
Academic Year: 2023-24

Special Recognitions to students through BE Projects

  • ‘Design and development of a robotic hand and corresponding Control Glove’ project completed by Mangave Avadhut, Bharaskar Swaroop, Pitre Madhav, Nagargoje Aditya guided by Dr. V. A. Joshi won First Prize in DIPEX 2024.
  • ‘Design and development of a robotic hand and corresponding control glove’ project completed by Mangave Avadhut, Bharaskar Swaroop, Pitre Madhav, Nagargoje Aditya guided by Dr. V. A. Joshi secured First Rank at National Level Project Competition held in Kolhapur Institute of Technology, Kolhapur.
  • ‘Design and development of a robotic hand and corresponding control glove’ project completed by Mangave Avadhut, Bharaskar Swaroop, Pitre Madhav, Nagargoje Aditya guided by Dr. V. A. Joshi won first prize in National Level Paper presentation competition for Research Paper on “Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand” in Kolhapur Institute of Technology, Kolhapur.

Academic Year: 2022-23

Special Recognitions to students through BE Projects

Interdisciplinary Project

e-Yantra Robotics Competition 2022-23
Hola Bot : eYRC#1562. Following students from PVG’s COET & GKPIM has secured the 4th place in *International level Robotics Competition E yantra organized by IIT Bombay. They competed with 370 teams at international level for their theme. These students are from different disciplines as follows

  1. Aditya Yeole – Electrical Engineering Department
  2. Atharva Bharti– Electrical Engineering Department
  3. Pranav Shinde– IT Engineering Department

Prizes at project competitions

  • A project by Varad Ninal, Hritik Waje, Gaurav Patil and Kunal Marulkar, titled Development of Automated FC-TCR (Fixed-capacitor Thyristorised Control Reactor ), won 1 st Prize at National level project competition at Modern COE, 29th April 2023
  •  A project by Akshay Badhe, Anushka Lad, Aniket Atre and Samruddhi Sutar, titled Multifunctional agricultural BOT, won 2 nd Prize at National Level Project Competition at MMCOE, 25th March 2023
  •  A project by Vedang Kulkarni, Narendra Dikole, Yashraj Jambhale, Jiwan Pawar and Devwallabh Kulkarni titled IoT-Based Electrical Multi parameter analyzer, won 3 rd Prize at
    State level competition at AISSMS on 6th May 2023

Awards by Shri. Bhuvanesh Kulkarni- Edutech Catalyst, in the memory of Late Ravindra Prabhakar Kulkarni, to the best projects from Electrical Engineering departme

  1. ‘IoT-Based Electrical Multi parameter analyzer’ project completed by Jivan Yashwant Pawar, Vedang Acchyut Kulkarni, Narendra Mahesh Dikole, Yashraj Sharad Jambhale, Devwallabh Narendra Kulkarni guided by Prof. O. S. Pawaskar received cash prize of Rs 5000/- from Mr. Bhuvanesh Kulkarni on 15th September 2023.
  2.  ‘Dual axis solar tracker’ project completed by Suyash Satish Kothawade, Prashant Prakash Kharat, Satyam Sunil Kakade, Vishwajeet Santosh Nanwate guided by Prof. U. B. Sarode received cash prize of Rs 5000/- from Mr. Bhuvanesh Kulkarni on 15th September 2023.
  3.  ‘Design and analysis of IOT interfaced E-bike’ project completed by Shivani Tajane, Payal Tadavi, Tanaya Jadhav, Anuja Patil guided by Prof. Dr. M. S. Thakare received cash prize of Rs 3125/- from Mr. Bhuvanesh Kulkarni on 15th September 2023.

