Academic Year 2023-24


  • Anurag Mulay and Rohan Mali from S.E. (Computer) participated in Algo-Mania held during M-Pulse Ignite 2K24 by PES’s Modern college of Engineering , Dept. of IT and secured fifth place.
Participation in Hackathon
S. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. Hackathon Hackforge organized by ACM student chapter of Dept. of Computer Engineering , PES’s Modern college of Engineering Dhanesh Sathe

Shreyash Dhavale

Prathmesh Jomde

Rohan Sonawane

S.E. Zonal Participation
2. Ideathon organized by Google Developer Students Club , PVG’sCOET & GKPIOM, Pune Dipti Patil S.E. Inter-College Participation
3. Ideathon organized by Google Developer Students Club , PVG’sCOET & GKPIOM, Pune Mehak Gautam B.E. Inter-College Participation



Participation in Project Competition
S. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. Transtech 2024,

by Tolani Maritime Institute & Institute of Marine Engineers (India)

Samarth Pathak

Pranali More

B.E. Zonal Participation



Participation in Paper Presentation
S. No. Title of Paper Student Name Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. “MedSumm: A Multimodal Approach to Summarizing

Code-Mixed Hindi-English Clinical Queries

Aniket Gaudgaul

in collaboration with IIT Patna

B.E. 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) International Participation
2. Suspicious activity detection for prevention of

violence using YOLO and CNN algorithms

Atharva Pathak,

Shreyas Patil,

Arnav Sinha,

Parag Pandharpote

B.E. International Conference On Advance Technology and Adaption Methods in Science and Engineering (ICATAMSE-24) International Presented on 22/03/24

Yet to be published



Academic Year 2022-23


Participation in Project Competition
S. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. Logica Project Competition conducted by RSCOE Shivani Kulkarni, Bhagyashree Kande, Apurva Ingale, Aditi Wankhade B.E. Zonal Winner
2. -Project competition held by ACES and ITSA ,Best in application prize

-Ignite project competition held by PVG’COET & GKPIOM


Rohit Dalvi, Tanmay Bhosale, Rutuja Ranade, Akshita Mohite B.E. State Winner
3. TechCult Project Competition 2023 Aditya Gadre, Prathamesh Kulkarni,

Aniket Patil. Swaraj Pawar

B.E. Zonal Winner
4. Ignite project competition held by PVG’COET & GKPIOM Nikhil Vinod Khodake

Shweta Kondewar

Swarda Bhandare

Chinmay Haridas

B.E. Institute 1st Runnerup
5. Ignite project competition held by PVG’COET & GKPIOM Vaibhavi Mekhe,

Neha Koshti,

Aditi Sidnerlikar,

Ritu Malik

B.E. Institute 2nd Runnerup
6. PICT, MMIT Lohegaon,


Pradnya Gaikwad

Vaishnavi Takawane,

Tanvi Tarkunde,

Hrushikesh Attarde

B.E. National  Zonal Participation
7. MMCOE Lohgaon, PES Modern college of engineering Shivani Kulkarni, Bhagyashree Kande,

Apurva Ingale, Aditi Wankhade

B.E. Zonal Participation
8. PICT,MMIT Lohgaon, PVGCOET&GKPIOM Vaishnavi Ranbhare

Apoorva Durge

Maitreyi Joshi

B.E. National , Zonal Participation
9. Ignite project competition held by PVG’COET & GKPIOM Nishad Khare,

