Faculty as Reviewer/Judges

 Academic Year 2023-24

  1. T.S. Khatavkar was invited as a reviewer for the ICRAIBTR2023 International Conference on the Role of AI in Biomedical Translations’ Research for the HealthCare Industry, Nagpur, in August, 2023.
  2. V. U. Gongane worked as a reviewer for SN Computer Science Journal.

 Academic Year 2022-23

  1. Dr P G Shete worked as a reviewer for the International Conference on BioInformatics & Biomedical Science (ICBBS) organized by CBEES 2022-23 conference.
  2. Prof. T.S. Khatavkar was invited as a Reviewer for the MSU Bootathon-Electronics domain labs during the period from June -August 2022.
  3. Prof. T.S. Khatavkar was invited as a Reviewer for the IEEE Conference – I4Tech 2022 International Conference on the Industry 4.0 Technology held during 22nd – 24th September 2022
  4. Prof. P.S. Deshpande was invited as a Reviewer for the 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision and Robotics CVR 2023 held during 24nd – 25th February 2023
  5. Dr. M. H. Belsare worked as paper reviewer for International Journal of Wireless Personal Communication by Springer publication in February 2023

 Academic Year 2021-22

  1.  Dr. P. G. Shete worked as a reviewer for the International Conference on BioInformatics & Biomedical Science (ICBBS) organized by CBEES 2021-22 conference.
  2. Prof. T.S. Khatavkar was invited as a Reviewer for the 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology Signal and Information Processing (ICETET SIP-22) held during 29th to 30th April 2022.
  3. Dr. M. H. Belsare was invited as a judge for National Level Project Competition- “VERSATALIA” on 30Th April 2022

Academic Year 2020-21

  1. Mrs. M. H. Belsare worked as judge for National Conference on Cyber Security organized by Department of E & TC, PVG’s COET in association with Newton’s Apple, Pune on 15th February 2020.
  2. Prof Mrs P S Deshpande worked as Judge for Internal hackathon competition.
  3. Dr Mrs M P Atre worked as reviewer for the International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA)
  4. Dr Mrs M P Atre worked as reviewer for ICMISC 2020 conference.

ACY 2019-20

  1. Y. B. Thakare worked as reviewer to review a paper entitled “Numerical Analysis of Wideband and High Directive Bowtie THz Photo directive Antenna ” for The Applied Electromagnetic Society Journal on 10/02/2020.
  2. Dr P. G. Shete worked as Judge in Project Competition, TECHNOVISION 12, Circuit Design Competition, JSCOE Pune, 28th to 29 h February 2012
  3. Dr P. G. Shete worked as judge in Paper Presentation Competition TESLA 12 at MIT COE, Pune on 27thFeb 2012.
  4. Dr P G Shete worked as a reviewer for the ASTEST AY 2019-20 conference.
  5. Dr. Y. B.Thakare worked as session chair ePGCON 2012 at Cummins COE Pune.
  6. T. S. Khatavkar was invited as a resource person cum reviewer for the 2-month lockdown Bootathon of VLabsDev-IIT Bombay between April and May 2020.

ACY 2018-19

  1. Prof T S Khatavkar was nominated by IIT Bombay as a “Peer Reviewer for Vlabs Dev (National Level Vlabs Development) “to review the Pedagogy and Storyboard submitted by participating institutes (IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Guwahati, NIT Surathkal, IIIT Hyderabad, COE, Pune, Amrita Vishwavidyapeetham, Dayalbagh Institute).