In 2022-23, all the project groups participated in multiple project competitions held at International, National and State level, such as –

  • National Level Project Competition at MMCOE, 25th March 2023
  •  International level Technical Symposium at PICT, 21-22 April 2023
  • National level project competition at JSPM, 26th April 2023
  •  National level project competition at Modern COE, 29th April 2023
  •  State level competition at AISSMS on 6th May 2023
  •  Project competition at PVG’s COET & GKPIM on 5th May 2023

Academic Year: 2021-22

Special Recognitions:

  • ‘Autonomous car using image processing’ project completed by Shreya Tukaram Surwase, Siddhi Swapnil Naik, Renuka Shirish Joshi, Yukta Bhagwan Naik, Surbhi Bhandari guided by Dr. U. S. Thakar won Rank 1, first prize in Others track at Versatalia- IEEE sponsored National level project competition organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIM, Pune on 30th April 2022. They received certificates and prize money Rs 10,000/-.
  • ‘Power quality improvement using active harmonic filter’ project completed by Prasanna Warad, Apurva Nikam, Pranav Kale, Suyash Chavan guided by Dr. M. P. Bhawalkar won Rank 2, second prize in EV and Power system track at Versatalia- IEEE sponsored National level project competition organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIM, Pune on 30th April 2022. They received certificates and prize money Rs 5,000/-.
  • ‘DIGITAL MIRAGE’ project completed by Aniruddha Kasture, Gururaj Rajmane, Sayali Kulkarni, Ishwari Kochak guided by Dr. U. S. Thakar participated at Versatalia- IEEE sponsored National level project competition organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIM, Pune on 30th April 2022.
  • ‘Design and Implementation of active power filter for mitigation of power quality issues due to integration of solar photovoltaic system into the grid using MATLAB Simulink’ project completed by Vikrant Gaikwad, Karan Narang, Digvijay Kor, Yuvraj Aher guided by Prof. Mrs. G. M. Karve participated at Versatalia- IEEE sponsored National level project competition organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIM, Pune on 30th April 2022.
  • ‘PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SOLAR PANEL’ project completed by Nishant Kulkarni, Sumeet Khannukar, Shreyas Pawar, Ketan Kulkarni guided by Dr. M. S. Thakare participated at Versatalia- IEEE sponsored National level project competition organized by PVG’s COET & GKPIM, Pune on 30th April 2022.

Academic Year: 2020-21

Special Recognitions:

  • ‘House cleaning and sanitization Robot’ project completed by Vishakha Gund, Shridhar Shinde, Manjiri Shinde, Vedant Manchare guided by Dr. U. S. Thakar won Rank 1, first prize in Electrical Control Systems ,Drive and Automation domain of Online National level Project Competition organised at PES’s Modern College of Engineering in association with IET held during April –May 2K21. They received certificates and prize money Rs. 1500/-.
  • ‘AI based trash collector boat’ project completed by Akshay Gaikwad, Snehal Vasankar, Yogesh Gadnaik, Prasnna Gramopadhyay guided by Prof. Mrs. R. A. Ranjekar won First prize in Renewable, EV and Multidisciplinary domain of Online National level Project Competition organised at PES’s Modern College of Engineering in association with IET held during April –May 2K21. They received certificates and prize money Rs. 1800/-.
  • ‘Design simulation and Analysis of Dynamic Wireless Charging methodology for Electric Vehicles’ project completed by Anuja patil, Sania Walunjkar, Prathamesh tagare, Aditya Yeole guided by Prof. O S Pawaskar Published a paper entitled Design Simulation and Analysis of Dynamic Wireless Charging Methodology for Electric Vehicles in IJIRSET, Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2021.
  • ‘Design simulation and Analysis of Dynamic Wireless Charging methodology for Electric Vehicles’ project completed by Anuja patil, Sania Walunjkar, Prathamesh tagare, Aditya Yeole guided by Prof. O S Pawaskar Participated in Renewable,EV & Multidiscplinary domain of Online National level Project Competition organised at PES’s Modern College of Engineering in association with IET held during April –May 2K21.
  • ‘Design simulation and Analysis of Dynamic Wireless Charging methodology for Electric Vehicles’ project completed by Anuja patil, Sania Walunjkar, Prathamesh tagare, Aditya Yeole guided by Prof. O S Pawaskar Presented the Paper titled “Design Simulation and Analysis of Dynamic Wireless Charging Methodology for Electric Vehicles” in National Level student’s conference (online mode) IEEE TECHNICOKNOCKDOWN 2021 TKD-21 organised by SIT Lonavala On May 30, 2021.
  • ‘Reactive power control and Voltage control using Machine Learning’ project completed by Amey Mahajan, Chaitanya Umbergekar, Radhika Lele, Pranoti Honrao guided by Dr. U S Thakar participated in Online National level Project Competition organised at PES’s Modern College of Engineering in association with IET held during April –May 2K21.
  • ‘Design and simulation of E-VEHICLE’ project completed by Swarupa Joshi, Roshni Ahirrao, Anuja Brahmankar, Hrishikesh Divate guided by Dr G A vaidya participated in Online National level Project Competition organised at PES’s Modern College of Engineering in association with IET held during April –May 2K21.

