized 2 Days Workshop on “Python for Data Science” in association with “AI Adventures” under TESA on 3rd and 4th March 2020.
  • K. J. Kulkarni and Prof. V. V. Sovani organized One Day FDP on IoT in Association with MKCL, Pune on 8th Nov. 2019.
  • K. J. Kulkarni and Prof. V. V. Sovani organized training for PVG’s COET staff on Digital Board of Smart Class Room.
  • K. J. Kulkarni, Prof. V. V. Sovani and Prof. P. S. Deshpande organized Recreation of TEAM TESA and” AArambh”- FE Welcome on 27th August 2019 as TESA staff coordinator with TEAM TESA
  • K. J. Kulkarni, Prof. V. V. Sovani and Prof. P. S. Deshpande Coordinated Tree Plantation on 18th July 2019 as TESA Staff coordinator with TEAM TESA
  • K. J. Kulkarni, Prof. V. V. Sovani and Prof. P. S. Deshpande Coordinated GURU-PORNIMA-Celebration on 16th July 2019 as TESA Staff coordinator with TEAM TESA

Academic Year 2018-19

  • Mrs.T.S. Khatavkar conducted a social activity of “Creating Awareness of ICT Tools” to standard 10th students and teachers in rural school- Sade Village at Karmala, Solapur. In all 75 students and 05 teachers attended the session on 18th August 2018.
  • V. V. Sovani organized MATLAB hands-on session by MATLAB: Simulink and Antenna Toolbox organized 0n 30th and 31st January 2019 by our department
  • V. V. Sovani organized FDP on ‘Cyber security and Data Science’ on 26th Feb to 3rd March 19 at PVG’s COET Pune
  • V. V. Sovani organized One day Workshop on Moodle Learning Management System at PVG’s COET on 15th March 2019.
  • V. V. Sovani organized “Alumni Meet” under Alumni Association of PVG’s COET, Pune09 on 22nd June 2019.



Faculty as Reviewer/Judges

 Academic Year 2023-24

  1. T.S. Khatavkar was invited as a reviewer for the ICRAIBTR2023 International Conference on the Role of AI in Biomedical Translations’ Research for the HealthCare Industry, Nagpur, in August, 2023.
  2. V. U. Gongane worked as a reviewer for SN Computer Science Journal.

 Academic Year 2022-23

  1. Dr P G Shete worked as a reviewer for the International Conference on BioInformatics & Biomedical Science (ICBBS) organized by CBEES 2022-23 conference.
  2. Prof. T.S. Khatavkar was invited as a Reviewer for the MSU Bootathon-Electronics domain labs during the period from June -August 2022.
  3. Prof. T.S. Khatavkar was invited as a Reviewer for the IEEE Conference – I4Tech 2022 International Conference on the Industry 4.0 Technology held during 22nd – 24th September 2022
  4. Prof. P.S. Deshpande was invited as a Reviewer for the 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision and Robotics CVR 2023 held during 24nd – 25th February 2023
  5. Dr. M. H. Belsare worked as paper reviewer for International Journal of Wireless Personal Communication by Springer publication in February 2023

 Academic Year 2021-22

  1.  Dr. P. G. Shete worked as a reviewer for the International Conference on BioInformatics & Biomedical Science (ICBBS) organized by CBEES 2021-22 conference.
  2. Prof. T.S. Khatavkar was invited as a Reviewer for the 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology Signal and Information Processing (ICETET SIP-22) held during 29th to 30th April 2022.
  3. Dr. M. H. Belsare was invited as a judge for National Level Project Competition- “VERSATALIA” on 30Th April 2022

Academic Year 2020-21

  1. Mrs. M. H. Belsare worked as judge for National Conference on Cyber Security organized by Department of E & TC, PVG’s COET in association with Newton’s Apple, Pune on 15th February 2020.
  2. Prof Mrs P S Deshpande worked as Judge for Internal hackathon competition.
  3. Dr Mrs M P Atre worked as reviewer for the International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA)
  4. Dr Mrs M P Atre worked as reviewer for ICMISC 2020 conference.