Chaitanya Nirantar

Amey Huzare

Tabish Khan

B.E. Institute Best application


Participation in Paper Presentation
S. No. Title of Paper Student Name Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. Mortgage Document Requirements Across Lenders in the United Kingdom Swaraj Pawar; Aditya Gadre; Aniket Patil; Prathamesh Kulkarni B.E. ICCUBEA 2023 International published in IEEE
2. Decentralized Tender Management System for Road Development using Blockchain Niranjan Patankar, Atharv Vaspate, Aniket Datar, Shankar Avad B.E.  IJIRSET International Participation
3. Automatic Generation of Meeting Minutes Using NLP Nikhil Vinod Khodake, Shweta Kondewar, Swarda Bhandare, Chinmay Haridas B.E. IJRASET International Participation
4. Detection of Various Skin Diseases using CNN in Machine Learning Tushar Gupta, Anmol Kamble, Sunil Waghmode, Atharv Chinchkar B.E. IJRASET International Participation


Participation in Extra Curricular Activities
S. No. Event Student Name Class Level Participation/Award
1 Chess(zonal) Aditya Gadre B.E. State 3rd Rank
2 Chess(TROIKA 23) Aditya Gadre B.E Institute 1st Rank
3 Chess Ransangram Aditya Gadre B.E Institute 2nd Rank
4 Chess, Zest 23 Aditya Gadre B.E Institute Runner up
5 Football Ransangram Sahil Thorat B.E Institute 1st Rank
6  Chess (Ransangram) Vivek Mangale S.E. Institute 2nd Rank
7 Relay Womans 4×100 Jyotsna Hegde S.E. State 2nd Rank
8  Football Ransangram Someshsingh Tanwar B.E. Institute 1st Rank in
9 Chess Ransangram Shravan Chandrachud S.E. Institute Runner up
10  Alacrity, Cricket Aditya Raina T.E. State Winner
11 Ghost Cricket Dynamech Hariharan Kattawar B.E. Institute 1st Rank
12  Football Ransangram Satyajeetsinh Yadav B.E. Institute 1st Rank
13 Dodgeball Ransangram Vaishnavi Ranbhare B.E. Institute Runner up
14  Dodgeball Ransangram Vaibhavi Mekhe B.E. Institute 2nd rank
15  Dodgeball Ransangram Vaishnavi Takawane B.E. Institute 2nd rank
16 Football Ransangram Aadesh Unde B.E. Institute 1st Rank
17 Ghost Cricket Dynamech Dhananjay Panchghate B.E. Institute 1st Rank
18 Dodgeball Ransangram Siddhi Pandit B.E. Institute Runner up
19 Wizard’s cup, Dynamech Siddhi Pandit B.E. Institute 1st Rank
20 Dodgeball Ransangram Prachee Kore B.E. Institute 2nd rank
21 Football Ransangram Pranav Birari B.E Institute 1st Rank
22 Chess Ransangram Pranav Birari B.E. Institute 1st Rank
23 Table Tennis Ransangram Atharva Nikam B.E Institute 1st Rank
24 Dance forms, World record Aditi Sidnerikar B.E. International Dance forms, World record
25 Cricauction Shravan Suthar S.E. Institute 1st Rank
26 Chess: Vidhirang Aditya Gadre B.E. University 1st Place
27 Badminton Men’s Team Event: ZEST COEP Niranjan Patankar B.E. National Semifinalist


Academic Year 2021-22


Participation in Hackathon
S. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. Hackathon at Amity University Nakul Amate, Sahil Morankar, Pranav Jojan B.E. National Winner


Participation in Paper Presentation
S. No. Title of Paper Student Name Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. Real time Road Lane Detection Samyak Shah, Abhishek Jagtap,

Rutik Darda, Sakshi Kamble

B.E. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) International Participation
2. SPArK-Bot: An Educational Robotic Platform Parth Parikh, Shantanu Kalamdane, Akash Rasal, Khushboo Mundada B.E.  IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2022 International Participation

Published in IEEE

3. Leveraging Emotion-specific Features to Improve Transformer Performance for Emotion Classification Atharva Kshirsagar,

Shaily Desai, Aditi Sidnerlikar , Nikhil Khodake

B.E. , T.E. 12th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis, May 2022. International Participation