Academic Year: 2019-20

Special Recognitions:

  • Project groups guided by Prof. Dr. Mrs. G. A. Vaidya and Prof. Mrs. K. M. Kurundkar won the first prize in Electrical group and also under the theme of betterment of rural life group at DIPEX 2020 in March 2020 at Solapur.
  • Project group guided by Prof. Dr. S. R. Deshmukh participated in Avishkar 2019 conducted by SPPU.
  • Project group guided by Prof. Mrs. G M. Karve participated in All India Seminar on Green Energy Technology for sustainable environment organised by Institution of India. Presented paper titled “Design and implementation of charging of battery energy storage system using Buck converter and C2000 MCU’s Launchpad in PV based microgrid”
  • Project group guided by Prof. Dr. Mrs. U. S. Thakar participated in the competition titled “Ignited innovators of India” held by BHAU at COEP, Pune between 10 Oct 2019 to 9 March 2020. Theme was Entrepreneurship and skill development

Academic Year: 2018-19

Special Recognitions:

  • BE project Group guided by Prof.Mrs.Kalyani Kurundkar represented college at MHRD,AICTE, i4c and Persistant Systems. ltd sponsored ‘SMART INDIA HACKATHON’ Hardware project competition. This project is shortlisted as one of the 1000 projects, for the next round of video clip which will be sent in May,2019, out of 20,000 project applications. This team comprises of Aishwarya Gore, Mihir Paygude, Avinash Maykar, Arjun Mandavkar from BE Electrical, Chinmay Relkar from BE I.T and Chaitanya Shah from T.E Electrical.
  • B.E Students Aishwarya Gore, Mihir Paygude, Avinash Maykar and Arjun Mandavkar along with their project guide Prof. Kalyani Kurundkar have represented PVG’s COET at AVISHKAR’18, State level Project competition between the Universities. They were shortlisted and completed, Stage 1: Enrolment and Shortlisting of Ideas, Stage 2: Poster Presentation (District Level) on 14th Dec,2018. Stage 3: University Level on 2nd Jan,2019.
  • Following group from Electrical Engineering department was shortlisted for level 1 Avishkar 2018 competition
    • Group 1: Vikas Nemane, Sayali Mungase, Suruchi Sinha were shortlisted for zonal level, Project Title: “Design and development of load priority selectionsystem for smart educational campus” guided by Dr.Mrs.S.R.Deshmukh.
    • Group 2: Kshitij Deshmukh, Aishwarya Saraf, Prajwal Honrao,Aniruddha Deshpande “ To Design an Operation  Sytem for a Planned Township considering the Frequent Outages” guided by Prof.G.M.Karve.
  • BE project Group Prayag Wakale ,Parag Bangale, Sujit Hirve, Suraj Gaikwad guided by Dr.Prof.M.P.Bhawalkar, was winner and received prize under software category in project competition organized by MMCOE, Pune in July 2019.
  • Following groups participated in “State Level Project Competition 2K19” at MMCOE, Pune on 4th April 2019.
    • Smart waste segregation using IOT gyided by Prof. Mrs. K. M. Kurundkar
    • Three level inverter using SVPWM guided by Prof. P. R. Khatri