ACY 2019-20

  1. Y. B. Thakare worked as reviewer to review a paper entitled “Numerical Analysis of Wideband and High Directive Bowtie THz Photo directive Antenna ” for The Applied Electromagnetic Society Journal on 10/02/2020.
  2. Dr P. G. Shete worked as Judge in Project Competition, TECHNOVISION 12, Circuit Design Competition, JSCOE Pune, 28th to 29 h February 2012
  3. Dr P. G. Shete worked as judge in Paper Presentation Competition TESLA 12 at MIT COE, Pune on 27thFeb 2012.
  4. Dr P G Shete worked as a reviewer for the ASTEST AY 2019-20 conference.
  5. Dr. Y. B.Thakare worked as session chair ePGCON 2012 at Cummins COE Pune.
  6. T. S. Khatavkar was invited as a resource person cum reviewer for the 2-month lockdown Bootathon of VLabsDev-IIT Bombay between April and May 2020.

ACY 2018-19

  1. Prof T S Khatavkar was nominated by IIT Bombay as a “Peer Reviewer for Vlabs Dev (National Level Vlabs Development) “to review the Pedagogy and Storyboard submitted by participating institutes (IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Guwahati, NIT Surathkal, IIIT Hyderabad, COE, Pune, Amrita Vishwavidyapeetham, Dayalbagh Institute).


Result Analysis

Result Analysis for ACY 2018-19 to ACY 2022-23

Year Overall Passing %
2022-2023 90 96 99.9
2021-2022 100 100 100
2020-2021 100 100 100
2019-2020 100 93 100
2018-2019 98.34 91.78 95.74


University rank Holders


5 years Toppers list:

Academic Year Student Name Class Marks (%)/SGPA/CGPA
2022-23 Kumbhar Shruti Dnyaneshwar SE 8.68
Hare Jay Manohar TE 9.29
Khanapurkar Disha Balkrishna BE 9.48
2021-2022 Laul Nachiket Shailesh SE 9.34
Dixit Shivam Santosh TE 9.79
Dandekar Suyash Anurag BE 9.93
2020-2021 Aditya Shrama SE 9.91
Suyash Dandekar TE 10
Pawar Sourabh BE 9.39
2019-2020 Suyash Dandekar SE 10
Pawar Sourabh TE 9.39
Tembhurne Swaraj BE 9.77
2018-2019 Pawar Sourabh SE 8.94
Aditya Devolikar TE 9.15
Priya Mahajan BE 9.04


Alumni information

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department has a strong connect with Alumni. Alumni are contributing to the department in various ways.


  • Guiding students through expert sessions
  • Providing training and internship to students
  • Donations
  • Sponsoring projects
  • Providing support for Industry visits
  • Placement

Details of few Alumni excelling in various fields

Name: Dr Rohit Dua
Year of passing :1998
Highest Qualification: PhD, ACUE
Company: Missouri State University, Springfield
Current Designation: Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Engineering,
Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert session
Name: Lt Col (Dr) Santosh Khadsare
Year of passing: 1999
Highest Qualification: BE E&TC
Company: eSec Forte Technologies
Current designation: Vice President – DFIR
Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert sessions and facilitating MoU with the Institute
Name: Manish Ranade  
Year of passing: 2000
Highest Qualification: BE (E&TC)
Company: Synopsys

Current Designation: Application Engineer

Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert session
Name: Aditya Abhyankar

Year of passing :2001

Highest Qualification: PhD

Company: Dept of Technology Affiliation: SP Pune University, Maharashtra, India

Current Designation: Dean, Faculty of Technology, Professor and Head, Dept of Technology

Significant Contributions: Member of CDC and DAB
Name: Radhika Tadinada

Year of passing: 2003

Highest Qualifications: Masters in Industrial Engineering

Company: Microsoft

Designation: Senior Product Manager

Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert session
Name: Vaidy Raghavan

Year of passing: 2003

Highest Qualifications: Masters in Electrical Engineering

Company: Wayfair Inc

Designation: Director of Technology

Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert session
Name: Muktak Kanaskar

Year of passing: 2005

Highest Qualification: M.S.

Company: Honeywell

Current Designation: Advanced Cyber Security Engr.

Significant Contributions: Project Sponsorship, Project Evaluator, Member of Governing Body of Alumni Association.
Name: Nikhil Nahar

Year of passing: 2006, Gold Medalist in SPPU Final Year Exam.