Published by Association of Computer Linguistics

4. Social Distance Detection and Alert System using Deep Learning and Computer Vision Abhinandan Patil , Harsh Wankhade , Akash Dhawale  , Sudeep Kadam B.E. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), April 2022. International Participation
5. DiGiVoter:Online Voting System Ruta Athalye,Nitin Bura,Shivam Sharma,

Shreya Yelnoorkar

B.E. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), May 2022 International Participation
6. Predicting Appropriate Speed for Driving Based on External Factors Bhope Adwait, Aashay Zanpure, Vinod Kamat, Rohan Dhamale, Prashant Bhandari, Prutha Joshi B.E. ICT Systems and Sustainability (pp. 773-784). Springer, Singapore International Participation
7. Chord Recognition using Machine Learning Aditi kanzarkar, Kasmira Dhere, Jozia Khan, Vicky Mali, B.E. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development, Mar 2022 International Participation
8. PodFast: Extractive Audio Summarization Shruti Yadav, Mehak Gupta, Atharva Deshpande B.E.  ICT4SD 2022, Springer LNNS International Participation
9. Comparative Analysis of Feature Selection Algorithms for Computational Personality Prediction from Social Media  Sudhanshu Kulkarni, Ashish Biradar, Harshal Jadhav, Yash Gujarathi B.E.  International Journal of Innovative Reasearch in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJIRSET) International Participation
10. Underwater Mines Detection And Comparison on Machine learning Result Sanket Deone, Dheeraj Danve, Prajwal Sumbe, Somesh Gawade B.E. International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology(IJSART) International Participation



Participation in Extra Curricular Activities
S. No. Event Student Name Class Level Participation/Award
1 Chess, Vidhirang Aditya Gadre T.E. State 1st Rank
2 Chess Ransangram Aditya Gadre T.E. Institute 1st Rank
3 Pitch it up Cultural Tanmay Bhosale T.E. Institute  Winner
4 Chess Competition COEP ZEST’22 Aditya Gadre T.E. National Silver Medal



Academic Year 2020-21


Special achievement:

  • Adwait Bhope has completed Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2021 contributing to the open source project openastronomy in the Duration 7thJune 2021 – 23rd August 2021


Participation in Hackathon
S. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. ASEAN India International Hackathon Adwait Bhope B.E. International Winner



Participation in Project Competition
S. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. WASSA 2021 Shared Task on Predicting Empathy and Emotion in Reaction to News Stories Atharva Kulkarni


Sunanda Somwase, Shivam Rajput



International Participation

Their approach ranked first among all the participating teams all around the world.

2. WANLP 2021 Shared Task on Sarcasm and Sentiment Detection in Arabic Amey Hengle,


Atharva Kshirsagar,

Shaily Desai




International Participation

Their approach ranked second among all the participating teams all around the world(100+ submissions).



Participation in Paper Presentation
S. No. Title of Paper Student Name Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. Knowledge Graph of Mergers and Acquisitions Arya Kulkarni, Pranav Kulkarni, Yogiraj Bhoomkar B.E. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and informatics (ESCI-2021) International Participation,

Published in IEEE

2. Food Recommendation System Using Word Embeddings Ninad Tongay, Harshal Pandit, Aakash Bidwe, Ritul Narwade B.E. ICICV-2021 International Participation
3. Automated Criminal Identification and Notification System Priya Karanjule, Rutuja Pawar, Shraddha Wadvekar, Manjushree Rathod B.E. IRJET (May 2021) International Participation
4. Platform-a web based system Chinmay Shah, Siddhant Sharma, Tanmay Wankhade B.E. International Research Journal Of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science International Participation

PVG at WASSA 2021: A Multi-Input, Multi-Task, Transformer-Based Architecture for Empathy and Distress Prediction


Sunanda Somwase, Shivam Rajput T.E. Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity , Sentiment and Social Media Analysis International Participation
6. Combining Context-Free and Contextualized Representations for Arabic Sarcasm Detection and Sentiment Identification Atharva Kshirsagar, Shaily Desai T.E. Proceedings of the Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop International Participation



