Faculty Publications

AY 2023-24

Name of the author/s Title of Paper Journal Title / Conference Year of publication ISBN / ISSN number
Swaraj Pawar; Aditya Gadre; Aniket Patil; Prathamesh Kulkarni; Mamta Pokale Mortgage Document Requirements Across Lenders in the United Kingdom 2023 7th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) 22-1-2024 ISBN:979-8-3503-0427-5
Atharva Pathak,

Shreyas Patil,

Arnav Sinha,

Parag Pandharpote,

Lata Sankpal

Suspicious activity detection for prevention of

violence using YOLO and CNN algorithms

International Conference On Advance Technology and Adaption Methods in Science and Engineering(ICATAMSE-24) Presented on 22/03/24 Yet to publish

AY 2022-23

Name of the author/s Title of Paper Journal Title / Conference Year of publication ISBN / ISSN number
Prof. M.V. Marathe Decentralized Tender Management System for Road Development Using Blockchain International Journal Of Innovative Research inScience, Engineering andTechnology June 2023 Http:// ijirset.com/

e-ISSN: 2319-8753,
p-ISSN: 2320-6710

Prof. Urmila Kalshett PodFast: Extractive Audio Summarization ICT Systems and Sustainability.

Springer, Singapore

2022 Online ISBN-978-981-16-5987-4

AY 2021-22

Name of the author/s Title of Paper Journal Title / Conference Year of publication ISBN / ISSN number
Abhinandan Patil ,
Harsh Wankhade ,
Akash Dhawale  ,
Sudeep Kadam  ,
Prof. B. C. Julme
Social Distance Detection and Alert System using Deep Learning and Computer Vision International Journal of innovative Research
in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)
01 April 2022 e-ISSN: 2319-8753,
p-ISSN: 2320-6710
Ruta Athalye,
Nitin Bura,
Shivam Sharma
Shreya Yelnoorkar
DiGiVoter: Online Voting System International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology
01 May 2022 ISSN: 2321-9653;
Atharva Kshirsagar,
Shaily Desai ,
Aditi Sidnerlikar ,
Nikhil Khodake,
Manisha Marathe
Leveraging Emotion-specific Features to Improve  Transformer Performance for Emotion Classification Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis May 2022 https://aclanthology.org/2022.wassa-1.24

DOI: 10.18653/v1/2022.wassa-1.24

Adwait Bhope,

Aashay Zanpure,

Vinod Kamat,

Rohan Dhamale,

Prashant Bhandari,

Prutha Joshi,

Manisha Marathe,

Urmila Kalshetti

Predicting Appropriate
Speed for Driving Based on External Factors
ICT Systems and Sustainability.
Springer, Singapore
2022 Online ISBN-978-981-16-5987-5
Prof.D.D.Sapkal, Dheeraj Danve, Prajwal Sumbe, Sanket Deone, Somesh Gawade Under water mines detection and comparison on machine learning result IJSART

Volume 8 Issue 5

May 2022 ISSN(Online)


P. Parikh, S. Kalamdane, A. Rasal, K. Mundada and U. Kalshetti SPArK-Bot: An Educational Robotic Platform 022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2022 May 2022 ISSN: 2165-9567
Samyak Shah, Abhishek Jagtap, Rutik Darda, Sakshi Kamble, Prof. A.M.Bhadgale Real time Road Lane Detection International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), May 2022 e-ISSN: 2395-0056

AY 2020-21

Name of the author/s Title of Paper Journal Title / Conference Year of publication ISBN / ISSN number
Atharva Kulkarni,| Amey Hengle , Pradnya Kulkarni, Manisha Marathe Cluster Analysis of Online Mental Health Discourse using Topic-Infused Deep Contextualized Representations 12th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis Apr 2021 Association for Computational
Linguistics, Online
Atharva Kulkarni , Sunanda Somwase, Shivam Rajput, Manisha Marathe PVG at WASSA 2021: A Multi-Input, Multi-Task, Transformer-Based Architecture for Empathy and Distress Prediction Eleventh Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis Apr 2021 Association for Computational
Linguistics, Online
Amey Hengle, Atharva Kshirsagar, Shaily Desai , Manisha Marathe Combining Context-Free and Contextualized Representations for Arabic Sarcasm Detection and Sentiment Identification Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop Apr 2021 Association for Computational
Linguistics, Online
Prof D.D.Sapkal, Dheeraj Danve, Prajwal Sumbe, Sanket Deone, Somesh Gawade Prediction of Mental Disorder Using Artificial Neural Network and Psychometric Analysis A conference paper, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC,volume 1175) 19 September 2020 Data Management, Analytics and Innovation, 2021, Volume 1175