Highest Qualification: MS

Company: Solar Square Energy

Current designation: Director

Significant Contributions: Member DAB, Conduction of Expert sessions
Name: Mr Amrut Kolhapure

Year of passing: 2007

Highest Qualification: MS

Company: Intel

Current Designation: Component Design Engineer

Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert Session
Name: Nikit Shah

Year of passing: 2010

Highest Qualification: MS

Company: Intel

Current Designation: Sr. Staff Field Applications Engineer

Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert Session
Name: Amar Patil

Year of passing: 2010

Highest Qualification: MS

Company: Microsoft, Azur-Cloud, Seattle

Current Designation: Senior Program Manager

Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert session
Name: Harshal Namdeo Dake

Year of passing: 2011

Highest Qualification: BE E&TC

Company: MA(Road Transport Administration)

Current Designation: Assistant Regional Transport Officer

Nagpur city Government of Maharashtra
Name: Gaurav Chattur

Year of passing: 2002

Highest Qualification: PG-B.A.M.

Company: Asia Pacific of Catenon India

Current Designation: Managing Director

Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert sessions
Name: Amarendra  Chitale

Year of passing: 2002

Highest Qualification: MBA

Company: Agile Neuro and AANLP Certifications Pvt Ltd

Current Designation: Director

Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert sessions on Memory Techniques
Name: Ajit Gosavi

Year of passing: 2003

Highest Qualification: BE E&TC, Diploma in Business Management Company: Infosys Limited

Current Designation: Digital Solutions Specialist

Significant Contributions: Placement Assistance
Name: Rajendra Memane

Year of passing: 2013

Highest Qualification: BE E&TC

Company: KPIT Technologies PVT LTD

Current Designation: System Engineer

Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert Session
Name: Prathamesh Gosavi

Year of passing: 2013

Highest Qualification: BE E&TC

Company: Bots ‘N’ Brain

Current Designation: Co-Founder

Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert Sessions
Name: Sagar Purohit

Year of passing: 2010

Highest Qualification: BE E&TC

Company: ZF Group

Current Designation: Principal Engineer, ADAS

Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert sessions
Name: Bhushan Muthiyan

Year of Passing: 2014

Highest Qualification: M.S. Computer Engineering

Company: Automaton AI Infosystem Pvt. Ltd.

Current designation: CEO

Significant Contributions: Project Sponsorship, Conduction of AI Hackathon
Name: Rohan Dhumal

Year of Passing: 2016

Highest Qualification: B.E.E&TC

Company: Indian Army

Current designation: Major
Name: Pranali Kulkarni

Year of passing: 2019

Highest Qualification: BE E&TC, Diploma in Business Management Company: MTG Co. LTD, Nagoya Japan

Current Designation: Product Development Engineer

Significant Contributions: Conduction of Expert session


Sr. No Alumni Details Details of Engagement Date of Activity
1 Mr. Bhushan Muthian (2014) Sponsored Three BE Project Groups AY 2022_23
2 Alumni Talk Series-2023
Mr. Adwait Purandare (2013)

Intel Corporation, USA

Delivered talk on  “ Connecting the Dots” 31st

October 2022.

 Mr. Vineet Beri (2006)

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS).

Delivered talk on  “Introduction to Cyber Security” 1st November 2022.


Ms. Kalyani Bhosale (2012)


Delivered talk on  “Introduction to MEMS” 2nd

November 2022

Mr. Nikhil Suryawanshi. (2012)


Delivered talk on  “Recent trends in the Automobile Industry” 3rd

November 2022


Mr. Pranav Dhayagudhe (2017)

Analog Devices Inc., USA.

Delivered talk on  “The Semiconductor Decade” 4th November 2022


3 Mr. Amarendra Chitale (2002)


session on ‘ Memory Techniques 06.12.2023
4 Mr. Gaurav Chatur (2002) TESA Inaugural Speech 27.09.2022
5 Mr. Neeraj Kulkarni (2001) Offered a 3 months internship in cloud computing and personally mentored the students with a team from industry. 7.02.2023 to 30.4. 2023
6 Ms. Mugdha Doke (2021)

Mr. Suyash Dandekar (2021)

Reviewer for the DSP-IITB internship program 27.01.2023
7 Ms. Vedika Walimbe (2021) Reviewer for the DSP-IITB internship program 6.12.2022
8 Malay Khare Orientation and grooming of students for TEDx license process and proceedings 16.08.2023
9 Mr. Nishad Mande (2012)


Sponsored Projects of final year students Throughout Year

Alumni Talk Series-2022

10  Ms. Pranali Kulkarni (2019)

MTG. Co. Ltd,Nagoya ,Japan.