Academic Year 2019-20


Special Achievement:

  • Tejas Joshi has completed Google Summer of Code(GSoC) 2019 contributing to the open source project GNU Compiler Collection(GCC) in the Duration 27th May 2019 – August 2019.
  • Shubham Narlawar has completed Google Summer of Code(GSoC) 2019 contributing to the open source project Implement Csmith fuzzer leveraging GCC C Extensions during May 2019 to August 2019.
Participation in Hackathon
S. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1. Smart India Hackathon  Adwait Bhope, Aashay Zanpure, Vinod Kamat, Prashant Bhandari, Rohan Dhamale, Prutha Joshi. T.E. National Winner
2. Smart India Hackathon Arya Kulkarni

Pranav Kulkarni

Mahesh Kunjir

Swati Kamat

Yash Mehta

Prasannaraj Patil

T.E. National Finalist
3. Alacrity Software Hackathon 2020 Adwait Bhope, Atharva Dhekne, Aashay Zanpure, Vinod Kamat T.E. National Winner
4. DelhiHacks National Hackathon 2020 Shivam Rajput, Sunanda Somwase S.E. National Winner
5. IBM Cummins Hackathon 2020 Shivam Rajput, Sunanda Somwase S.E. National Winner



Participation in Project Competition
S. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1 e-Yantra Ideas Competition, IIT. Bombay Parth Parikh Rasal Akash Mundada Khushboo, , Shantanu Kalamdane BE National Winners
2 I²IT State Level Project Competition 2021 Parth Parikh, Rasal Akash, Mundada Khushboo, , Shantanu Kalamdane. BE State Winner
3 ProTech 2020 Symbiosis Institute of Technology  Kulkarni Hirshikesh, Joshi Tejas, Sanap Nikhil, Kalyanpur Rohan B.E. National Participation
 4.  I²IT State Level Project Competition 2020 Kulkarni Shubham, Waghmode Mayur, Pandit Amartya, Desai Arnav B.E. State Participation
5 ProTech 2020- Symbiosis Institute of Technology Parikh Parth Tarak, Rasal Akash Ramchandra, Mundada Khushboo L., Kalamdane Shantanu S. B.E. National Participation
6 Megathon organized by e-Zest Solutions and Fresco Capital Atharva Kulkarni, Niraj Kulkarni, Amey Hengle, Nachiket Bavdeka B.E. National Participation
7 ProTech 2020- Symbiosis Institute of Technology Atharva Kulkarni, Niraj Kulkarni, Amey Hengle, Nachiket Bavdekar B.E. National Participation



Participation in Paper Presentation
S. No. Title of Paper Student Name Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1 Cultural Association Based on Machine Learning for Team Formation Hrishikesh Kulkarni B.E. IEEE ICCUBEA 2019 International Best paper award
2 Personalized Newspaper Based on Emotional Traits Using Machine Learning Kulkarni Hrishikesh Parag,

Joshi Tejas Sanjay, Sanap Nikhil Sadashiv, Kalyanpur Rohan Navin

B.E. 5th International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control and Automation (ICCUBEA – 2019) International Participation
3 Prediction of Mental Disorders using Lifestyle Analysis and Psychometry Mehta Chintan Anupam, Phansalkar Shreyas Abhijit, Devasthale Rohan S., Nimgaonkar Mohit Milind B.E. 3rd International Conference on Data Management Analytics and Innovation (ICDMAI 2020) International Participation
4 Classification, Summarization and Event Extraction through Emails Kulkarni Shubham Vijay, Waghmode Mayur Dattu, Pandit Amartya Alias Parth S

Desai Arnav Ajay

B.E. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts International Participation
5 Secure Report Sharing Platform  for Healthcare  System Shubham Jadhao, Snehal Pandharpatte,