    • Fire extinguishing model using firebird guided by Prof. R. A Ranjekar
    • Automation in agriculture using firebird guided by Dr. Mrs. V. A. Joshi
    • Wind speed forecasting and experimental analysis guided by Prof. P. G. Jamdade.
    • Design and development of load priority selection system for smart educational campus guided by Dr. Mrs. S. R. Deshmukh.
    • Design (prototype) and analysis of electric vehicle charging station guided by Dr. M. S. Thakre
    • Advanced Metering Infrastructure(AMI) for theft detection, Remote TFTN & IoT based Energy Management guided by Prof. Mrs. L. D. Sovani.
    • Design of dual stator winding induction machine guided by Dr. M. P. Bhawalkar.
    • Evaluation of performance during motoring Vs regenerative braking of BLDC motor for the use in Electric vehicles guided by Prof. U. B. Sarode.
  • Following groups participated in “PROTECH” at SIT, Lonavala, Pune.
    • Optimization of solar energy output bt variation of tilt angle and implementation of facades guided by Dr. S. T. Gaikwad.
    • Concentrating solar thermal water heater guided by Prof. P. G. Jamdade.
  • Following groups participated in Project Competition, AISSMS, IOIT on 4th June 2019.
    • PLC based Automated fruit industry guided by Prof. O. S. Pawaskar.
    • Gesture controlled robot guided by Dr. A. D. Purandare.
  • Joshi Omkar, Landage Atish, Mane Hrishikesh, Mane Samarth having project “Design (prototype) and analysis of electric vehicle charging station” guided by Prof. Dr. M. S. Thakare, participated in PEER Evaluation session at Jnana Prabodhini, Pune on 16th February 2019.
  • Mane Hrishikesh, Mane Samarth having project “Design (prototype) and analysis of electric vehicle charging station” guided by Prof. Dr. M. S. Thakare, participated in IETE-Innovation 2019 project competition at JSPM’s Bhivarabai Sawant Insttitute of Technology & Research, Wagholi, Pune on 30th April 2019.
  • BE project Group , Prayag Wakale ,Parag Bangale, Sujit Hirve, Suraj Gaikwad guided by Dr.Prof.M.P.Bhawalkar, attended FDP on ANSYS at BVCOE, Pune
  • BE project Group Akshay Kengale, Chaitanya Deshpande, Akshay Jadhav, Pranjal Wagh guided by Prof. L. D. Sovani, attended training at MSEDCL, Pune under MOU activity between MSEDCL and PVG’s COET, Pune.

Companies offering Sponsored Projects:

Academic Year: 2021-222
Precision Converters, Pune
Academic Year: 2020-21
Nikhil Enterprises, MIDC Waluj, Aurangabad Indicus Software Pvt Ltd, Pune
Custard Apple, Pune SCOPE T&M Pvt. Ltd.
Academic Year: 2019-20
Oppulance Power Ltd. BCUD, SPPU
Academic Year: 2018-19
Affordable agriculture of IEEE Pune Section BCUD, SPPU
Academic Year: 2017-18
SAMTECH Automation SVAM Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
Gram Oorja Pvt Ltd Mitsubishi Electric India Pvt Ltd
Rcube Energy storage system BCUD, SPPU
Academic Year: 2016-17
MSEDCL, Pune Bageshree Instrumentation Trainers and Consultants (c/o Analogic Automation)
DST Rcube Energy Storage Pvt Ltd Pune
NSM Solutions, Chinchwad BCUD