Delivered talk on “Product Development and Discipline in work culture” 20th Sept. 2021
11 Mr. Benoy (2005)

Sterlite Power Transmission Ltd.

Delivered talk on “Fiber optic Telecom Network” 21st Sep. 2021.


12  Mr. Manish Deshmukh (2005) Synchron INC, USA. Delivered talk on “Catching Technological waves” 21st Sept. 2021
13 Mr. Nikit Shah. (2010)


Delivered talk on “Cloud and Edge computing” 23rd Sept.2021


14 Lt. Col Dr. Santosh Khadsare (1999)


Delivered talk on “Digital Forensics as a career option for Engineering Graduates” 23rd Sept.2021
15 Lt. Col Dr Santosh Khadsare (1999) Career Guidance 21-7-21
16 Ms. Shreeja Deshpande (2020) Reviewer for DSP-IITB Collaboration AtmaNirbhar Bharat Project Competition-2021 14.12.2021 to 15.12.2021
17 Mr. Aditya Deolikar (2020) Reviewer for DSP-IITB Collaboration AtmaNirbhar Bharat Project Competition-2021 14.12.2021 to 15.12.2021
18 Mr.  Rohan Sonar (2020) Reviewer for DSP-IITB Collaboration AtmaNirbhar Bharat Project Competition-2021 14.12.2021 to 15.12.2021
19 Mr. Aditya Kaduskar (2020) Reviewer for DSP-IITB Collaboration AtmaNirbhar Bharat Project Competition-2021 14.12.2021 to 15.12.2021
20 Professor Rohit Dua (1998) Interactive session on UG Research projects & Problem Based Learning Approach with SE/TE/BE 16.8.2021
21 Mr. Bhavin Shah (2014) Worked as Judge for Technovation 2K22 Circuit Design and Simulation Competition 04.05.2022
22 Mr. Muktak Kanaskar Mentoring Project Groups Since more than 4 years, Member of Governing Body of  Alumni Association
23 Mr. Nachiket Galgali (2003) R & D Webinar Series_ Art of Engineering_Getting into Core Areas


24 Mr. Bhushan Muthian (2014) Webinar on “Why the Buzz? – An Insight into Artificial Intelligence” in association with Automaton AI

and Neurons Academy,India.


8th June 2020
25 Mr. Sourabh S. Wathare Sponsorship for Project to Final Year students 16th Oct. 2020
Alumni Talk Series-2020
26 Prathamesh Gosavi (2013) Delivered talk on “The 4 G of Innovation”, Monday 20th July 2020.


27 Mr. Rajendra Memane (2013)

System Engineer at KPIT Technologies Pvt Ltd.

Delivered talk on“Role of Electronics Engg. In Automotive sector” Tuesday, 21st July 2020
28 Mr. Amar Patil (2010)


Delivered talk on Electric Cars” 22nd July 2020.


29 Mr.Sagar Patil ()


Delivered talk on “Role of Discipline in corporate life” 23rd July 2020.
30 Mr. Amrut Kolhapure (2007) Delivered talk on “Post Silicon performance improvement in Processor” 23rd July 2020
31 Mr. Manish Ranade. (2000) Delivered talk on “VLSI Technology as career option” 24th July 2020


32 Mr. Nikhil Nahar (2006)


Delivered talk on “Startup opportunities” 25th July 2020


33 Mr. Chintan Desai

Mr. Parth Akool(2017)

  One day Workshop on“Drone Design” 10th July. 2019
34 Mr. Saurabh Soman

Mr. Tejas Ubhe


1 Day Workshop on “Design with Simulink” 10th July 2019
35 Lt. Col. Santosh Khadasrae (1999) Guest lecture was conducted on “Opportunities in Defense and Other sectors in Telecommunication engineering” 17th Sept. 2019
36 Mr. Akshay Kudale Orientation of “Digital electronics Simulator” 20th sept. 2019
37 Mr. Prathamesh Goswami (2012) Birth Anniversary of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam is celebrated as Innovation week from 1st Oct. to 15th alongwith MHRD’s IIC cell.

Under this a session is arranged on “IP based Innovation”

1st Oct.2019
38 Mr Nachiket Galgali (2003) R & D – Meeting Agenda: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) 9.05.2020
39 Mr Nachiket Galgali(2003 R & D – Webinar Series_1_Research Landscape Analysis on Fiber Optic Sensor Technology, Patents & IP Management.