Suraj Shelkikar

B.E. International  Journal  of  Innovative  Research  in  Computer and  Communication  Engineering International Participation
6 Hateful Speech Detection form short text using NLP and Machine Learning Techniques Rutuja Saste, Shreyas Gaikwad, Vaishali Vanjari, Satyam Indhane B.E. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) International Participation



Participation in Extra Curricular Activities
S. No. Event Student Name Class Level Participation/Award
1. Chess  Summit Aditya Gadre F.E. State 2nd Prize
2. Relay Aditya Gadre F.E. State 2nd Rank
3. Firodiya Karandak 2020 Cinmay Shah, T.E. State Best Choryography
4. Firodiya Karandak 2020 Ritwik Gondhalekar T.E. State Best Choryography
5. Firodiya Karandak 2020 AdIti Sidnerlikar F.E. State Best Group Dance
6. Firodiya Karandak 2020 RItwik Gondhadekar T.E. State Best Group Dance
7. Firodiya Karandak 2020 Saurav Deshpande T.E. State Best Group Dance
8. Maunantar Karandak Saurav Deshpande


T.E. State Best Set



Academic Year 2018-19


Special Achievement:

  • Hrishikesh Kulkarni has Completed Google Summer of Code 2018 contributing to the open source project GNU Compiler Collection(GCC) in the Duration 14th May to 6th August, 2018.


Participation in Project Competition
S. No. Project Competition Members Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1 Avishkar,


Impetus and Concepts’19

Bhadauria Siddharth Gaurav Jaiswal Aditya Tiwari Justine Thomas BE State Winner in Convene in ES domain, 2nd round Avishkar
2 Avishkar

Impetus & Concepts by PICT,

Convene, IEEE project competition , Aissms

Sinhghal Vaibhav Rohit Agarwal Pritam Dhake Snehal S Gugale BE State Runner Up in AISSMS IOIT conducted By IEEE,

Third Round in Avishkar.

3 Indian Engineering Project Consultancy 2019-20 Vedant Shende Chinmay Kunte Tushar Deshmukh Sagar Darekar BE National Participation
4 eYIC 2019,IITB ; Impetus and Concepts ; Convene 2019 Sanket Mehendale

Arnaw Gundewar Vidish Kale

Aditya Harvi

BE National Regional finalist in eYIC 2019, Amongst top 64 in India organized by IITB
5 Google Summer Of Code 2019 Sameeran Joshi Shubham Naralwar BE International Project selected for Google Summer Of Code 2019



Participation in Paper Presentation
S. No. Title of Paper Student Name Class Competition Level Participation/Award
1 Empathic Diary based on Emotion Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network Shreya Pendsey Eshani Pendsey Shweta  Paranjape Tanvi Datye BE Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (pp.3-14) International Participation
2 Smart Drone Implementing Detection And Tracking Of Humans Bhadauria Siddharth Gaurav Jaiswal Aditya Tiwari Justine Thomas BE Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Volume 6 Issue 4 , April-2019(ISSN : 2349-5162) International Participation
3 A Survey on Blockchain for Enabling Transparency in transactions of Government Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT) Tanmay Joshi,

Karan  Velhal Abhishek Nilange, Mansi Borole

BE International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 181 – No. 47, April 2019 ISSN 0975-8887 International Participation
4 Polyphonic music generation using machine learning algorithm Aniket Kolekar, Vrushabh Supe,

