Association of Mechanical Engineering Students (MESA)


MESA website

About PVG’s MESA Club

The sole purpose in forming this association was to bring students together and to provide them the platform to nurture their talent. The year 2022 was proved to be a breakthrough for MESA as the committee was able to form a quite good platform for the years to come. MESA is the platform where students as well teachers can interact with eminent industry Persons at a very different level.

This platform was formed to promote innovation, talent and skills in a particular student. MESA was formed on the grounds of sharing, hard work, loyalty and respect towards knowledge as well as teachers. With the heart of MESA being knowledge conducting multiple events to spread the knowledge is the motto of the MESA. Finally MESA is a platform formed by the students for the students.

 Benefits of starting PVG’s MESA Student Club in institute.

With the membership of this professional body students will get

  • Practice of Engineering Profession
  • Registration as Professional Engineers
  • Professional development
  • Peer Network
  • Knowledge resources
  • Access to Technical Publications
  • Guest House Facility
  • Technical collaboration and sponsorship for arranging technical seminars / symposia / workshops etc
  • The opportunity for R&D grant from MESA.
  • Five Library Cards of MESA libraries without payment of any fees 



Committee of PVG’s MESA Student Club in the Department of Mechanical Engineering

A.Y. 2023-24



Event Title Type Date Guest
1 Lean Sigma Principles & Techniques STTP 15TH to 19TH January 2024 Mr. Santosh Awsarkar
2 Artificial Intelligence tools STTP 15TH to 19TH January 2024 Mr. Vijay Bhamri
3 Training on Ansys Software STTP 15TH to 19TH January 2024 Mr. S. Ghadyalaji
4 Value Added Course on GD&T/CMM STTP 15TH to 19TH January 2024 Mr. Momin
5 Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning and Refrigeration STTP 17th to 21st July 2023 Mr. Vijay Bhamri
6 Arduino based Advanced Robotics STTP 17th to 21st July 2023 Mr. Chittaranjan Mahajan
7 Solar Technology and Projects based on Solar Technology STTP 17th to 21st July 2023 Mr. Vijay Bhamri


List of events organised by MESA from 2023 to 2024

1. STTP on “Lean Sigma Principles & Techniques”

Department of Mechanical Engineering arranged a Skill Development Week with the assistance of company Pursullence GBS Pune that have signed MOU with College on 15th, 16th ,18th & 19th January 2024. Mr. Santosh Avsarkar conducted a 4-day training program on Lean six sigma Principles & Techniques at Pune Vidyarthi Griha College of Engineering, catering specifically to Mechanical students.

The program aimed to equip participants with essential skills in utilizing six sigma for engineering simulations and analysis. Throughout the training, students engaged in, gaining practical insights into various activities , and projects given to them. The expert instructors Mr. Santosh Avsarkar facilitated interactive learning, ensuring participants could apply theoretical concepts to real-world engineering challenges.

The program fostered a collaborative learning environment, encouraging students to explore the diverse applications of Lean six sigma By the program’s conclusion, participants had not only acquired proficiency in six sigma but also enhanced their problem-solving abilities and analytical thinking. Mr. Santosh Avsarkar commitment to empowering the next generation of mechanical engineers was evident in this impactful training program, providing valuable skills for future professional success. The Student coordinator Sahil belekar and Aditi Jebale were involved throughout the Program for proper conduction of Training.

2. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence tools

Workshop on Artificial Intelligence tools was arranged in collaboration with Mr. Vijay Bhambri, Kritika Industries Nagpur.The workshop started at 10:30 am. The students are made aware of the basic concept of Artificial Intelligence . The course taught them the how to get started with Artificial Intelligence tools . Students were able to make a AI Generated Photos, Videos etc. Basic of AIML, introduction to varies AI tools,  Generated artificial images with the help of AI Tools, Video and Audio creation using AI Tools, Created short videos based on stories & Various AI applications and valedictory function. The event was attended & organised by HOD of Mechanical  Department Dr. M. M. Bhoomkar & MESA Coordinator Prof. S. S. Chikshe.