40 Mr Nachiket Galgali (2003) R & D – Webinar Series_Mentoring_Q & A’s – online PVG Patent Enthusiasts Group (phone/whattsapp group/emails) Active from 2.02.2020 till 2023
41 Mr Nachiket Galgali (2003) R & D Webinar Series_ IPR

Webinar#3_Story of Microprocessors

42 Chintan Desai

Parth Akool

Atharv Gokhale

Chinmay Savadikar


Orientation session for Robotics Club 2nd Feb 2019


Department Library

E & TC Department Library:

Sr. No. Title Quantity Remarks
1. No. of Text Books 716 *Hard Disk of NPTEL Courses is available in Central Library.
2 NPTEL CDs ( E & TC Program) 40
3 PC with Internet facility 01
Area of Dept. Library 12.43 sq.m

Departmental Library Facility

Module Description Any other contributors Developed & Maintained by Duration of Development Resources consumed Target Audience Usages and Citation etc.
Departmental Library equipped with:
1.      Books
3.PC- Internet Facility(currently unavailable)
4. Stacking/ Storage
5 cupboards
6. Reading Room Area: 12.43sq.m
Department Faculty ,  Alumini, and Well wishers Student Coordinator:   Mr Vishal Wadekar, from Third year (17-18, 18-19)
Prof. Mrs. T. S. Khatavkar, Dept. Library Coordinator and Mr.Mohol,Lab.Asst.
Continuously Ongoing Process. Complementary Copies, Books Donated by Staff, Alumini, and Well wishers 1. Students of SE,TE & BE
Usage Need Based:
1. As Reading and Discussion room for students.
2. For Internet Surfing – for Application Notes, Datasheets etc. necessary for Design Labs.
3. Reference books for solving Assignments.
4. For referring NPTEL videos.
Usage Register: Maintained.

Collaboration and MoU

Collaboration and MOU’s

  • MOU with Newton’s Apple for Cyber Security Audit course and related activities.
  • MOU with Hirameki Solutions Pune
    Area of collaboration: Japanese Language Training
  • MOU with Institute of Satellite Telecom Pvt Ltd Pune in collaboration with SSC USA/ Dominion test USA
    Area of collaboration: Satellite Communication
  • MOU with Maven Systems Pune
    Area of collaboration: Embedded systems and wireless communication



Company Name Package (in LPA) Number of Students Placed
Wipro Pari 3.2 5
Visteon 7 1
Stellium 4.5 2
Raja Software 7 1
Principal Global 8 1
Nikko Denshi 18 1
Neova Solutions 4 1
KPIT technologies 4.5 16
Harman 7 9
Company Name Package (in LPA) Number of Students Placed
Tejas Networks 10 LPA 2
Principal Global 8 3
BGSW 7 15
BGSW 5 5
Jio Platforms 7 3
Jio Platforms 6 3
Jio Platforms 5 6
Aress Software 4.5 2
Brose 4.5 3
KPIT Technologies 4.5 15
Device Electronics 4 2
Infosys 4 1
Wipro PARI 3.6 3
Godrej Infotech 3.4 1
TCS 7 1
TCS 3.36 4
Quest Global 3.25 5
Tech Mahindra 3.25 3
Flash Electronics 3 1
Murakami Kaimedo 20 1
Handa Heavy Industrial Co. Ltd. 18 1
3dPLM Dassault Systems 7.52 3
Dassault Systems 7.5 1
Jio Platforms 7 1
NCSI 7 1
Schlumberger 6.58 4
Planet Spark 6.5 1
Jio Platforms 6 6
Raja Software 6 2
Atlas Copco 5.5 1
Coditas 5.5 1
Harman Kardon 5.5 1
Xoriant 5.5 2
Bosch Global Software Technologies Pvt Ltd (BGSW) 5 16
Jio Platforms 5 9
Persistent 4.71 9
Actalant 4.5 4
Brose 4.5 1
HCL Tech 4.25 1
ITC Infotech 4.25 6
Cap Gemini 4 5
Hexaware 4 7
Zensar 4 4
KPIT Technologies 3.74 2
Fanuc 3.6 2
Infosys 3.6 11
KSB 3.6 1
Wipro 3.5 15
TCS 3.36 11
Aloha 3.2 1
Mindtree 3.12 1
Tech Mahindra 3 3
Messung 2.5 2
Jayaswal Neco 1.92 1
Accenture 6 4.5
Cap Gemini 1 3.5
Coditas 1 3.6
Cognizant 3 4.01
Ezest 2 3.3
Hella 3 5
Infosys 10 3.6
Jio Platforms 1 3.5
KPIT 1 3.74
LTI 1 3.5
Man Trucks 1 4
Meditab WebIMS 1 3.6
Mphasis 3 2.5
Murakami Kaimeido, Shizuoka 1 17
Persistent 5 4.51
Quality Kiosk 3 3
Quick Heal 2 5.25
Saama Technologies 1 4.5
Schlumberger 1 5.5
Solar Square 1 1.8
TCS 8 3.37
TCS 2 3.36
Tudip Technologies 2 3.2
Vodafone Idea 1 4
Volkswagen IT Servicess 3 5
Wipro 1 3.5
Handa Heavy Industrial Co. Ltd. 1 18
Mitsui e&s 1 18
Teraoka Seiko 1 18
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems 1 16
Harman 1 5
IBM-GBS 3 4.25
Barclays 1 4
Bosch 2 4
Cognizant 12 4
Cap Gemini 1 3.8
KPIT Technologies 17 3.74
Coditas 2 3.6
Infosys 4 3.6
LTI 4 3.5
Wipro 1 3.5
TCS 15 3.36
Infosys 1 3
Technofour Electronics pvt ltd 4 2.64
NG Corporate Solns 2 1.44
Diafuku 18 1
MTG 16.8 1
Bosch 5 3
Barclay 4.4 4
Saama Technologies 4 1
Cap Gemini 3.8 2
Infosys 3.6 6
Mu Sigma 3.5 1
Cognizant 3.38 1
TCS 3.36 9
Ellicium 3.3 3
Birla Soft 3.25 4
KPIT Technologies 3.25 10
Fiserv 2.93 1
Tech Mahindra 2.59 1
Mphasis 2 2
Sehgal Wheels Pvt. Ltd. (Tata Motors) 1.8 1
S B Production 1.68 1