Shivani Bandgar, Vrushali Kshirsagar

BE Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2019 ISSN:2349-5162 International Participation
5 Steering Angle Prediction in Autonomous Vehicle using Deep Learning Sinhghal Vaibhav Rohit Agarwal Pritam Dhake Snehal S Gugale BE Published in IEEE Explore, International Participation
6 Analysis of machine logs to detect patterns and perform auto-remediation Juily Kulkarni Shivani Joshi Shriya Bapat Ketaki Jambhali BE Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,2019, (ISSN : 2349-5162) International Participation
7 Pothole Detection and Notification Nisha Salvi Apurva Abnave, , Prachi Gaikwad, Vaishnavi Zende BE International Engineering Research Journal 2019 ISSN:2395-1621 International Participation
8 The Automated pill dispenser with alaram and mobile notification Omkar Shinde, , Jayesh Patil Rishikesh Lokhande, Sameer Khairmode BE International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology       ISSN No: 2321-9653 International Participation
9 Marathi Spoken Word Recognition using Sprectal Domain Feature over Distributed Frequency Content Vedant Shende Chinmay Kunte Tushar Deshmukh Sagar Darekar BE International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology ISSN No:2321-9653 International Participation
10 Implementation on Occluded Face Detection Madhuri Sathe,

Rohan More Rohit Singh Hrishikesh Shinde

BE IJIRCCE VOL-7, Issue3 , March-2019 E-ISSN: 2320-9801 International Participation
11 Real-time 3D Environment Reconstruction Using Vision Sensor for Robotics Application Rohan Patwardhan, Sahil Sonawane, Sumukh Bapat, Saumitra Kulkarni BE Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research., 2019, ISSN no: 2349-5162 International Participation
12 Survey on mental disorder detection using online social media mining Neel Pathak Raj Shivarkar Rohan Mane Parth Madane BE IJIRSET VOL-8, Issue-1 , Jan-2019 E-ISSN: 2319-8753 International Participation
13 Dynamic Authentication By ‘Risk Level Analysis Based User Profiling’ Using ML Approach Parth Khaladkar Omkar Mhatre,

Pratik Ingawale, Aishwarya Kusagal

BE ICATESM/IJRAT 2019 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 International Participation
14 Integrating Stock Twits and News Feed with Stock Data for better Stock Market Prediction Aditya Dhawane ,Piyush Lohana,

Gopal Ghate Kishan Umed

BE ICATESM/IJRAT 2019 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 International Participation
15 AUTOMATIC COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT FOR PUBLIC SERVICES IN SMART CITY Srushti Jambhulkar Shweta Suryawanshi Prajakta  Shinde Aishwarya Patil BE Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3, (ISSN-2349-5162) International Participation
16 Intelligent Parking System using IOT Rutik Sarawade, Abhishek Kale,

Vishal Shinde, Siddharth Puntambekar

BE IJRAR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 International Participation
17 Twitter spam detection on real time data using machine learning algorithms Akshay Khedkar Sumit Garud Piyush Shewale BE IJIRSET VOL 8 ISSUE 5 2019 e-ISSN :23198753 International Participation


Participation in Extra Curricular Activities
S. No. Event Student Name Class Level Participation/Award
1 Treasure Hunt, Electrabuzz Kashmira Dhere S.E Institute Winner
2 Badminton Rohan Devasthale T.E. Institute 2nd
3 Vedant Karandak Dance Ritwik Gondhadekar S.E. State Runner Up
4 COEP Impressions Ritwik Gondhadekar S.E. State Winner
5 COEP Impressions Chinmay Shah S.E. State Winner
6 Firodiya Karandak Saurav Deshpande S.E. State 2nd in Group Dance
7 Firodiya Karandak Ritwik Gondhadekar S.E. State 2nd in Group Dance
8 Firodiya Karandak Chinmay Shah S.E. State 2nd in Group Dance
9 Firodiya Karandak Cinmay Shah S.E. State 2nd Dance Choreography
10  Firodiya Karandak Ritwik Gondhalekar S.E. State 2nd Dance Choreography
11 Maunantar Karandak Saurav Deshpande S.E. State Best Actor
12 Sarpotdar Karandak Saurav Deshpande S.E. State Winner
13 Sarpotdar Karandak Ritwik Gondhadekar S.E. State Winner
14 Sarpotdar Karandak Chinmay Shah S.E. State Winner