Thus, this WORKSHOP proved to be very informative. Students were able to understand the various AI Tools. This workshop conducted by experienced Industrial professional offered a great source to grain practical knowledge.


3. Hands-on Training on Ansys Software

Throughout the training, students engaged in hands-on sessions, gaining practical insights into finite element analysis, and structural mechanics. The expert instructors from Phakatkar Academy facilitated interactive learning, ensuring participants could apply theoretical concepts to real-world engineering challenges. Shrirang Ghadyalji, MTech Design 2003 from VIT Pune and having experience more than 20 years, out of which 9 years in 3D PLM (its current name is Dassault System). He is having experience of giving training to students in Ansys and Modeling almost more than 10 years.

The program fostered a collaborative learning environment, encouraging students to explore the diverse applications of Ansys in mechanical engineering. By the program’s conclusion, participants had not only acquired proficiency in Ansys but also enhanced their problem-solving abilities and analytical thinking. Phakatkar Academy’s commitment to empowering the next generation of mechanical engineers was evident in this impactful training program, providing valuable skills for future professional success.

4. Value Added Course on GD&T/CMM

Conducted a 5 day value added course on GD&T/CMM in association with Accurate Industries, Hadapsar, Pune. On the first the of GD&T session at our college we had a very interesting interactive session. Discussed many topics related to the GD&T. Industry expert Mr. Momin sir shared his knowledge in the field of GD&T in a very interesting way. We learned the basic concepts of tolerance, like what the tolerance actually is? , types of tolerance? , etc. we also learned how the concept of tolerance is used in the field of GD&T for reading the drawings.

Then we studied the different types of fits namely interference, transition and clearance. Also we studied when to use which type of fit in a particular application. We studied the importance of position symbols in engineering. Also we understood what is it’s significance in the point of engineering perspective.

 5. Skill development program on “Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning and Refrigeration”

A workshop on Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning is arranged with collaboration with Mr. Vijay Bhambari, Krutika Academy, Nagpur.  The workshop started at 11 am. The students are made aware of the basic concepts of Heat and the devices used for transfer of heat. The students are made aware of the various concepts and the devices used in the HVACR systems. The students were made aware of the refrigeration cycle and related components. A hands-on experience was given to the students for various components like compressor, heat exchangers, expansion devices. The event was attended by Honorable Principal Dr. M. R.Tarambale, HOD of Mechanical  Department Dr. M. M. Bhoomkar & MESA Coordinator Prof. S. S. Chikshe.

Thus, this WORKSHOP proved to be very informative. Students were able to understand the various components and systems HVACR. This workshop conducted by the experienced Industrial professional offered a great source to gain practical knowledge. Students can observe and learn as to how theoretical concepts are put into action, thereby aiding their practical learning. Students are exposed to real working environment and shown how things are done in an actual HVACR servicing.

6.Skill development program on “Arduino based Advanced Robotics”

A workshop on Robotics and automation techniques is arranged with collaboration with Mr. Chittaranjan Mahajan, Dolphin Labs, Pune. The workshop started at 11 am. The students are made aware of the basic concepts of Automation Techniques. The course taught them the how to get started with Aurdino programming by writing basic code, connecting components and sensors debugging programs and creating the projects. Students were able to make a robotic vehicle which can detect obstacles, distant measuring sensors. Students are able to make an App Android for running of the robotic vehicle in forward, reverse, left, right mode. The event was attended by Honorable Principal Dr. M. R.Tarambale, HOD of Mechanical  Department Dr. M. M. Bhoomkar & MESA Coordinator Prof. S. S. Chikshe.

Thus, this WORKSHOP proved to be very informative. Students were able to understand the various components and systems Robotics and Arduino program. This workshop conducted by the experienced Industrial professional offered a great source to gain practical knowledge. Students can observe and learn as to how theoretical concepts are put into action, thereby aiding their practical learning. Students are exposed to real working environment and shown how things are done in an actual Robotics and Aurdino.