Off Campus Placement Details

Company Names

  • TCS
  • Infosys
  • Raja Software
  • Etc

Students for Higher Studies


Foreign Universities Indian Universities
San Diago…. IIT Bombay

Indian Knowledge System

1.सवांद सत्र – स्वामी ऋत देवजी ,पतंजली विश्वविद्यालय हरिद्वार
2.A short training on GOMATA Vigyan, allied products production and Organic Farming
3.IIT Roorkee National Youth Conference Poster Presentation
4.Visit at Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune
5.15 days Yoga sessions for college students
6.Ayurvedic Tree Plantation
7.Yoga Session at Taljai Parisar, Pune Maharashtra
8.Pranayam session at Primary school
9.Orientation on Daily routine at Savarkar Gurukul pune
10.Yoga training at Karhad
11.Sadhana Satra at Gayatri Chetna Kendra Wagholi Pune
12.Yoga Session at Pirangut Pune Maharashtra
13.Prof. Varsha Sovani and Prof. P.A. Joshi with speakers Dr. Vinayak Bhat and Dr. Raghvan at Masters Training Program organized by MoE and VGC at NSU, Tirupati
14.Two-day workshop on IKS jointly organized by E&TC Department and COEP Technological University, Pune in Virtual mode.
15.Poster Presentation by Prof. V.V Sovani at Masters Training Program organized by MoE and UGC at NSU, Tirupati.
16.MOU with Bhaktivedanta Center, ISKON, Pune for IKS Initiatives.

NEP Initiative

National Education Policy Photos with caption

1. Faculties with Dr. V.S. Bandal Principal of Government Polytechnic, Pune on occasion of NEP 2020-week celebration
2.Financial planning session by Dr. Dyaneshwar Niwate on “Financial Planning for Engineers as an initiative of Multidisciplinary”
3.Presentation of NEP-2020 through cultural program
4.Skill Development workshop on AI
5.Proposal and workshop on Animation Training Program.
6.Visit to Bhandarkar Oriental research Institute, Pune for study of Indian Knowledge System
7.Visit to Bhandarkar Oriental research Institute, Pune for study of Indian Knowledge System

Research and Development

R&D Activities


1.Recognition by Govt. of India for active participation in National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission
2.R&D project Smart India Hakathon Winner
  1. R&D Project on Build and Control a Bionic Arm Using EMG Signals by

Abhisha Daine, Rushikesh Deshmukh, Amey Deshpande, Pranali Kulkarni under guidance of

Prof. Tanuja Khatavkar