ISBN : 978-981-15-5618-0

Prof. A.M.Bhadgale, Rutuja Pawar , Manjushree Rathod , Shraddha Wadvekar , Priya Karanjule Automated Criminal Identification And Notification System International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) May 2021 ISSN No: 2395-0056

AY 2019-20

Name of the author/s Title of Paper Journal Title / Conference Year of publication ISBN / ISSN number
Snehal Pandharpatte, Shubham Jadhao, Suraj Shelkikar,
Prof. B.C.Julme
Secure Report Sharing Platform for Healthcare System International Journal for Research and Development in Technology Volume-13,Issue-6(Jun-20) 5 May 2020 ISSN (O) :- 2349-3585
Snehal Pandharpatte, Shubham Jadhao,
Suraj Shelkikar,
Prof. B.C.Julme
Secure Report Sharing Platform for Healthcare System International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Impact Factor: 7.488 Volume 9, Issue 5 1 June 2020 e-ISSN: 2320-9801,
p-ISSN: 2320-9798
Vaishali Vanjari,
Shreyas Gaikwad,
Rutuja Saste,
Satyam Indhane,
Prof. B.C.Julme
Hateful Speech Detection form short text using NLP and Machine Learning Techniques International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) 5 May 2020 e-ISSN: 2319-8753,
p-ISSN: 2320-6710
Hrishikesh Kulkarni
Manisha Marathe
Context Vector Convergence of Computational Behaviour and cultural traits for team selection International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 30 Apr 2020 ISSN: 1756-7017
eISSN: 1756-7025
Hrishikesh Kulkarni
Manisha Marathe
Machine Learning Based Cultural Suitability Index (CSI) for Right Task Allocation ICECCT2019 2019 ISBN:978-1-5386-8159-6
Hrishikesh Kulkarni, Tejas Joshi, Nikhil Sanap, Rohan Kalyanpur, Manisha Marathe Personalized Newspaper Based on Emotional Traits Using Machine Learning. ICCUBEA, 2019 2019 ISBN:978-1-7281-4042-1
Vaibhav Singhal, Snehal Gugale, Rohit Agarwal, Pritam Dhake, Urmila Kalshetti Steering Angle Prediction in Autonomous Vehicles Using Deep Learning 2019 5th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) 2019 ISBN:978-1-7281-4042-1

AY 2018-19

Name of the author/s Title of Paper Journal Title / Conference Year of publication ISBN / ISSN number
Neel Pathak , Raj Shivarkar , Rohan Mane , Parth Madane, B.C.Julme Survey on Social Network Mental Illness Prediction Using Online Social Media Mining International Journal Research Development T technology  Volume-II,Issue-4 April 2019 ISSN No. 2349-3585
Madhuri Sathe,Rohan More,Rohit Singh,Hrishikesh Shinde,B C Julme Implementation on Occluded Face Detection International Journal of innovative research in computer Vol 7 Issue -3 March 2019 ISSN No. 2320-9801
Neel Pathak , Raj Shivarkar , Rohan Mane ,Parth Madane, B.C.Julme Survey on Social Network Mental Illness Prediction Using Online Social Media Mining International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering Technology  Volume-8 Issue-1 January 2019 ISSN(Online) No. 2319-8753 ISSN(Print): 2347-6710
Saumitra Kulkarni , Sumukh Bapat ,
Rohan Patwardhan ,
Sahil Sonawane ,
Manisha Marathe
Real-time 3D Environment Reconstruction Using Vision Sensor for Robotics Application Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 2019 ISSN 2349-5162
Urmila Kalshetti, Prashant Singh, Vaibhav Bhapkar, Manish Gaikwad & Arvind Bhat Reputation based Malware Detection using support vector machine Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (LNDECT, volume 26), Springer Dec 2018 Online ISBN