7.STTP On “Solar Technology and Projects based on Solar Technology”

A workshop on Solar Technology and Projects based on solar Technology is arranged with collaboration with Mr. Vijay Bhambari, Krutika Academy, Nagpur.  The workshop started at 11 am. The students are made aware of the basic concepts of Energy, Power and calculations of loads. Students were made aware of the electricity bills and the various parameters mentioned in the electricity bill. The students have understood the solar panel systems, types and specifications, they have also studied the grids types and charge controller they are in a position to calculate the panel area and efficiency with calculations for different kW. The event was attended by Honorable Principal Dr. M. R.Tarambale, HOD of Mechanical  Department Dr. M. M. Bhoomkar & MESA Coordinator Prof. S. S. Chikshe.

Thus, this WORKSHOP proved to be very informative. Students were able to understand the various components and systems Solar Technology and various projects which can be undertaken in this field.  This workshop conducted by the experienced Industrial professional offered a great source to gain practical knowledge. Students can observe and learn as how theoretical concepts are put into action, thereby aiding their practical learning. Students are exposed to real working environment and shown how things are done in an actual Solar Technology field.


Core Committee Members Academic Year 2022-2023
President- Dr. M. M. Bhoomkar

Staff Coordinator- Prof. S. S. Chikshe

General Secretary – Mr. Tejas Jagtap

MESA 2022 Inauguration by the hands of Mr.Narendra Chaudhari Director Sapal Industries Pvt. Ltd.Pune

Activities Conducted

With pride PVGCOET  Mechanical Engg. Dept. Share a very good News of our student achievements. A Maharashtra Platoon led by Our T.E Mech student Chi. Soha Samak got first position in AIVSC-All India Vayu Sainik Camp.A top most Ranked Camp for NCC Air wing .Jodhpur. Maharastra could manage this after 6 years.Congrats to Soha and Thanks to all for support.The Training Program on ‘Advances in Metrology: CMM Programming and Applications’ with hands on experience on Advanced CMM machine is successfully conducted for TE mechanical students of PVG’S COE&T, Pune.The Training Program is held at Accurate Gauging Pvt. Ltd, Pune.The paid workshop is organised and conducted as a part of MOU signed between PVG’S COE&T and Accurate Gauging Pvt. Ltd.Prof. Dr. M. M. Bhoomkar accompany 52 students for paid training programme.

 Material Advantage Students Chapter Under American Society for Metals (ASM), Pune Chapter

Association of PVG’s ASM Student Club

Association of PVG’s ASM Student Club was reformed in the year 2022 by the group of Second, Third & Final year students of Mechanical branch. The sole purpose in forming this association was to bring students together and to provide them the platform to nurture their talent. The year 2022 was proved to be a breakthrough for PVG’s ASM Student Club as the committee was able to form a quite good platform for the years to come. PVG’s ASM Student Club is the platform where students as well teachers can interact with eminent industry Persons at a very different level. This platform was formed to promote innovation, talent and skills in a particular student. PVG’s ASM Student Club was formed on the grounds of sharing, hard work, loyalty and respect towards knowledge as well as teachers. With the heart of PVG’s ASM Student Club being knowledge conducting multiple events to spread the knowledge is the motto of the PVG’s ASM Student Club. Finally PVG’s ASM Student Club is a platform formed by the students for the students.

Core Committee Members Academic Year 2022-23

Chairman – Mr. Athrva Potnis

Vice-Chairman – Ms. Mrudula Deosthali

Secretary – Mr. Sahil belekar

Treasurer – Ms. Riddhi Patel

Activities Conducted

  1. Inauguration of PVG’s ASM Student Club
  2. National Level Project Compitation
  3. Tech Talk on “5S System”
  4. Tech Tal on “Heat Treatment Awareness ”